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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Djmojo replied to Vilhelm22's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Thankyou! I dont get the scale, i wont even buy it to display as it will make last years display train ( the croc), emerald night and many others look goofy in scale. i get the bigger scale for the carriage displays, but not this big
  2. Djmojo replied to Vilhelm22's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Does comparison pictures of the new h.e to any other lego train exist yet? Realy interested in how ludicrous this would look next to emerald night ect..
  3. Djmojo replied to Vilhelm22's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    A thread on legoleak on reddit shows pictures of the undercarriage. This seems like an easy process og converting it to lego tracks, getting it around the corners on the other hand.. ๐Ÿ˜…
  4. Djmojo replied to Vilhelm22's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Well, this years d2c is ridicoulusly expensive ๐Ÿ˜‚ i think we will se a revamped h.e in the form of a new playset or (higley unlikely) a d2c with a station build as the current h.e is retiring and the harry potter theme has (to my knowledge) always had an hogwarts express on the shelvesโ˜บ๏ธ And yes the disney train rumor is allegedely one of the weirdest i have heard.altough it was a shame as in my opinion it was a great train In a much better scale than the other locos lego have given us
  5. Djmojo replied to Vilhelm22's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Seen two interesting (to say the least). One is that this years big harry potter set will be an expensive hogwarts express ( reminds me of april.1 2021 ๐Ÿ˜…) and the second is that the disney train is being split up into two sets: only the station and only the train. Finding these rumors hard to believe. Toughts?
  6. Djmojo replied to Vilhelm22's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    The negativity in this post is starting to reach starwars heigths๐Ÿ˜‚ honestly. When i buy a toy for my kid, one of the worst things i know of is ad on packs and extras, when i buy something for him i want a ready to play package. And i think thats what a lot of parents think. And i ceraintly wouldnt buy something you need an outlet to run (its 2022 folks..) the lego trains they have that meets this criteria is expensive and not shomething you drop into the store to buy impulsively. There is also no way i would sit down and watch my kid thinking, man i wish the gradient of track was different was i not into trains myself. Kids now want action and toys they can relate from youtube,games and movies (if they want toys at all). The decision to make all the things we want just makes no sense in the ecomic department. Yes we are a niche group and yes there would be some market for more trains. But the second we actually get something, i feel its not half as good as some here want it to be (crocodille). There is just so much complaning and negativity in a group who got undoubtelly the best after/custom market for "lego" parts made by people who live and breathe lego trains. I really hope that we get more great trains in the years to come. But i will not hold a grudge against lego if they dont. Second of all. If you actually want more niche trains, go to ideas and suport! More trains reaching the goal, the more of an impact this community will have to legos future development. The crocodille and disney train JUST got shelfed, we still have no idea if 2022 is comming with a new set (thats why this post exists,right?) and if you dont like the niche trains we get, buy them and remodel them ( its a modular system afterall) or simply dont buy it and dont scream about more from the same company you think cannot design. Really hope the tone in here can change to the better as if i where a freshly starting trainhead reading some of this womit, marklin would still take my business โ˜บ๏ธ
  7. Djmojo replied to Vilhelm22's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Rumor has it the hogwarts express is retiring this summer too. So we will likely see a new version comming out this summer too!
  8. Djmojo replied to Vilhelm22's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Yes, its not that its not a good model. because in legos favour, the set is actually good for the scale. They even bothered with doors, thats a standard we dont se often but its the fact that they give nothing to the actual lego train comunity but instead makes a unusable model. They easily could have pleased the train comunity, AND made a good model for kids. on another note, this is quoted from the city forums: Two๏ปฟ unconfirmed products have๏ปฟ been registered with Brickmerge.๏ปฟ The numbers are 60335 and 60336. The๏ปฟ prices of 603๏ปฟ35 and 60336 are $79.99 and $179.99, respectively.๏ปฟ. The price points could sugest a train station and train
  9. Djmojo replied to Vilhelm22's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    All negativity aside, i think 2022 got some goodies in store, we can almost certainly say we will gett two new city trains, and with the new container piece in the city cardine factory set, i think atleast the cargo will feature some cool rolling stock. And there are some spots in the 18+ range that fits a new train. With the sucess of the crocodille and its early retirement, i cannot think that lego wont release a new set
  10. Djmojo replied to Vilhelm22's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    The train theme is a dying theme, by the hands og lego themselves. Its funny how the star wars guys goes nuts over a box logo fault, screaming about a 501battlepack and actually getting it, and here we are like a bunch of gimps just hoping for one set a year that has wheels that can be used on a lego track piece In legos defence, i really like that they have atleast given us some themed trains in the last years (disney train, hidden side etc) its obvious lego dont see the point in making trains like they used to, but someone is atleast trying
  11. Djmojo replied to Vilhelm22's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Well the hig speed train is live on the lego shop, i cannot understand how this feels like a better idea to them than releasing simple 6wide push trains in the creator series, or even some carriages. Maybe this comes instead of the new city trains, so they can make space for more vidiyo sets
  12. Djmojo replied to legotownlinz's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    In the lego store in my country, the crocodile and disney train are marked as sold out, hogwarts express is marked as backorder aviable in a month and the two city trains are Temporarily sold out. I cannot remember that this has been the case before. This must be the only "theme" you cannot get hold of right now ๐Ÿ˜… isnโ€™t this a weird move right before christmas as its atleast the city trains prime sell time?
  13. Djmojo replied to legotownlinz's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Ah yes, my bad!
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