Everything posted by swils
Heroica RPG General Discussion
You addressed the earlier one, no worries. In my head, this was basically an outburst in one's native tongue (insert movie trope where french waiter curses out some american tourist, or some such), so I wasn't exactly expecting Lind to understand it. I think I've been fairly consistent in who Arx addresses, always using the <> to indicate non-human tongue.
Heroica RPG - Quest #147: Judgment Day
<"Were we? We didn't bring the torrential rains that caused the problem in the first place. I will sympathize with them, acknowledge that they have been wronged... but not by us. I will not shoulder the blame for Immortalis' actions."> Calming down, he acknowledges Miirym's point about timing with a huff. He turns to leave once again, not paying too much mind as his tail delivers a solid *thwack!* to the black knight as he did so.
Heroica RPG - Quest #147: Judgment Day
Keeping an icy stare fixed on Lind, Arx offers to Miirym, <"We haven't, but when we're standing over a rioting crowd, that's not exactly the best time to hang our dirty laundry out there. Much less try to paint some of ourselves as better than others. To admit indecision here only stands to bolster the crowd's belief that they have been wronged. They can't possibly know the gravity of what we are set out to do; they see and feel only the immediate effects. I understand this. I don't much like the outcome, but I see its necessity towards our greater goal.">
Heroica RPG - Quest #147: Judgment Day
Arx stops in his tracks, turns and blocks the black knight's path. <"Still your tongue and shove your self righteousness, or I'll pick you up and drop you back to that crowd faster than you could draw a blade. When we should be standing united, you merely drive a wedge further between us. I'm sure we all get it, you didn't want to. You don't see Immortalis as being that big of a problem. I've got half a mind to say you're no better than that Monk Pretzel, who betrayed us to Baba. In fact, why don't you convince me you're not just here to sabotage us on Immortalis' request, before I throw you to the crowd to buy the rest of us some time, hmm?"> Thormanil chuckles, and calls over his shoulder, "Come on, Arx, much as I'd like to put the rat in his place, we don't have time for this. Let's go, yeah?" But Arx only snarls and stands his ground, while the rest of the party moves onwards.
Heroica RPG - Quest #147: Judgment Day
"If it doesn't matter, and they're not gonna take sides," he grumbles, shrugging off Lind's weak grasp, "then why bother even pointing it out? You brought this to boil, you can deal with it." He shoves Lind back towards the advancing crowd, and with Arx in short step behind him, moves to leave alongside Jinnipher.
Heroica RPG General Discussion
Seriously considered adding a "Thormanil makes a move at shoving Lind into the adoring crowd" and letting End/LW take it from there, but I'm sure Lind would have been aware enough as to dodge such a clumsy effort /shrug Edit: That was regarding my earlier post. Having read developments since then? Nah, a solid shove backwards seems fitting. Might as well edit again, given the current "dialogue": I wasn't aware that Lind was also fluent in dragon-tongue, although, given his deep and seemingly endless bag of tricks, I probably should have expected it.
Heroica RPG - Quest #147: Judgment Day
"By throwing the rest of us to the sharks, you mean? 'They did it, not me!' Pathetic. However we're going to move forward, let's do it, before Lind digs us a deeper hole with his blathering."
Heroica RPG - Quest #147: Judgment Day
"I'll be sure to, thanks Vind."
Heroica RPG - Quest #147: Judgment Day
"Hard t' say no." He offers up his spear to Vindsval.
Heroica RPG - Quest #147: Judgment Day
OOC Assumed as much. "Thanks, Arthur. Hopefully we don't face any more armies, but they don't exactly like playing on even footin'. Yknow, if no one else wants one, before we move on, I'll actually buy one more of the two remaining."
Heroica RPG - Quest #147: Judgment Day
Thormanil buys one splattering venom.
