(MOC) - Cavegod's UCS Sandcrawler
Hey Christian (aka Cjd333), good luck! I am confused too, asking myself in what kind of game I end up in. Or is it a soap actually? Anyway, I assume you could copy/paste my fully documented (step-edited and page-edited manual) versions of base frame, first floor, second floor and complete hallway which I already sent you by Email in April 2021. Hopefully it boosts the release of the updated manual for all those registered users who are still stuck in a heap of bricks somewhere. Not to forget those who bought the MK-version, additionally bought the official instructions but were nevertheless openly denounced in this forum. Meanwhile - speaking for ourselves - we don't need upgraded instructions because we recently completed our own. Mika does the building, not the only reason why the approach is different, with much more submodels and smaller steps. (Next contribution will be with pictures again).
(MOC) - Cavegod's UCS Sandcrawler
After a very black summer I am glad to say Mika is doing a little better - still the future is uncertain. Anyway: time to dig up this thread again and continue with the upgrade of the driving units. Lack of torque of the XL motors appeared during endless testing not the problem. On trying to stall these, the gearing desintegrated allways in earlier stage. We improved that, although we didn't succeed in getting that much strengthening to get the motorization stalled without cracking the gearing. But now it delivers a lot more power to the tracks. And it opened the way to exchange a single XL motor for two L-motors. The two L deliver about the same torque as a single XL, by delivering about twice the speed. Furthermore, as torque is not the weakest point, it offered the possibility to gear up the powertrain to gain even more speed. It makes the vehicle still no runner, but it does not crawl in snail's pace anymore as it did before. See screendumps, while photographing would necessitate to take the units apart - kind of counterproductive as finishing the build is our goal. Schermopname (179) by brickginger, on Flickr Schermopname (180) by brickginger, on Flickr
- (MOC) - Cavegod's UCS Sandcrawler
(MOC) - Cavegod's UCS Sandcrawler
AFAIK Bricksmarlin uses/used his own location to host his pictures. But this site ( ) is since a few weeks not reachable. Firefox says: "The website at experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be remedied. The page you want to view cannot be displayed because a data transfer error has been detected. Please contact the website owners to inform them about this issue"
- (MOC) - Cavegod's UCS Sandcrawler
(MOC) - Cavegod's UCS Sandcrawler
Thank you again! Indeed we try to integrate all suggestions given in this thread with my own ideas to make improvements on this MOC - which are at least doing fine for us (and perhaps for the community too). It deserves it. Our belief: if you put your hands on such a thing as this is, than it has to be right. Correct me if I am wrong, but you should have received instructions in a pdf.file and a bunch of (unfortunately partly wrong named) *.lxf files. It is not necessary to generate the instructions yourself within the LDD environment (besides: letting LDD do this mostly results in practically useless instructions, LDD only throws bricks on each other without logic). The reason that I (and meanwhile Mika too!) use Studio is the possibility to make instructions from scratch exactly in the way and building approach you want/like. I had to look at a few tutorials on U-tube, but as soon as you understand the principle, you will learn quickly. But you're lucky because you do not need to know or use all this: when you open a step-edited third party *.io file (for example one from me ;-) within the Studio - environment than is generating your own pdf instructions only a few clicks away (*). The great advantage of this procedure is that the filesize of a single *.io file is very small (below 3 Mb for the whole MOC = small download). Studio offers the possibility to generate the pdf in stunning resolution with ease (far better than the pdf you already have), but the resulting file requires ofcourse corresponding space on your harddisk. Thus far I didn't generate pdf's of the whole thing, but only of the object from my first post. It resulted in a 250 Mb pdf. I assume the whole MOC will exceed 1 Gb, if distrubuted as pdf with good resolution. Not very practical. (*) Open... > Instruction > Page Design > Export (parameters: All, pdf, 4x, save as... and go! groetjes Mika en Jan-Paul
(MOC) - Cavegod's UCS Sandcrawler
Hello Javi, thank you for your interest! Hopefully you can read my following reaction in Spanish by using Google translate! Very good question. Which can't be answered with just one sentence.... My main principle is: all my contributions in the form of step-edited *.io files - ready to generate pdf-instructions with by the user (through Studio 2.0) are free for the community. By community is meant: every registered user of the instructions - as distributed by AllOutBrick (email-adress found at the first page of this thread). I do not need to become rich, I only wish Mika will recover... and have fun together. But the nature of each contribution is different. Some are slight modifications, some are complete new, and some are in-between. Imho must be clear that slight modifications can not be illustrated / explained without embedding the original instructions: because these are copyrighted and domain of AllOUtBrick / Cavegod. I myself am not free to distribute them, but If they agree, you can have these. On the other hand there are some complete new contributions. Like the interior part with the sliding doors (my first contribution). Or the suspension unit. Or the winch. Or the ceiling. You can have these for free, just send me a message through this platform. Difficulties may arise on my contributions which are only partly using the original plans, but are for more than 50% new, which is the case with the conveyor part (second level interior as you commented on Flickr), or the third level interior. Imho I you can have these also for free. As neither AllOutBrick nor Cavegod gave any comments thus far: this is the opportunity to do so! (perhaps I should say that donations are welcome) Momentarily is a (for more than 50%!!) new construction underway for the lower technical structure. So.... stay tuned I should say... groetjes Mika and Jan-Paul
brickginger started following cavegod
(MOC) - Cavegod's UCS Sandcrawler
