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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Vladut started following Brick_Barrage101
  2. *Your entry has earned 16 XP* The 853rd were tasked with defending a strategic outpost on the snow covered world of Orto Plutonia. Everything was going normal within the Outpost, when com chatter from patrols began to cut out. CT-6291 was able to make it back to the outpost, and warn the rest of the 853rd of the impending droid assault. Every man went to their battle station, men climbed into the trenches, manned their E-Webs, and prepared to stare death straight in the eye. As sirens began to blare, Captain Quain knew this might be the end for him and his company. The 853rd stood their ground as the thum, thum, thum of the advancing droid army grew louder, and louder, and louder. There was an eerie silence for a moment or two, the company looked round at each other, questioning the strange silence. But the droids were surely not gone, merely stopped. The hangar doors lie open, the chilling breeze blew in snow from the outside, most definitely sending shivers down the spine of every clone lying in wait. The thum, thum, thum resumed just as quickly as it had ended, and the droids were now visible at the end of the hangar. The clones didn’t shoot though, neither did the droids, this silence did not last long however, as one trooper on the E-Web opened fire, and complete chaos ensued. The sheer quantity of the advancing droids were no match for the superior skilled clones. And many members of the 853rd were wiped out in this initial engagement. The last members of the 853rd hurried down the hallways of the outpost as they began to become boxed in. As soon as the surviving members made it outside of the outpost, seeing the possibility to escape right in front of them, a droid gunship landed roughly 50 meters out, and there seemed to be no espace. CT-9862 “Fixer” hopped on the E-Web and began firing, while the squad’s medic, “Rando” made an all out push towards the advancing clankers. As this chaos unfolded, Quain got an incoming trans omission from the nearby base, several LAATs were en route to their location, and Quain knew if he could just hold on for a little longer.... two more droid gunships landed. The end was near. Quain ordered for an all out push, he would either barely make it out, or die 7 ABY: After being rerouted from Ilum to Orto Plutonia, the crew finds the back entrance of an abandoned republic outpost, a battle must have occurred here. This outpost could be of great use to the Imperial Triumvirate. Thank y’all for looking! Sorry I really had to rush this at the end so sorry if some parts look really rushed.
  3. Oh it’s beautiful.... Great stuff Sim.
  4. Thank you! I tried to get as many little details as I could within the space.
  5. I know! Can’t depart before doing our duties 😉
  6. Yes, I definitely should’ve had the build first, and I guess I did want to include a lot of elements 😅, but you know stuff can get crammed on our home world of Kalist VI as everyone prepares for expeditions so who knows 🤷🏼‍♂️.
  7. Wow dude! That’s so detailed, really great design, I’m just so, so impressed, well done!
  8. Thanks man, I really tried to get the atmosphere with this one!
  9. That looks really good! The guiding design is simple, yet pulled off very nicely, and of course the center piece being the droid is phenomenal, super unique! A few nitpicks: The rockwork could be improved upon I think, but for so little space for the rockwork, it’s not bad, and maybe the terrain could’ve been changed a bit, maybe since the droid is coming from the direction you could’ve tiled everything off except the area behind where “footprints” would be. Once again those are nitpicks so overall this is a really great build! Well done!
  10. Thank you! That was actually a last minute addition fig so I’m glad you like it 😅
  11. Great figs Jan! I like the stories too, and your sig is superb, but I guess I’ve already told you all this stuff on the TT discord. Great work!
  12. Yeah I remember Bjorn talking bout the pic with all the figs, but it was just getting late here, and I rely on natural light a lot for my photos. I also could’ve used something else for the hologram, I was just trying to use Bjorn’s technique by using upside down stuff, but I didn’t have the same piece, so it just didn’t turn out right, and I’ve gotten mostly positive feedback on the rubber bands (supposed to be wires if you don’t know), but thank you for letting me know, different perspectives are always good :) .
  13. Very nice build! You captured the imperial aesthetic nicely, and incorporated tons of small, fun little details. Your build actually helped inspire me for my Cat. A, so thank you! I have one small complaint, I’m not a fan of the open visor where you can see his face, and I feel the blue color doesn’t really fit, but that’s just one fig though so overall really great job!
  14. Thanks mate! I really appreciate that.
  15. *Your entry has earned 6 XP* Mission Commander “Rax” Rax has been fighting with the Empire for a while now. He was raised on Coruscant, and enlisted as soon as he was old enough, this is his first time as mission commander on an expedition. Colonist “D’zhar” D’zhar is a member of the Klatoonian species, he has helped colonize many worlds for the Imperial Triumvirate. Logistics Commander “Cenick” Cenick was a admiral during the days of The Republic, and when it was transitioned into the first galactic empire, he stayed loyal, he has since moved into more of a logistical role. Recon Specialist “Mico” Mico is a part of the Triumvirate special forces, he specializes in reconnaissance, especially in harsh conditions. Colonist “Balosar” Balosar is part of the Ugnaught species, he was never satisfied with having such a high position in a colonist, but being so short, so he got these legs to look both more imposing, and tower over everyone else. Chief Security Officer “Vott” Chief Security Officer Vott had a traditional upbringing on Coruscant, and has been working as Chief Security Officer here on Kalist VI, this is his second expedition. Mining Specialist “Deez” Deez is a mining specialist, he will have a major role navigating the icy caverns of Ilum. Field Communications Officer “Rence” As a communications officer, Rence helps keeps connection between the crew, a very vital role. Technical Officer “Voux” Voux makes repairs on ships, weapons, you name it, as technical officer he is in charge of repairs on many thing here on Kalist VI. Heavy Weapons Specialist “Rico” Rico was an incinerator trooper, but after a freak accident which almost killed him, he now use the Z-6 rotary canon and other various explosives. Maintenance Officer “Liston” Liston is a member of the Iakru species, he helps maintain Triumvirate ships in need of repair on Kalist VI Pilot “Rouxge” Rouxge is a new recruit of the imperial Triumvirate, he was previously a member of the mining guild and flew cargo vessels.
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