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Everything posted by Taladril

  1. I'm providing a necessary update to this thread. Please see here for a link to instructions. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wooUN2Ep_MHfRsdbZz-SFEIf6GeEaakW?usp=sharing I don't check here often so if there are problems please message me at rebrickable.
  2. I'm providing a necessary update on this thread. Rebrickable appears to be more willing to let Lego knockoff companies benefit from selling this moc rather than host my free version. So here is a google drive link where you can get it. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XDILXimrxUNuTYr_HEPdOj7SiYmo7dFg?usp=sharing One easy replacement for the hardest to find piece is replacing the light bluish gray 4854 with two 4871. You will encounter it in book 3 on step 193. I don't check this site often so if there are problems message me at rebrickable.
  3. No sorry, though it's probably about 98% the same. The only changes I made were internal structural to have it be a single running spine and the modifications needed for the bricks surrounding the spine due to the semi impossible building technique of getting it locked together. Focus on the pieces around there and internally around the engines plus I added a bunch of technic pins because I have no self control.
  4. I had the whole fleet on my rickety dining room table for a couple months and was able to move it around and to different locations multiple times and I was very confident in it not toppling over. All of the bases are secure enough for display even in higher traffic areas.
  5. As with the Nebulon-B Medical Frigate, this model is no longer able to be purchased and doesn't exist on rebrickable anymore. Also similarly to the frigate, I was unhappy with the way that the model was effectively two parts. Others had made modifications to connect it together so I did the same. Because of that and because I like instructions for myself I modified it and made fresh instructions. I also fixed the problem with the central spar being unable to easily be assembled. The model is very secure and has a cohesive look with the other instructions I made for the rebel fleet. See it here if you'd like a free copy and updated inventory. I hope you like it! https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-143157/Taladril/cr-90-corellian-corvette-tantive-iv-blockade-runner/#details
  6. Hey all. This MOC is near and dear to my heart and I can post good news about it. People probably haven't followed this model closely, but those who have more recently might have noticed that it has been abandoned. It was removed from Cjd223's website and rebrickable. I also had personally reached out to Cjd and Mortesv about this but haven't gotten a reply. So as far as I can see, there are no methods to acquire these original plans by legitimate means. Given this, I am finally comfortable with sharing my own FREE plans for this MOC. Please check it out here. https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-143147/Taladril/nebulon-b-medical-frigate/#details How did this come about, you may ask. I had purchased the plans and went about buying all of the parts needed to build it. After going through the instructions I saw all of the multitude of problems with it. For me, building a model with the instructions is half of the fun, so I knew that for me to actually enjoy the model I would have to make plans from scratch. But then I got into it and started fixing stuff too. So I found all of the really delicate stuff and strengthened it up. There are now very few places that are one stud connections. I also rebuilt the stand so that it could be supported in only two places. To allow for long term display, I added literally as much reinforcement of the spar as I could to minimize any slumping and am confident that it can withstand many months of display without any permanent droop. Given the size of the model I split the instructions into more bite sized pieces. The result is the same model but with clear and easy steps to build with no need for backtrack or fixing. I build tested the whole thing and fixed errors I found along the way. I hope you enjoy it!
  7. I have posted the instructions on rebrickable. Here's the link. Hope you guys enjoy! https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-66706/Taladril/gr-75-transport/#details
  8. So this moc is on my long list to build and I hate trying to make stuff with wrestling the 3d models. So I made a set of professional plans for this. @mortesv if you would like to review them or would want to put them up for sale please let me know. I'm not going to publicly distribute them until you let me know. (sorry for now @blacksheep76) Specs if curious: Built in Stud.io 91 pages 281 steps
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