Everything posted by Yoggington
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
On closer inspection, I also have this issue. I don't have a full street set-up, just two modulars side by side, so the pavement gap is not as evident. I suppose this is a side effect of having a 48-wide modular, combined with some stress differences between either the colours or the fact that on is a top layer and one is a bottom. Interesting quirk.
- Lego Icons 10332 Medieval Town Square Discussion Thread
Lego Icons 10332 Medieval Town Square Discussion Thread
I'm not trying to compare the sets or predict a crap set, I'm trying to compare the hype train. When Majisto GWP was leaked a lot of posters built up the set in their minds through months of anticipation, and were (unsurprisingly) disappointed. At the rate the thread is hyping this set, anything shy of something spectacular is going to be greeted with complaints of all the things the designers didn't do. For a closer example to the point I was trying to make - see the kinda lukewarm reception to the Eldorado remake. The GWP example just seemed to fit better in this Castle thread.
Lego Icons 10332 Medieval Town Square Discussion Thread
I'm not sure this analogy holds up as it was not a global survey. Don't forget this is all based on a leak that wasn't supposed to be public knowledge. On top of that, this was during a feedback cycle, so adjustments may welll have been made based on the results. It may end up closer to a dealership asking one person how much they'd pay for this red ferrari, and based on that response, offering a red chevrolet to the general public at large. Remember the Majisto GWP, and dampen your hype!
[MOC] Home of Wisdom
I really like that roof technique with the quarter tiles. Lovely job.
Help with identifying parts/sets!
Woah, blast from the past. My brother had this when we were kids. BrickBuilder is spot on here. The reason you couldn't find it is because it is the back of the box 'B-Model' of the set. This site has instructions for the jeep, starting from page 10:
LEGO Ideas Discussion
I'm a big fan of the 'Canal Lock', but I can't see Lego picking it up. Honestly I can't see many of these being what Lego are looking for. Maybe the jukebox? Is it possible to have a review with zero sets being converted?
Annoying pop up ads in the lower part of the screen
I wouldn't suggest putting the whole site behind a paywall, but a Patreon option (or better again - a non-recurring 'buy me a coffee' link) might be taken up by some members, and every little helps. There's enough Lego YouTubers generating some income this way. I am thinking of something similar to the hobby website/forum for board games - BoardGameGeek. Every January they have a fundraising drive to support running costs. Without knowing whether they make a lot from it, they come back every January so it must be worth something.
Annoying pop up ads in the lower part of the screen
Is there any other way to support the running costs of the forum? A Patreon or the like? No chance I'm turning off my various blockers.
- Lego Icons 10332 Medieval Town Square Discussion Thread
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Sam & Frodo in the Orc outfits is a very good idea. Add me to the stack of people that wouldn't care if the locations were somewhat merged. Add a dungeon room and my brain automatically merges them anyway. (The die-hards can know that it's most definitely a completely different dungeon)
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
I have spotted this on a fair few sets. Typically the white inner is approx half the size of the outer, and typically it fits all the bags (at least on a repackaging as I bag them to the attic). I've noticed it specifically on the Lion Knight Castle, and multiple sets from the modular line. I think the possible reasons are well know, but it still seems like such a waste.
2024 Friends sets
I came across the Space Base on shelves already today in Zaragosa, Spain. First time I ever say an early release for myself in the wild.
[MOC] Railway Department of Taiwan (Phase 1)
There's a lot of great details here. My favourites are the variety of roofs - especially the ingot bricks and the way you tucked them away at the edges, very clever!
- [Freebuild] Embervale Advent Calendar 2023 - Winter Nights
LEGO Ideas Discussion
What else exists that is specifically tailored to the Twilight demographic group? Botanicals?? I'm talking female, 30-50 years of age, either already buying Lego for their children or childless and with a little more spending capacity. I can absolutely see the reasoning behind this as a selected set. Legochaek will be far from the only one to react like this, at the right pricepoint, I could see this selling like hotcakes to people who don't even buy Lego for themselves regularly. People forget Twilight was a global phenomenon for a certain age bracket at a certain time. They still occasionally roll out the movies in the cinema for boozy watch parties. That demographic has spending power. back to get work on my Mamma Mia ABBA IDEA set
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
I wasn't sold on the olive in the pics, but in person it works really well. I would have considered maybe Dark Blue for the roof, but then you are really getting into Parisian Restaurant territory. If anything I think it benefits from removing some of the clutter. Remove the two posters, move the window cleaner to a different modular, - maybe even lose the statues? I like the tan surrounds for the windows (differentiating on different levels was a nice touch too), and I like the dark brown horizontal detail lines. I'm less sure on the white - could be worth replacing. My only big qualms with the set are the bareness of the inside - it's begging to be filled out a bit with some more displays, and the use of the 6x6 tiles in the roof. I am thinking of replacing those with 2x4s or 2x6/2x2 alternating strips.
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
As a standalone building, DD is a really good looking set. However, as part of a street made up of all the modulars, it's just way too out-of-sync for my taste - it looks like it belongs in a different city or continent to the rest of the modular line. Like an American diner dropped into a European town. All IMO of course.
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Having now bought and built the Museum, I have to say I'm a lot more impressed with in person than I was just seeing the pictures. There's something very grand and regal about the front pillars & roof set up that only comes across in person. As mentioned in the last page or two, it's not exactly mind-blowing by any means, but it's a pretty damn solid design overall. For the ones I own, it slots in about here;
- Top 10 unlicensed Lego sets you want to be re-designed
Future LEGO Pirates Set Speculation
Looking at the new Space "crossover-theme" - where toys in many different lines are space-themed and united under a common flash on the boxes - I have to wonder if we might see similar initiatives for Castle & Pirates in the next few years. Maybe not the full-fledged relaunch that hardcore fans want to see, but still a nice idea, that would produce plenty of useful parts & sets. For example, I can see a Duplo bath-time pirate ship with water cannon for. Maybe a treasure map in the Art line, or a technic working sextant. Any thoughts about how we'd see 'Pirate' into other themes? Dreamzz and Creator are easy pickings, but where does it fit into City or Friends? Examples of the 'Space' crossover-theme:
Could LEGO remake Fright Knights?
I was replying to the comment with arguments against "Why not just sell them as polybags" to remove the blind element. So in that scenario, they wouldn't be.
[MOC] Vampire's Lair
That tree build is *chef's kiss*. If I could offer one area for improvement it would be something to break up the block of bluish-grey (and to a lesser extent, the tan). You have my vote.
Could LEGO remake Fright Knights?
Sounds like a supply & demand issue. Lego can make more of a high-demand figure easily enough. If they find the knight fig is selling as much as the rest combined, they can increase the amount produced. These aren't a one-&-done production batch. Sell them direct from too. Good luck buying 'all the knights' on there.
Does your Lego ever get damaged by pest?
This is a strangely antagonistic thread It sounds like you don't care too much about damaging the cardboard if you're willing to cover it in tape. This is the only part any pests might be interested in - they'll stay clear of the bricks. I'd say you'll be absolutely fine just storing them in the closet with a few mothballs. I just want to mention you can get special tape that is less damaging than regular sellotape/scotch tape. It's still not perfect, especially over a longer timeframe - I wouldn't be putting it on a priceless comic for example - but it's distinctly less gummy with less residue left behind and less chance of pulling the cardboard to shreds when you try to remove it. I use it on items that I want to reopen in the future (e.g. repackaged lego boxes). If interested, search for 'removable tape'.
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