Idea two.... The black rear quarter, behind the driver's seat sticks out too far towards the rear wheel arch....Replace the beam attached to the underneath with a 12 hole beam (black or white work equally well, I happened to have a couple of black ones), and put a peg pointing downwards in the second hole from the back so it sits between the two grey beams that hold the rear suspension...Because of that peg you have to push the panels into place extra firmly to get a bit of flex, but that rear pin stops the panels sticking out to the arches. If you use a 13 hole beam (like me) you must also allow one hole forward of the black panel, so the end of the beam wedges under the angled beam that goes up to the roof securing pin. It raises the end of the angled beam a little, but the securing pin works fine and the roof line is more or less unchanged as far as I can see.