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Everything posted by Nylock

  1. Really really hope we get daredevil in the CMF series. Even if that particular suit is pretty ugly (imo). Daredevil is my favorite marvel content that’s ever been produced. Crazy to think that next year there’s gonna be a D+ series consisting of a whopping 18 episodes with him in it
  2. Honestly the pirate snub fighter doesn’t do anything for me. Build is ok but not really wowed by the ship or the figs. I’m somewhat new to this thread so idk if it’s been talked about before, but I think the ‘new’ Mando helmet looks awful. Having the top stripe halfway printed makes the fig look super cheap imo. Should’ve been a new mold given how often they’ll reuse Mando. Also crazy high prices, especially the micro fighter for 16!?
  3. I’ve got some very mixed feelings on these sets. Initially I thought the hair/hat combo looked big when we got the first fig leak, but seeing it more clearly I think it looks pretty good. I think the facial expressions are a gigantic fail though. The smiling expression isn’t terrible, but the stern face is so cartoony it takes away from the fig. It’s crazy but I think I prefer the og face over this one. I was originally only gonna get the lost tomb set, but the ark build is so sad that it’s making me reconsider. On the other hand I think the fighter plane one has the best looking builds.
  4. Still no flash set news 😔. I just wanna at least know the minifigs coming in that set. But I’m super hype for the batcave, even though there’s no chance I’ll be picking it up lol.
  5. That would be so dope to get both, though I’m not sure they could make a good looking or complete looking batcave for that kinda money. But please prove me wrong lego 🙏. If I’m being honest, I would really like this set to be another flash movie one so we can round out the roster with Dark flash and the other Barry. But I think there’s also a chance that’s the aqua man set too? Would be a lot of money for it, but you never know
  6. Yes I think a minifig scale set is a very very safe assumption at this point. I think either Arkham or Batcave. Arkham has the most potential as we could get all of our favorite villain characters plus some cool interior detailing specific to them. But if they did the Batcave, i think it would be strictly comic book / (whatever lego wants)- based. I originally suggested that it could be keatons but with the play set vehicles as add ons, but that would leave us with an insanely massive cave with nothing in it. And I highly doubt lego would do that and charge that much for a barren set. But I’d place my money on Arkham if I had to.
  7. Oooooo that’s a possibility too. Honestly I’d wish for that above any others.
  8. Possibility 1: Yet another Batmobile, either a Keaton redo or a 60’s. Possibility 2: Maybe the “Bat” from TDKR? But probably not. Possibility 3: A massive Batcave, probably comic based. Unless it’s Keaton based and you can set the vehicles from the play sets inside. You didn’t disappoint @FoggyFate! Thanks for the hype. Do you have any info regarding the upcoming summer wave? We’re still short on details regarding fig selection and whatnot.
  9. THATS WHAT IM SAYIN. I’m inclined to believe that his head and hat is all just 1 new piece/mold, but if it isn’t…. I’d be even more confused. Between the avatar head molds and this, they technically could start making minifigure heads with both ears and noses 😳, not that they would or should.
  10. I hope it includes the flash set details 😭
  11. Any update? 👀
  12. I won’t be sleeping tonight
  13. I do not wish to steer the conversation off topic, but in the depleted well of dc I’d love to know more info about the flash movie set. but besides that, please do blow up this thread
  14. As cool as that would be, I don’t have that kinda cash to drop on a Lego set. If they made one I’d hope it’d be no more than like $150ish
  15. Year after year I wait for lego to release an endor set with the ghosts. And every year I’m disappointed. But there’s some solid sets on the horizon, I’m most hyped about the Ahsoka series sets
  16. It’s a $45 set, but I think the same reasoning still applies.
  17. I’d really like this, but there’s so many other figs they have to stuff in this series from D+ that I think they probably won’t put him in.
  18. The title is a very interesting and good point. Could imply they’re chasing something down, but could also just mean a general chase between the Batmobile and the flash. Also most translations of it that I’ve seen have it as “flash tracking” which could go either way. I would LOVE for this to be the case, dark flash would be an awesome fig to have. But knowing lego I still believe that it’ll just be Flash and Keatons batman. Especially now that we’ve seen what they did with the guardians sets. But I’m hoping for the best!
  19. This makes me feel like I’m about to turn 90. Please don’t ever say these words again
  20. Yeah I agree. I’d be surprised if it isn’t unveiled by next week
  21. The more minifig exclusions we get in these sets, the more I hope that the CMF series will have them included. I know Lego is only using it to produce the D+ characters, but they really could make an entire series out of ones they’ve skipped. Heres hoping that at the very least we get a daredevil fig. But we can probably can expect shehulk, Moonknight, Kate Bishop, Ms Marvel, New Loki, Mobius, 4-5 What if S2 and one of either : Daredevil, Hawkeye, IronHeart (I think her series comes out around the cmf release so maybe). Personally I hope we get like 1 or 2 What if, but I’m going off of series 1.
  22. Dang looking at them side by side is wild. The set is different enough from the movie that I think they just had concept art that was changed. I mean there’s no red cockpit glass and the engines don’t go flush with the “U” part. That being said, I still love the look of the lego set, it doesn’t have a bad angle and no weird colors are present.
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