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About Celeri

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    Bugatti Chiron

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  1. Very impressive MOC, and excellent presentation: congratulations!
  2. Great MOC! Excellent concept of gearbox with cluch mechanism, and a really good video to present it... And the model is very nice-looking, too. Kudos!
  3. Great build, both faithful to the real car and with very nice performance: I would really like to be able to build it someday! Kudos!
  4. And maybe we should also keep in mind that the marketing department plays a big part in the piece count, too
  5. So cute! The Unimog is definitely becoming an icon in the AFOL world...
  6. A very interesting project, and well documented, thanks for the share! Even if I did not build any MF set yet (I am not really fan of SW in general and have too much Lego already so I cannot afford to let myself dive into SW theme), I can nonetheless see how much thought you put in this MOC and the vision you had in mind, especially in the front part and its very SNOTted design. I am sure many SW fans will be interested in building it!
  7. Wow, I did not know of this car before, and you made me love it ;)
  8. Very nice and thorough document, I am sure many people will find it useful, and I think it should definitlely be promoted somehow on the front page of EB! Thanks a lot for the effort and for sharing its results!
  9. Nom de Zeus ! There is so much to be loved in this MOC! I remember thinking several times that a DeLorean could hardly render well in Technic, and I am happy you proved me wrong. Impressive work, bravo!
  10. Since I have recently made a 14.2 boot disk to make some tests, I have just tried Stud.io on it and I can confirm that it is not usable on my Intel CPU either. In fact, the GUI seems not to be able to really get on the foreground, so it never receives any input. I am pretty sure the devs will find out what is happening and correct it soon.
  11. Magnificent! I was patiently waiting to see what you would come up with after your Audi R8 that made me dismantle my Chiron only a few days after I built it (this MOC is such a must-have for any #42083 owner), and the wait was worth it! Congrats 👍
  12. I must admit that I had built much more B-models in my childhood than recently. After my dark age, I am more focused on building main models and alternates from the community, because they are often better and because I can choose whichever one I prefer. That being said, I still find it very sad that Lego will not create B-models anymore, because this was one of the last remnants of the Lego 'spirit' which tells everybody: "our models are to help you familiarize with this set, then you should build something on your own". Lego is merely an affair of consumerism now (buy a set, build it, expose it, forget it, replace it, then buy another set...), and we are pretty fortunate that this community still exists to keep this spirit alive.
  13. Excellent tiny off-road monster, a big thanks for sharing it! I was about to ask you how you implemented the remote-controlled gearbox, but then I looked into your instructions and found it (for those who wonder, the gearbox itself is built at the beginning, but the ratio-changing mechanism is completed on steps 27&28), and I find it really clever! If I had the required BuWizz hardware, I would definitely build it
  14. Really nice, I love it, well done!
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