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Utinni Utinni

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Hopefully the Luke comes with an alternate Plo Koon head.
  2. Probably Qui-Gon and an TC-14. Let's be honest, all people remember from that scene is a poncho and a droid.
  3. Might want to fix the spoiler tags.
  4. Tone and attitude can be assumed also. I don't see the tone and attitude you are assuming from reading this quote. I also couldn't find the full interview or if there was audio, so I can't speak to that. If you go to 26:50 in the reveal video on Lego youtube they say: Bald guy: "The fact that we've done it. Finally we've done a UCS version of the republic Gunship ..." Beanie guy (Hans): ... the fact that it's a UCS model from the prequels to the ???? Is quite an achievement." Couldn't make out one word. Those didn't seem like they were said by people loathed to make prequel UCS sets. My take on what's being said, so maybe I'm wrong, but that's what it sounds like to me.
  5. I'm going to defend the designer when they said to buy the set if we want to get more prequel stuff. Do the designers decide what gets made? I'm sure they have input but it's unlikely that they make the final decision. So maybe he wanted to make more prequel UCS stuff available but can't unless the higher ups can finally see the demand. So I prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt here. As for the "all people remember is yellow" thing, not so much.
  6. Would you prefer them not lock a desirable minifigure behind an expensive set (which does happen already) or not make the minifigure at all? Sure ideally they make figures who haven't shown up yet, but they didn't say they would print a Cody later. It's probably pretty likely now, but still nothing yet.
  7. People disagree with how Lego chose their minifigures. No problem with that. The only way I'll get this set is if there is a sweet exclusive gift with purchase. Phase 2 Cody wouldn't make a difference for me (wouldn't it be funny if they revealed the gift with purchase was a phase 2 Cody? Anyway, there probably isn't one regardless). It's just too big to display with my space. There's always going to be a barrier to acquire some minifigs. There isn't a problem with rewarding big money purchasers with a new minifigure that could also pop up later. So while I don't think the lack of an new minifigure or a pilot is a big deal, it's still not smart (in my opinion) to not put more weight to minifigure selection.
  8. I originally thought the teal speeder was the one from The Mandalorian episode 1 that picks up Mando, but it's not. Maybe a blue version of Luke's ... oh, just remembered and confirmed. It's the Mythrol's landspeeder in The Siege episode in S.2. #13 from your list is from that same episode. The troop transport we are getting a big set of soon.
  9. If you were pining for a Riot Mar's Starship, this advent calendar might be your only chance I was upset with myself for not recognizing one minibuild until I saw what it was. This overall looks real good. More than a few boring builds, but still good overall.
  10. I'd love to find out the age/interests of the people that watched Legocon. There seemed to be a lot of people submitting Dots designs at least. It didn't really work for me, but oh well. If they got a lot of kids to watch and enjoy then it worked for Lego I guess.
  11. I have no real idea if this is possible, but I wonder if there would be a way to have some sort of stabilizer insert into the knee joints to allow them to stand firm, but you could remove it to reposition the legs.
  12. What if the $800 AT-AT was made to only pose like the downed AT-AT? Now that would solve the structural problems! 😀 I'm sure nobody would be upset with that
  13. It was a general comment that I stand behind. I said nothing of debate. Also, the marauder looks much better than I thought it would. None of the post-R2 sets are day 1 purchases for me though. But I'll probably pick them all up when they get discounted eventually.
  14. Man, y'all need to stop hating on each other.
  15. Face printing on the Dark Troopers? Don't understand why. It'd be a great time to do Dyn's Face. Or Fennec's hair. Or another Dark Trooper. Probably gonna wait for a discounted set for the Cruiser
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