Mika has to be hospitalized next week so we necessarily take a break. But we decided we will be back in a better condition...!! Before leaving we want to share the actual status with you. Although the third floor section added some stability, it was not enough to gain reproducible results by mounting the front and side walls of hatch and cockpit. It still remained shaky, as already earlier experienced by everyone who built this vehicle. If you push here, it deforms elsewhere. We concluded that # 14419 is not the solution, but part of the problem. We pulled it out. In order to grant the front enough rigidity, we developed a suspension structure. Ugly again (see our first post), but very effective. Before building in real all done and step-edited in Studio, because that saved us a lot of time and money (preventing buying parts for trial, followed by dumping them on error) We made the toppanel of the cockpit an integral part of the upper technic structure. Ofcourse it had to receive a "sunroof" because we wanted to preserve the possibility of looking on the interior. In the following several screenshots. Every mounted unit had to undergo a few modifications, maintaining/improving the looks, but above all "under the hood": stabilizing the construction. Have fun! Schermopname (143) by brickginger, on Flickr Schermopname (146) by brickginger, on Flickr Schermopname (101) by brickginger, on Flickr Schermopname (140) by brickginger, on Flickr Schermopname (151) by brickginger, on Flickr Schermopname-_153-with-rope by brickginger, on Flickr
- (MOC) - Cavegod's UCS Sandcrawler
(MOC) - Cavegod's UCS Sandcrawler
Why not take a photo from the real thing? Yeah. I must admit that I at the same time wanted to find a proper way of illustrating wiring in the manual (even if it's not isolated copper but a piece of rope...) Designing all with the parts library from Ldraw - although very neat and suitable for purists - appeared very time consuming. Second is that any other user of the same file would had to manually import the same parts in Studio too. Therefore I choosed a relatively quick and dirty method: import a printscreen in CAD, do what I like and export it as bitmap again. Taking the loss of some resolution for granted; imho the result is still the worth seeing. Schermopname (94) by brickginger, on Flickr
(MOC) - Cavegod's UCS Sandcrawler
In between (while heading to the front parts) time to present the winch. Pulls like a horse! As we did with other parts before: in one segment mounted on the vehicle. Leaves space enough for applying LEDs in the ceiling. Tiny detail is the application of technic bush 1/2 toothed, two interior ridges # 4265b on the axle. Gives on the axle the opportunity to lead the rope through and make a nice knot. The rope can be led through the hole in the ceiling, to tie up the hook. That ceiling part with the hole is easy to loosen upward, so winch-rope-ceilingpart-hook can be preassembled as one. I will make a picture of that later on today. In the following pictures the differences old vs. new. In the last one only the (for illustration purposes made red) parts are maintained from the original build. On one side from above, on the other... you're right Because we use BuWizz, we don't need the open grid as an entrance for IR anymore. Therefore we could apply trans-clear plates as part of the support structure for attaching the motor. All is documented in Studio and step-edited. Schermopname (89) by brickginger, on Flickr Schermopname (81) by brickginger, on Flickr Schermopname (82) by brickginger, on Flickr Schermopname (83) by brickginger, on Flickr
brickginger started following UCS MTT MOC
(MOC) - Cavegod's UCS Sandcrawler
As seen in the posts before we prefer as much as possible a segmented way of building. Assembling in units, finally put them together. Also handy if (scheduled!) disassembly is necessary. Therefore the sidewalls are slightly modified. On the sidewalls circumfering the hallway entrances seen at the rim, on front and rear. The sidewalls more on front by 1. adaptation of the hinge on top-front; 2. integrating the hinge low-front makes mounting easier, and 3. substituting the panel in the front rim by three bricks 3x1 improves the stability. To mount the latter walls correctly is not possible in any program I know of (sometimes I wished that bending/torsion of such a panel l - as it does in real - would be possible in the program also). But lucky enough the designing program is hardly forgiving:at the end you don't want to encounter "surprises" by building according plans in real. See pictures, on which the all the walls are mounted. I had to use a trick, by deleting the lower-rear hinges of the sidewalls mentioned above. In real you ofcourse let the hinges in place: the ABS allows the necessary torsion needed to fix these panels with ease. Schermopname (74) by brickginger, on Flickr Schermopname (71) by brickginger, on Flickr Schermopname (72) by brickginger, on Flickr
(MOC) - Cavegod's UCS Sandcrawler
I really thought the cockpit section needed no further attention. But there had to be light at the stairs, Mika rules!. Last but not least, Jawas are little people. That is not a problem, but has his own consequences. One of them is that they have been complaining a lot about the limited view out of the cockpit. Can you find Wa... the Jawa in this picture? Than I do not need to say more. Schermopname (51) by brickginger, on Flickr Some say... ... there is a certain Jawa crewmember using a orange box to stand on when he is on schedule in steering the Sandcrawler.... Schermopname (96) by brickginger, on Flickr As the image clarifies, that's not a very ergonomic solution, And would never comply to safety regulations here on Earth.... So we found it reasonable to redeem the request for a costly adjustment of the cockpit as a whole. We don't want to have more accidents. The outer hull has already paint damage enough. Schermopname (50) by brickginger, on Flickr Schermopname (46) by brickginger, on Flickr
- (MOC) - Cavegod's UCS Sandcrawler
(MOC) - Cavegod's UCS Sandcrawler
Cruyff, yes, I mean the football player, is also famous of his pronunciations. "You will only see it when you get it". And I am on both feet again! I solved the problem with the friction coupling of the driving units of the hatch door. It works! Smooth closing, while Mika with both hands over the eyes expecting the RUD again, sighed relieved. On opening the door lowers and lowers, touching the ground, bends, bends further, bends even a lot more and... desintegrates. Not an particular example of rudding, more SSD-ing. (solid state drive slow scheduled disassembly). We can live with that! The altered gearing, 8/24 in stead of 12/20 is to compensate for the nominal rpm of the L (390/minute) versus the XL motor (220/minute). The latter had to be replaced. Schermopname (55) by brickginger, on Flickr Schermopname (56) by brickginger, on Flickr Schermopname (57) by brickginger, on Flickr
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