Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
I wonder if they’d do just the council scene in minifig scale with the rest of Rivendell as a microscale forced-perspective backdrop. That way they could fit in the minifigures and some finer architectural details in the foreground, while still having the set feel like a relatively complete structure.
Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion
1) 65092 would work very well as an ornament, especially if recolored as a new pearl or satin red color. 2) Agreed that a nano fig with wings would be very cool. The Holiday Main Street tree uses a wand in trans-yellow as the star, and it works well, but does require building the tree to hide the long bar.
Making custom sails?
There’s a great post in this forum that I’ve used to make custom sails. They can go through the printer, but color wasn’t that vibrant when I tried. Might try transfer sheets next time.
- 10305 Lion Knights' Castle 90th anniversary set
- 40567 Forest Hideout (GWP)
- 40567 Forest Hideout (GWP)
- 40567 Forest Hideout (GWP)
Lego City 2022 Rumours, Leaks, Information And Discussion
If they ever do another Raya set, it'd be nice to use the new mold for Namaari's serlot. She's supposed to ride the cat, so it was rather disappointing that the existing set used the housecat mold.
Future Castle Sets?
Brown bricks from the past couple of years should be ok. The problem was something with the color mix for several years after switching to reddish brown.
Future Castle Sets?
This occurred long after they went out of stock. Maybe I'll get an extra set from BrickLink some time.
Future Castle Sets?
That's a common problem with reddish brown and dark red pieces from that time period. I've lost many pieces the same way, including the kings printed legs :(
Future Castle Sets?
An intimacy coordinator would be required even for just a kiss. It's a bit of a leap to say the show is going full Game of Thrones without more info. And it's worth mentioning that there's nudity in Tolkien's work: the Hobbits running naked over the barrows, and Nienor fleeing naked from Glaurung off the top of my head. In the movies, Gandalf was naked after he was sent back to Middle Earth. It's possible to have nudity without being as explicit as GoT.
Future Castle Sets?
I love the white/gold armor combo.
Future Castle Sets?
My personal suspicion is that it was actually an in-house version of Star Wars. I base this purely on my experience of building Clay’s Falcon Fighter Blaster: a starfighter that dramatically switches its wings into attack position, piloted by a knight with powers and a laser sword, and copiloted by his trusty droid sidekick.
Future Castle Sets?
> The 3 different models can be attached to each other to create an eye-catching mega castle if 3 separate boxes are purchased. Official confirmation that they link. Shame there’s no picture of the mega castle.
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