I spotted a single Series 10 bag at my local TRU in Pennsylvania. I made a comment to a fellow shopper about the entire remainder of the box being gone already, and he mentioned the BOGO 40% off sale, as he proceeded to load his cart with pretty much every Series 9 bag there. Have fun making your $20 profit flipping those, dude.
I don't really understand what you mean by this. "True" collector, as opposed to what?And why do you feel punished? It's not one of the 16 to collect. It's a super-rare bonus that in all likelihood, some random kids are going to find. Is someone who buys one of these aftermarket less of a collector than you? Wouldn't they be more of one if they're willing to make a huge investment for it?
There was also the white metal Krana-Kal in the Bohkrok-Kal pods, way back when.
Was this photo taken through a window on a rooftop or something? Shady as heck.
Yeah, like others have said, if there are only 5000, the only way I'm getting one is the near-impossible chance that I find one on my first feel-through. After I complete my set, that will be the extent of my search.
Great... as if the people who collect these aren't crazed enough to get the rare figures, which are guaranteed a set number per box, they go and throw this into the mix.
Alright, distribution in the US blows right now. I suppose we can expect them to start showing up in TRU soon since they're listed online, but sheesh... not even Kmart, Target, or 5 Below yet.
Especially for someone who lives in western PA. There's not a LEGO store anywhere close to here.
Right. You can call the store and give them any of those product numbers listed, and they will be able to tell you if they or any other local TRUs have them, though. Mine currently does not, but they have a truck coming Thursday, which may or may not have them.
I had a feeling these would start popping up soon, so I checked the forum and lo and behold!
Looks like my $10 a $50 purchase at TRU coupon will be used fairly soon.
I found S6 at my local Walmart today for $2.97. Thought I would mention because I don't recall seeing any US Walmart sightings yet.
The nearby Target had a new box as well, and TRU had a few bags.
For you guys finding these in Kmarts-- where are you finding them? In the LEGO aisle, endcaps, or somewhere else? I couldn't find any yesterday- although it is likely that store simply doesn't have them.
I hope these start showing up in larger quantities this month. I got all the ones I really wanted from TRU, but want to complete the set at a more reasonable price. Seems like the local Targets only got in a single box, initially.