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Everything posted by Nylock

  1. I agree completely. For a universe where so much world building had already been done AND where they could do so much more world building, they decide to just rehash what we’ve seen. The look of the castle + John Williams score in the announcement makes it all the more infuriating. Why even bother with a new series if it’s gonna look and sound just like the films? if Warner bros were to ever reboot LotR, I think I’d commit to never watching a piece of studio media again.
  2. 100%, especially if lego switches to adapting the show. I’d say in less than 10 years (or if they haven’t already), Warner Bros will push for a live action cursed child film with the original cast to try and salvage the franchise. And it’ll be terrible.
  3. I’m not a huge HP fan, but I do enjoy the films. And even I cannot believe that they’re doing a HP reboot when the films are on the same level of popularity as LotR and even Star Wars. Not only is there movies still tying to the film series but there’s also the entirety of HP world in Orlando that is like a 1:1 of the films and is insanely popular. This is easily the dumbest and most creatively bankrupt thing I’ve seen any film studio do. This is akin to rebooting Star Wars and Lotr. This show will bomb so hard.
  4. The Penguin looks so good. Cannot wait for it to drop!! Definitely not getting sets for that series, but I’m glad we at least have penguin as a minifig. The flash clip from the stream also looked really good, Keaton looks like he’s in great shape! Hope we really do get the set in 3 weeks.
  5. As much as I wish it was, it’s fake. Check out his first story closely, and you can see where he uses a paper decal on the torso (and even on the head too it seems).
  6. The guy that posted the head deleted the image. Guess it was fake after all. he kept the image of the cowl one up, but not sure if that means anything. So we basically only have the torso leak from October. I’m not completely convinced that the set is canceled, however I do not remember a time that a playset had no set description leaked a month before its release. And for that reason I think it’s fine to consider that this set may have been shelved. I can definitely see Lego repackaging the set in that way. And if that’s the case we may see this set towards the end of the year.
  7. I suspect that beast will use the same hairpiece that Wolverine has always used, cause it’s almost exactly the same in the series. Not sure if they’d do a new mold for Wolverine either, but I’d welcome it so long as it doesn’t look too oversized. But I would love for him to get new claws, specifically ones that are parallel with the hands instead of just holding them. The Wolverine claws just always bothered me lol.
  8. Oh yeah, the DC peak came and went unfortunately. I think specifically 2015/2016 was the peak and then it went downhill from there. But I’m very excited for this years sets even though they’re basically only batman themed. I hope with the Gunn’s DC we get back to some cool sets that include the rest of the JL! and I hate to say it…. But I’m almost convinced now that the flash set has been canceled. It’s a month away from its supposed release and typically around this time is when stores start getting them early. But we don’t even have a description for this set.
  9. Wow, of all the things for the hulk not to be in. I get that he’s too big to actually be inside the tower, but come on. I’m very very interested in seeing the revamped Hawkeye and quicksilver, and an accurate vision for once lol. Besides that though, I’m not that interested in the set itself. Hopefully the Easter eggs and details make it worth while. The only thing we know right now is that he matches the description of how he looks in quantumania. so right now I fully believe that the kang in the Cmf is the one from quantumania. And I’m not complaining at all, if we’re getting a movie fig in the cmf that opens the door for more down the road.
  10. Just sent you a message
  11. I feel like something is off about the photo, looks almost like someone took a brush to make the black and orange lines. But the design of it looks really good! I did yesterday, he said they had no info on it :/
  12. Dang, I was really hoping for a daredevil fig. the lineup isn’t bad at all but I am really surprised that Loki and Secret invasion didn’t get any figs. I was hoping we’d get mobius. Wonder if they’ll do anything to distinguish she-hulk? If they use woody (avatar) legs / arms I think it’ll look really bad. The descriptions were. The sets are real and now we have real descriptions from fluffy sky
  13. Dang 50/50? Sheesh 6 figs for the mcu characters isn’t a lot. Especially when you consider that 2 are Moonknight. I’m sure the ‘comic’ ones are the 97’ series since they are essentially 1:1 with their comic counterparts. cannot lie, a beast minifig has me super hyped though. Fingers crossed we get professor X and Magneto too!
  14. I concur. I hope there’s some leg printing to round it out. Honestly the fig doesn’t look bad so far, just bummed about the cowl reuse.
  15. Not so fast! Fluffysky gave us a bit of info on the CMF series and confirmed Moon knight and Mr. Knight. and something even more interesting…. Wolverine and X-men. Sounds like a substantial part of this series will be devoted to the 97’ series continuation on D+. Which is a win for those that wanted X-men figs, and a loss for those that wanted to round out the existing D+ shows. edit: loss is a strong word, but I really just mean that the X-men figs will take up spaces we speculated for other figs.
  16. That flash pic is being floated around again. Does anyone see a difference in it compared to the 2017? I saw one guy say it’s a new mold but I swear it looks exactly like the 2017 one.
  17. Bruh, this may just be legos best year yet. Star Wars is a major W, marvel seems to be a major W, even DC is getting a revival. Just wow.
  18. Thank goodness, hoping for Thrawn / Ezra in it then. Though I’m sure the former will probably be exclusive to the $100 one
  19. Shheeeeesssh. $70 for 3 mini figs? I hope the $40 one is a better value.
  20. Fang fighter just leaked on YT. I think it looks GREAT!!!! Honestly may pick it up
  21. Mods are 100% gonna be locking this thread till Monday. Lol
  22. This is every hardcore LSW fan’s dream wave. It’s kinda blowing my mind that this is real. Wow.
  23. Ngl I’ve been thinking about this a lot too. I’d be crushed if the set has been canceled. The set is a month away and we still don’t have a basic description for it. But a lot of sites (like brick merge and Walmart) still have a listing for it. I hope it’s revealed this week. Oh shoot I didn’t know that, thank you for the heads up.
  24. “Super” rumors once again coming from brick_clicker tomorrow. Hopefully we get set descriptions for the Flash set and Batcave!
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