Everything posted by Saint
- Clone Turbo Tank
Is it right to refuse to sell a MOC?
Sell it to him !! for € 10.000 ... that will shut him up !! ... or just ignore that kind of comments BTW, I checked your vid's in the past. Just loving the tanks , keep up the good work ! Grtz Saint
- [MOC] McFlys' Speeder
A better alternative to baseplates?
That's why it's a great idea... for "homebuilders"... not to be negative . If I had acces to a LegoStore withing 15 km ( and not an hours drive away ) I would concider it too ! grtz Saint
A better alternative to baseplates?
Well, I put them in the car... drive an hour to the show... very bumpy roads, spend half the day building and setting up... so I don't want to worry about too much.... building on baseplates takes that worry away.... I lay them flat in the car, or stack them without any worry. Not forgetting I build on 48x48's ... and in a few years it's grown to 18 baseplates, so IMHO, 18 things not to worry about Grtz Saint
A better alternative to baseplates?
Besides being a great idea for "home use " , I've got a minor problem with this solution. Being an builder I need to move pieces of landscape all over the house... so while this looks great, it doesn't have the support needed to move it around safe. It's not "stackable" like I do with baseplated scenery.. thus breaking down very easy. Baseplates are expensive, I know, but sadly I need them for my diorama's .. I check local shops for cheap baseplates, rummage sales, or whatever channel I can... And like most builders... We want results, not the boring part of building from the ground up. But hey !! Like the idea, I see a lot of potential here ! Grtz Saint
Poe's X-Wing Fighter Stand
A picture would help... From what I know about the LEGO Display's , they're glued solid and screwed on a stand... Not realy an option for us in general. What you could do is 3 things : 1 Build a stand with trans clear bricks or transclear Technic beams 2 Go to your local hobbyshop ( or constructionmarket ) and build one yourself 3 Search the internet for a "Stand" ... lots of stores used these to show products.. so they're out there. grtz Saint
- Help with identifying parts/sets!
Way of connecting two parts
Why not a 1x1 with a ring ( the thick kind ) that is also a very small solution, and easely hidden. grtz Saint
Clone Turbo Tank
Uhhmm ... sadly I used some lights in it.. but that's about it. Frankly , I don't have that much experiance with moters and movement, and although it looks heavy and sturdy, it's quite fragile in some area's. It will be on display on the Brickmania show in Antwerpen again this year ;) grtz Saint
- [MOC] Higher Altitude - New airplanes!
Has anyone else been yelled at for introducing lego to a non-tradition
My first reaction : You're from Canada , just say " Sorry , ey " and leave it be ! Second reaction : What the freck is that guy thinking ? What kind of PTSS does this guy have ? Was he trapped in a room filled with LEGO and couldn't move without stepping on them ? ) Or Third : Did he try to eat them ?? And after seeing the video... I couldn't stop laughing !!! Fighting words indeed !! Grtz Saint
Help Needed to Identify Lego set
Yep !
Help Needed to Identify Lego set
Imperial Dropship, upside down. That's my idea. Grtz Saint
Is Bricklinking a set always this hard?
I just looked it up , and can't imagine that you spend less than the amount for the cheapest one.. I think you would be better of if you bought the set. Grtz Saint
- [CB] Post-apocalyptic Landscape
I think in that case you should get in touth with the Lowlug admin, under "contact gegevens" . Lowlug does not accept Hotmail or Gmail, because those can be set up in a few minutes and are free. Grtz Saint
Did I Get A Good Deal On This Ebay Purchase?
checking Bricklink, I would say you did a good deal, the lowest ( complete ) is 27 € . ( no box or instructions ) grtz Saint
Transporting your display for shows
Yep, building modulair is the best way to go ! Bracing on the in and outside will help, and boxes with some kind of padding on the sides ( crumbled up newspaper for instance ) is also a good way to go. But seeing the before and after photo... I blame the T-rex !! grtz Saint
Mystery piece! What is this?
try playmobile, this ain't lego. grtz Saint
Tips for Displaying at LEGO Conventions?
Presentation ! That is the keyword I learned a few years back. For it doesn't matter if you present a stack of bricks or the most cunning MOC ever, presentation is everything ! Moving things ( and lights ) work attracting people , a nice piece of cloth underneath helps too ( and sometimes given to you by the organisation. ) grtz Saint
Question about new Brasso formula sold in USA
You want to bu the RED Brasso, the blue one does not work. Red is for copper, blue is for silver. Using Aceton and clear lego bricks , you can make a glue that will do the same thing as lego-glue, even better than kraggle. ( I don't know the exact mix ) But that is offtopic. some colors let themselfs be removed with much ease, others don't ... rubbing smaller details of a surface is very , very , very hard ( especialy when they're close together ). Good Luck ! Saint
Question about new Brasso formula sold in USA
aceton is really NEVER the answer... that will soften the plastic and will destroy the part you want to "fix"... I think that you should try it, the worst thing that will happen is that you'll take longer cleaning the part. Or search for the older brasso in your local store's a bit more ... like a hardware store... grtz Saint
Inverted cone - does it exist?
Nope, that does not exist. But you can easaly flip it and use a small technic axle to connect it. You use the newer tile 2x2 round with a hole , if you want to connect them to a 2x2 round , or in another way... this is just one example. grtz Saint
Dissapointed in Lego Germany
And I wonder how TLG can justify that ! Basicly , sometimes it's cheaper to buy it in the USA than buying it here... and not all lego is china made, but also european... I can understand that TLG makes it cheaper in a new market ... but it's steadely increasing by the year ! Being a world wide company , I would rather think that TLG would have the same prizes everywhere ! And really, I only buy LEGO now in discount, rather than running to the store for every set.. AND !!! Don't get me started with those polybarfs !! For a simple one we pay € 5 , and not even all the poly's are availible or so rare that you don't stand a snowballs chance in hell of getting one.. No Legostore here in The Netherlands.... Belgium has one now @ 45 minutes drive from my location.... so that is a quarter of a tank gasoline.... and then back.... so it aint cheap to go there ! sorry about the ranting... I simply love LEGO, but it's a hobby that is hard to maintain up to date... and getting harder with each new wave of overpriced set . Grtz Saint
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