DC Superheroes 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
He is in the movie.
Marvel Superheroes 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
Wow you got receipts and everything. Good on you for proving them wrong
Marvel Superheroes 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
If your head was as big as your ego they would have to cast you as modok. All I did was say I predicted the set pictures or descriptions would come in the next couple days because of some conversations I had with reliable leakers and y’all lost it for some reason
Marvel Superheroes 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
No I’m not but thanks for telling me what I think. How about we wait and we’ll see how that goes again?
Marvel Superheroes 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
And me and falconfan are explaining why it will
Marvel Superheroes 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
It’s not like it was just pushed up, it’s literally been 7 months since the release date changed. Calm down a bit mates It will don’t worry
Marvel Superheroes 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
Even with delays there’s never been a movie tie in set for marvel that released after the movie was out. It’s coming in January maybe February but that’s unlikely
Marvel Superheroes 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
I was wondering the same thing, has to be in the next couple days right?
Marvel Superheroes 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
It’s clearly a 2001 a space odyssey reference
Marvel Superheroes 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
With the Ant Man set being $35 and these new funko pops releasing what is a likely guess for the number of figures and the build? I would guess 3 maybe four figures with Ant Man, Wasp (Hopefully a new helmet mold), and Kang with maybe Cassie as the fourth figure and I would really like to see another brick built modok
DC Superheroes 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
I don't think Lego would completely scrap the idea of the batmobile being a flash movie set if the movie still gets released. The general audience and especially kids are not as in tune as people we interact with on here with the bts drama behind the movie. Ezra plays the flash, a character an a superhero and that's all kids and the GA care about in terms of marketing and really the film itself. pronouns have never had anything to do with biology. Way to reveal your true colors in the last line there though.
DC Superheroes 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
I mean you don't just call people by different names just because you want to? People have preferred names just as they have preferred pronouns. In order to function and communicate in this society that has been created those preferences should be respected that is a very good point You definitely are disrespecting non binary people as you are saying that because at one point they identified as a he or you assume they did that you can just decide that's what Ezra goes back to if you no longer respect them. Why would it not default to "she/her" may I ask?
DC Superheroes 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
It literally is. Like there's documents to prove it
DC Superheroes 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
No it was for a tax write down. Has nothing to do with the quality of the film
DC Superheroes 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
Ezra’s pronouns are they/them btw
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