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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Just leaving this here in case everyone will be left feeling as stupid as I was a few hours ago. My ECTO-1 arrived a few days ago and I have started building it while watching Ghostbuster (1984) in the background. The build has 12 steps split into bags. Every step is made from 2 bags. Or at least I thought so! It turned out that every step has 2 bags, except step 6. For some reason, it only contains one bag, and it left me in total tread thinking that I got messed up model. It was the ultimate troll moment from LEGO for me, I felt like in that joke where some kids let 3 pigs in the school marked number 1,2 and 4 Hope everyone else is having a good day!
  2. Sure, got them from Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07MFS6XCR/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  3. 3% - seems to be enough MAB - I'm not saying its new Just wanted to share my janky setup.
  4. Hey guys, I thought I would share my current de-yellowing station setup as someone might find it a bit comical. For the past month, I have been restoring my LEGO Technic 8480 Space Shuttle. Besides fixing cables that disintegrated, re-ordering new stickers, replacing cracked cogs, and finally on the last step - removing ugly yellow ting from white and some grey bricks. As you may know, the usual process is to do it in hydrogen peroxide and sun - but tough luck as I live in the UK and starting to believe that sun is a mystical thing that does not exist. But since we only need the UV light - I have replaced the sun with UV LED's. I was considering bulbs, but LED's seem a lot better solution as they consume less power and produce less heat. If anyone is planning to do something similar - make sure to get UV-A light, as we need roughly 390nm waves to simulate the sun. I found the use for the bag of fake LEGO bricks I had laying around and building a contraption to hold my LED strips in place - works like magic. I realised that if I blast light from top and bottom, it should speed up the process. So far results are fantastic - it takes roughly 24 hours to remove the yellow tint altogether. In between, you need to shake the box, but I leave it running overnight in my cupboard without any issues. I forgot to take photos before so have nothing to compare with, but results are phenomenal - whites look as new. By the way - some LEGO bricks create a cool effect if you beam UV light on them:
  5. Good idea!
  6. This is my first ever MOC ever created. I have to apologize for how simple and not very impressive it is compared to over work around here. Lately, I have been trying to remember how great of a hobby LEGO used to be for me and hours spent into building various creations. I have been feeling a little down lately and decided to give it try again, its just a real shame there not a lot of places to show it off (or rather people to show it to around me) to anyone so decided to try luck here. I hope this does not violate any rules. Criticism welcome!
  7. As someone who was born in USSR I greatly appreciate this. Would love to see LADA as well!
  8. Thank you! I spent ages trying to find a close match to the original cable. I ordered 3 meters, should be plenty for experiments
  9. It's actually a really good idea. Since I need two 69 stud cables, I could easily get one 162 stud cable and cut it half, it will save me a fortune. Other ones are quite cheap so I would not bother I guess
  10. Hey all, I just acquired LEGO Shuttle 8480 from eBay but it came will all wires completely rotten. I found replacements for all of them, but it looks like 69 stud wire is way too expensive for my liking. But I found out that 162 stud wire is a lot cheaper. I never built this model, so I wonder if I replace 69 studs with 162, is there a place to hide the excessive length or will it slack awkwardly around the model?
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