Everything posted by K-Nut
Purist Superhero Figures
Here's a great purist rescue I found on flickr.
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
Althior takes a Nostrum, then casts Light on Rosier from the back row
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
Althior smirks. "Didn't think I'd be able to take down two archdemons... No complaints here!" he takes a nostrum and casts light on the right arm from the front row.
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
Althior repeats.
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
Althior burns the bridge. OoC: I’m out of town until the 20th. If Althior needs an action and I haven’t posted, Zepher can take control of him.
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
Althior repeats.
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
Althior looks towards the rest of the mages. “Our goal is to get this ship to the fort. At any cost!” He grips his scepter tight before spinning around, sending two full gusts of wind towards the sail.
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
“I can take Heckz, Ezeran, and Torald with me to get us moving,” he says, mixing a nostrum, mead, and grand tonic. “You guys probably need all the firepower you can get with those Wyverns, especially if I’m preoccupied. If we need more kick, I trust that Carvenhall can bring the rest back to help,”
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
"We did take out the 'Doomsayer' and it seemed like he turned into pixie dust..." he shrugs. "But how do we know for certain this isn't another impostor? And who's behind the impostors then?"
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
“Damn Skrall, didn’t know you were still hanging around here,” he gives a passing nod to Eric and Carvenhall. However, the fairy catches his eye as he moves his hand towards his scepter. “If that’s who I think it is, you owe us an explanation, Skrall,”
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
OoC: Sorry, I’m in Dallas until Thursday night and my WiFi isn’t as good as I thought it’d be. I’ll try to keep up but CMP can control Althior if need be.
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
Althior chuckles. “Damn Ulfric, I’m surprised to see you still standing. I figured you’d be one of the first targets when the founders came to town. I’d almost be happy to see you, but then I remember you wouldn’t do anything if it wouldn’t further your own cause,”
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
Althior flees.
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
Althior casts fire on Infiltrator A and throws a pumpkin bomb at Flank B from the back row.
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
Althior repeats.
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
Althior uses Ethereal Darkness on both Evokers from the back row. OoC: I’ll be out of town until Monday afternoon. Legonater can control Althior in the meantime.
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
Althior uses Darkness on Infiltrator A and B from the back row.
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
“I’ll take the last one, if your offering,” OoC: I think I should be regenerating ether, even during the autorolls.
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
Althior repeats
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
Althior casts Ethereal Darkness on both Paladin Archer Battalions from the back row.
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
Althior uses Darkness on Grimes and Watchman Guard A from the back row. Luke uses Light on Arbelist A and B from the back row.
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
“I’m just saying it’s an option. Just like finding our cohorts and heading to Fort Bonaparte,”
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
“The Fey One would have a motive at least. Maybe Heroica wasn’t going in a preferable direction and the only ones who could correct it were the founders... It’s a possible lead at least,”
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
“As much as I hate to admit it, the guild is probably our best bet right now. Let’s drop off the mages and then head over there,”
Heroica RPG - Quest #159: An Unexpected Return
Althior looks at what’s left of the Doomsayer. “Apologies if I’m stating the obvious, but looking at the state of our friend here makes me think this is an actual veteran. You know, on account of there being an actual corpse...”
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