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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by m2fel

  1. Great MOC and good idea. To prevent the propeller from changing direction, the trick from Control Center 8094 could work. Place 3 gears on a lift arm that can rotate and is therefore able to support two different transmission paths. This is probably not possible with the set due to space constraints and the available parts, but perhaps it will fit into another MOC at some point :)
  2. Hi, the real challenges were in the 90s :). In the last few years i have bought and built 8880, 8868 and 8865, among others. The instructions are as follows: take these 20 parts and try to recognize the differences to the last building step on the picture. And there is no color coding. For 8880 there are black, black and black parts :P In the new sets I hardly make any building mistakes although I build quickly and without focusing. In the old sets I made some mistakes even though I built slowly without distraction :) As a bonus, there is the penalty of the old pins with high clamping force if you have to build two or three building steps back B) So get an old set as a challenge. Buying used sets is even cheaper than new ones (that might be my personal gut feeling). Last but not least, you often have to dismantle entire sets, clean the parts and, if necessary, buy defective, incorrect or missing parts :) I spent more time with 8865 than with any new set. Looking for a used, acceptable set, buying paper instructions, dismantling, cleaning, checking parts, buying new ones or replacing existing ones and building took quite some time. But I enjoyed every part of it for the bargain of 60$ in total!
  3. I like it and it reminds me of the 8275 b-model :)
  4. according to the page: C61508W = CLAAS combine harvester (4400 pcs). The vid is about C65012 CLAAS Xerion 5000 Trac TS
  5. To pressurize two separate circuits you can use one valve. First pump up circuit 1, then circuit 2 and then just close it :)
  6. As liquid I would choose silicon oil as it should not affect the plastic (couplings and hoses) or the metal and is not toxic (still please avoid to eat it :) If you want to pump air into the system you need to be able to separate all loops after. This is an insane build and I love it!
  7. Hey, check out a video from Technic Brick Power. At about 2:22 it shows how to use a motor to run diferent gears by tilting a liftarm right or left and then drive it with the same motor. Lego used something similar in the 8094 control center of the B or C model "crane", where you can find it from building step 22. Hard to put into words ;)
  8. Why not look at rebrickable or search the web for Lego mocs. Then contact the designer if you find something that is close to your requirements or even meets them. There is a lot out there and some might be willing to adjust their moc for your needs and work with you.
  9. I like the crane. Its look and functionality. I don't mind that it does not match the lr13000 as I don't know much about those cranes but it very much reminds me on Liebherr cranes I sometimes see on pictures. As I am price sensitive I most probably will never own this crane but it is up to Lego to decided how to run their business and I really can't be mad about this...
  10. Recolour parts in a useful colour for technic is to much to ask for. Black pins are dark magic! BUT pink bushes for a 253 pieces 3 in 1 creator parrot are desperately needed
  11. Thanks for the tip, just order some micro motors
  12. The tires are mounted wrongly in the video
  13. Hey, not sure but looks like there are two problems with your set-up. When the suspension is compressed the pneumatic cylinder is kinked. The way it is build the 'black end' of the cylinder cannot move around the axle the way it needs when the suspension moves. If the movement was possible the whole cylinder would need to change its length when the suspension travels otherwise the the wheel will be turned (bumpsteer?). Maybe someone else can explain it better or even confirm my assumptions.
  14. I really like how the wheels will have the pivot point close to the centre. Tried to build something similar before but my design was just too weak to be useful :)
  15. I would have a bad feeling if the spring was always compressed. If there is no spring travel at all, you can replace a spring with two 1x6 thin technic beams...
  16. Maybe: https://rebrickable.com/parts/3700/technic-brick-1-x-2-1-hole/ or https://rebrickable.com/parts/18677/plate-special-1-x-2-with-pin-hole-underneath/ or https://rebrickable.com/parts/32529/technic-pin-connector-plate-with-one-hole-single-on-bottom/
  17. I think the Ford and Batcycle are amazingly priced for Lego. I would even say they are a good deal and there will be discounts on the market :). I will still continue to buy used Lego or order parts that I need
  18. I really like the idea and just looked for Duplo trains at Lego... Lego sells a Duplo Digi Train with 234 pieces aimed at 2-5 years for 304.99€. This price is just insane unless the thing can fly
  19. Is there more than one source for the Liebherr price? If not, let's wait and see.... It will certainly be expensive, but the question is how stupid expensive I think :)
  20. I guess the available Lego springs are just to stiff for the tiny weight of a Lego bike. Before the springs gets compressed the whole bike just gets lifted (inertia and stuff). As Lego springs are actual springs without a damper they are not really close the really deal anyway.
  21. Hello, regarding the front suspension. I don't think it's too far off. If you push a motorcycle from the top down (I don't know how to explain it better), the suspension would also bend, because it doesn't work that way. If you drive the motorcycle over a small obstacle or hole, the suspension will compress or push out. The suspension is there to absorb shocks from the road in order to function properly. At least that's how I think it works :) On a motorcycle the suspension doesn't bend when the rider gets on, or it's pushed down a little from above, as it is freakin' rigit an not made of ABS.
  22. Hi, Ngoc Nguyen. If the BWE needs to run smoother I suggest the mod of jb 70. The mod also speeded mine up as It is not as jerky as it was anymore :)
  23. 8880 has a 4 speed gearbox and 4WD
  24. My guess is that he imports the 3d models of the parts from another program like stu.io into solidedge. Then builds the model in solidedge. It looks like solidege can generate the 3d pdf without further work. Thus making standard instructions would be additional work and maybe even difficult if such a function is not available in solidedge like it is in stud.io
  25. Hey, there is a similar effect on some of my models which spend their time in a display case and are thus dust protected. Most of them are RC and used to play every now and then. Recently I took 42030 for a ride and it was really driving slow/bad. I always remove all batteries when putting the models away as I had problems with leaking batteries before thus the used batteries were new. After some research I believe that creeping of the plastic is one of the problems. Creeping (could be wrongly translated by me) means the plastic deforms under load over time. I think the whole models "creeps" and thus beams, axles and gears change their shape a tiny bit over time. All those tiny changes add up and cause friction in the drivetrain. If a model is disasamble and put back together the problem disappears because only the pieces which the highest load 'creeped' and are most probably put into different places which don't add up causing problems anymore. Hope this makes sense as it is only a theory :) There are compressed air sprays which are often used to clean keyboards or similar. Has anyone ever tried such a spray to remove dust from Lego?
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