Greetings, fellow Star Wars and LEGO fanatics! What an adventure reading this thread has been for the last couple months! It's so cool to see that it's still going after over 3 years and that people are still finding ways of improving their Falcons' accuracy. I know some people have complained that the designers didn't get it accurate enough in the first place, but I think one of the beautiful things about this set is that there is still so much to be discovered and added to make it our own. There are so many brilliant people on this forum and I thank all of you for sharing your upgrades and tweaks. There are several that I have borrowed and a couple modifications I've come up with myself that I hope you all will approve of. I'd have to say the one I'm most proud of is the most recent one I've come up with, and is the reason I signed up to join this forum, so that I could share it with all of you. I'm really very surprised I haven't seen anybody try this yet, but I'm quite proud to be the first! Anyway, I know one of the main complaints about the rear exhaust ports is that they're too large, but I can accept that because I think the way they're designed is quite brilliant. However, what I haven't seen anybody address yet is the fact that they are too far apart. So what I've done is simply move them closer together into what I think is the most accurate arrangement possible. I hope the attached pictures serve as an adequate guide for what I've done. I've also switched out the light bluish grey tiles inside the vents for dark bluish grey, which I think looks much more accurate. Further fiddling over the last few weeks has led me to fill in various gaps between panels and such, as well as move some things around towards the ends of the docking ports to better integrate the top and sides. As of right now, I'm still content with how the docking rings look, but we'll see what happens in the future.