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Everything posted by gyenesvi

  1. I wouldn't think so, otherwise all the RC products would have the same problem, no? But yeah, essentially that, would be good enough (as a start)! And proper servos for god's sake! They are used everywhere and cheap and precise.. shouldn't be too hard to integrate. I think they could actually fit into the PU system even, where the system can recognise the motor and emit the proper signal..
  2. This looks really cool, nice alternative! Nice use of panels / wheel arches.
  3. Oh, new electronics is a promising sign! But I as well can't imagine a system like this, even in different form factor, for RC technic sets. So I am hoping that they realized that the programmability thing for technic was not the most popular idea and they just separate Technic from the Education line and make something more plug and play for technic, such as physical controller.. Just hope we don't end up with something even worse, such as controllers tied (via firmware) to official sets..
  4. Thanks for the heads up, sounds really interesting, the size of 12x24 mm is really good, would well be workable for a floating design! Looking forward to more progress when you have time for it!
  5. Sure, but I guess you know that by submitting to Ideas you resigned the rights to sell on your own or elsewhere for several (maybe 3) years, even if it is not accepted, right? And in my opinion that very slim chance to have it accepted on Ideas is not worth the setback of several years to sell elsewhere.
  6. I don't think so, I guess they are designed to work with rotational selectors, such as the wave selector and the forks controlled by drums that keep them in place.
  7. Wow this looks really interesting with all those non-conventional angles and curves. I love how it has a sort of separate and realistically shaped chassis underneath the body, and the level of detail is also amazing! Great work! Unfortunately, I don't think cars have good chances at Ideas due to Lego being flooded with cars already.
  8. Oh, true, I did not think about that.
  9. Indeed, I hate those irrelevant edges at the bottom because those can easily get in the way depending on the exact mounting angle for example in a front engine car where there's chassis railing or suspension parts under he engine on the sides. But sometimes they can just interfere with the hood for example (say, in an inline setup). It's better if there's nothing protruding unnecessarily.
  10. Really cool model! I like how clean and smooth all the paneling is, and also that it has a complete and clean interior! Nice simple electronics layout, and the battery at the front under the hood is a neat idea, keeping even the bed clean! This is a great scale for building RC models. I wonder if a 2-speed gearbox could fit in there somehow without compromising the interior :) Also, I like the use of the CV joint for all wheel drive, the only thing I don't quite understand is why you used the 6L steering arm at the top? Is it just that it had a better shape for mounting? Or to act as a stopper?
  11. Yeah, I kind of agree with this, just making it physically challenging for the fingers does not make too much sense I guess, maybe you should try designing your own models @Fabulous Fox, have you tried that? That's an entirely different challenge compared to following instructions, and I guarantee you can spend endless time with rebuilding and perfecting stuff :) Also, you can make things so dense that it'll even be a struggle to put things together. I am just building something that where I already see that it will be a pain to route electronics and pneumatics in a tight space..
  12. That is yet another, nice looking way to route it, so instead of 20:12 up-gearing, now you have 16:20 down-gearing, in total more than 2x difference, which should significantly ease the crane rotation! Hope the bracing also works out fine around it and it gets smoother!
  13. Hmm, that pinhole in the middle seems quite a bit weird, I wonder if that'll be in the way for a drivetrain in case of a suspension with more travel than the F1 cars.. The other parts seem interesting, wonder what those geared things are for.
  14. Cool idea for an alternate build from a pullback car! I like the shaping using the panels. Agree that winding up the motor with forward motion sounds more playable.
  15. To me it seems like the Audi tires, not too bad, but not really soft/sticky either.
  16. Really interesting to see those mechanisms at work and evolve! Can you explain in short the role of the balance wheel? What I don't see is what's the role of the whip piece as opposed to the pullback motor? If I get it right, the pullback motor gives the main power to make it move for a while. I do have an old wall clock that works with a pendulum and two weights, but it also has a spiral spring inside. If I understand correctly one of the weights serves as the main driver, the other is for making it chime every hour. So I don't know the purpose of the spiral spring, but I guess it's the same as the whip piece here?
  17. Not sure how such mistakes occur. Why aren't all new parts in a step higlighted automatically? That's what Studio does at least..
  18. Indeed, I see, actually I did order some of them a while ago and checked now. Pity, not sure why it needs to be flexible; it could have been useful for some purposes..
  19. It's interesting to see that there are so many servos and other lego compatible accessories out there. I have also seen a larger servo, and though of trying it, but then the small 2kg GeekServo is so powerful compared to lego ones that I thought I don't need stronger ones for now (for a car such as steering/gearbox); but could be interesting for other machinery.
  20. Oh, I see, I know that one, but thought that it's thicker than half a stud (the similar 5L and 11L one has ends that are thicker). So is this exactly half a stud thick?
  21. Really nice minification, probably your best work on the topic! Nailed the looks really well, both the proportion, scale, color scheme, immediately recongizable and easy to confuse at a quick glance! Amazing that you could replicate so many functions (of an already dense model) on a significantly smaller scale, great work. About the crane rotation, there are two stages of 20:12 up-gearing in that drivetrain, I guess that's what makes it hard to operate, would be good to swap out one of those. Is there maybe room inside the cabin to change the gearing, maybe to wards the side? I'm thinking the 8:8 gearing could be swapped to 12:20, moving the drive axle further off center, and then the next gearing could perhaps be a 20:16 instead of the 20:12, though not sure if there's room for the 16T next to the worm gear..
  22. @VladimirU, can you tell more about those PF connector sized controllers? Are those converters for RC servo signal? I know the Wixy thing, but that's a different thing, that was a receiver. Did the same guy also make another product for converting the servo signal? Did you get your order and test it out? Do you have some photos of it? Sounds interesting. @tseary did you find the time to look into making a smaller version of your converter board?
  23. Weirdly enough, no, Chinese brands don't really get creative and produce all the missing sizes, they mainly copy the existing parts. Though Cada makes some unique parts, but those are rather new designs than missing sizes in an existing concept. I find that quite weird an sad (would be a low hanging fruit for them). Which part is that? I have never seen a thin liftarm longer than 7L. I don't buy that logic :) Odd numbers simply come from the fact that original Technic bricks have even studs (for even width builds), and they had odd number of holes shifted half a stud relative to the studs, such that there's a hole that falls to the middle, and also so that other bricks connected perpendicularly with pins would have enough clearance. Later the studs where shaved off, the ends were rounded off, and there was the birth of the studless liftarm, made around the pinholes themselves, and hence technic models became odd width because of that. But for the other two dimensions (length, height), there is no natural center, so even liftarms would also make perfect sense there, and would be just as useful.
  24. I guess most people just try to work around that problem with some other parts that are available, but resulting in more bulky builds. Do as you find suitable, but also make sure to complain about it in public forums, so that TLG realizes that we all need some beams of even lengths, such as 4 and 6 :) The more of us spell that out, the more chance that we'll see those appear in the future!
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