Heroica RPG - Quest #147: Judgment Day
Thormanil vs Glaz, twice, shishkebab, front Arx vs White J, twice, back
Heroica RPG - Quest #147: Judgment Day
Thormanil v White Angel H, Shiskebab, as many times as it takes, back row. Arx v White Angel I, as many times as it takes, back row.
Heroica RPG General Discussion
I mean, clearly there's more than one breed of "Half Giants", so why not lizard-dudes? Heh
Heroica RPG - Quest #147: Judgment Day
Thormanil Phoenix Essence Arthur Thormanil vs White Angel G, back, twice Arx vs Black Angel D, front Arx vs Black Angel D, front
Heroica RPG - Quest #147: Judgment Day
Thormanil vs White Angel B, back row, twice (Shishkebab) Arx vs White Angel A, back row
[2016 Digital Design Contest] - Voting topic
#16 - 5
Heroica RPG General Discussion
I mentioned it fairly early on, I believe. I've been avoiding specifying an element since there shouldn't be a choice atm, just ice. I guess it is worth mentioning again, I just didn't want to come off as nagging.
Heroica RPG General Discussion
All I'm saying is, these guys serve the Father of all Dragons. Can a dragon-slayer get a bone thrown every once in a while? "Corvis, Keeper of the Great Dragon's Gardens"
Heroica RPG - Quest #147: Judgment Day
"He ain't gonna see reason, that's what you two and the big guy were brought in for." he mutters, exasperatedly. Preparing to attack the new White Angel, E (while Arx repeats), he offers, "If you lead the charge with your little offer, and they accept, I'll stand down, but I don't see that happenin', they're too prideful. Besides, if we face down Immortalis, guarantee they stand by him... and we will be facing the big guy, bet my wallet on it."
Heroica RPG - Quest #147: Judgment Day
"You can't possibly trust them," Thormanil snarls at Arthur. "I've got about as much respect for Immortalis as anyone can have, knowing what we do, but I don't trust his holy thugs one little bit!"
Heroica RPG - Quest #147: Judgment Day
Thormanil and Arx line up facing the right flank. Thormanil takes on White Angel C (Shishkebab, twice), while Arx takes White Angel D, both from the back row. Thanks to Flipz, I've got a nice upgraded portrait for Arx, and it seems appropriate, given that he's an adult now!
Heroica RPG - Quest #147: Judgment Day
Arx chimes in, <"I could use a little healing, too, if you wouldn't mind."> He sidles up near Vindsval. Meanwhile, Thormanil rummages through his things for his Medal of Glory, finding it and affixing it back around his neck. "Should take a lesson in humility from your boss, birdie." As was mentioned in General Discussion a bit ago, I've been meant to have that Medal of Glory that I loaned to Pretzel. Just want to make sure I actually sorted before we jump into this fight.
Heroica RPG - Quest #147: Judgment Day
Yikes, you take a day or two to move out of a dorm, and you miss a lot! I should be here for the next week or so, but with fair warning, I was caught off guard when I heard my summer arrangements were shifting from an apartment to a dry cabin... unsure of how reliable my internet will be following that move. Arx leapt up and took to the air, trying to scout his friends' distance so far. Thormanil, having withdrawn to his own thoughts while the others argued, snapped back to attention at Jinnipher's nudge. Having previously come off as rather aloof, he was taken off guard by her address. "Huh? Oh, nah... nah. He's got a powerful grip on magic, more'n most, but when we were speaking last, he mentioned that his feats take both a lot of time and energy. If it comes down to a fight, I don't expect him to be able to bowl right over us, at least. I think the scariest part about him right now is how mild mannered he's been. Other powerful dragons I've met, they're all too eager to roar at you about how strong they are, and a bunch of 'Fear me, bow to me' nonsense. Immortalis seems to accept his own, well, mortality." He rambles a bit as he looks towards the sky to see where Arx had gone.
Heroica RPG - Quest #147: Judgment Day
"Don't s'pose we could drain just enough to have headroom and freeze a path on the surface as we go, eh? Hate t'say it, but I'm in favor of flooding the district otherwise."
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