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Eurobricks Knights
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  1. Lion Knight legs went down in price in Canada, 60 cents per. Bought a bunch in a PAB order and used my Black Friday Vouchers for $15 off, got it with a 6 pack CMF order for free shipping. Lion knights also coming to BAM, so the torsos and shield might be cheapest option there. Less than a dollar each by my calculations. That is if your stores allow free pick for 15 parts.
  2. Creator is notorious for brick built creatures. It would make it very sad if horses were brick built.
  3. Yeah It's been 3+. weeks and the boxes at the store i got the d&d figs from is still untouched other from my purchases. I think i found my go to for the wolfpack dudes
  4. I wouldn't mind the ravens if just to get the actual figure and shield. They're super pricy on the aftermarket. I only managed to get a torso last month from a lucky thrift store purchase. It was missing an arm, but I patched it with a black falcon and a nexo knight lavadudes hand. Still need the legs and shield for a proper fig. I tried other shields like the cross Axes, but the yellow doesn't match quite right. I'm still hoping for griffin and kraken. We should have em all!
  5. Most could be reuse. Tailored BK soldiers and torso prints could be specific to future BK sets, while creator just introduces the shield as a new element. I could see introducing a new Black Knights triangle shield that gets used in other sets in the future. The black knights had generic scale armor prints that didn't have a specific insignia, so creator could use whatever existing torso that fits, including viking stuff. If they want, a Dragon Master torso print already existed from majistos gwp. A single Wolfpack torso gets reused from MTS for a bandit. Full new ovoid shields for BK and DM would be future CMF territory. If they plan on secret BK specific sets or GWP, they could also contribute to the budget, just like forest hideout introduced forestmen before LKC did. It's not far from the previous castle having black falcon torso and shields. The only new piece would be the Black Knights triangle shield here.
  6. I'm leaning on this if it isn't the castle hinted at from the dragon boxart We have plenty of gray castles, time to return to some black ones, which works for dragon masters and wolfpack as well. Would be the perfect setup for 3 in 1. Wizards tower, Knights Castle, or a Bandit's Keep. I introduced the glow in the dark feature to my 3yr old daughter. Now she always wants the lights out in the dining room to see them glow in their display
  7. I've been contemplating joining lugs, but I don't think I'm committed enough to do large bulk purchases. I often get my parts from bulk thrift store purchases, facebook marketplace deals and any major discounts I can find. My income is too unstable to commit to a long term plan. Even now Medieval Town Square is outside my reach even though I've spent a couple hundred on vaeious side purchases in preparation of expanding the village ( over the course of months)
  8. The brain part from the brain bugs looks neat too, could pair well with the D&D mindflayer
  9. It's all on Lego making CMF foster artificial demand. If these minis existed in box sets, we would PAB them as we please just like we already do for LKC parts, Pirates and Town Square wolfpack. No competition or artificial price gouging. Lego has chosen to lock molds and prints behind CMF. That is not the fault of collectors who have no other choice to obtain what we want. If I could PAB paladin armor, I would, but I can't. I don't want to have to scan any more than I want to stand there feeling up bags for an orc. They aren't making Castle sets with these minis. They're forcing all Castle collectors to go this route. If kids want a full collection they gotta do the same as any collector, buy 6-packs, full boxes or find one in the aftermarket. Let's not pretend we all have equal chance of finding all 12 purely from blind box picks. Kids learn quick about the nature of 'blind boxes'. This is all on the system Lego has chosen to distribute their supply. They control the demand by limiting supply in this very way. For the record, i bought a full set in the aftermarket to get my first Paladin. I also bricklinked an arakocra for $7 before that. I also saw them out early at Walmart before street date and had 5 in my hand, scanned all of em and knew rangers and paladins were missing. I didn:t buy at the time because i was with my kid and it was getting late ( long lines), i didn't know they were out early cuz i went the next day and they were all gone. Finding a fresh box recently was just happenstance, and I have no regrets getting to em first. This is the way the game is played.
  10. I see it now thanks! Yeah that is a must buy for my plans for an expanded town square once I get the set.
  11. Is there a clear image of the print? I can make out some goats that's about it. I might PAB that with my eventual Wolfpack torso order
  12. I just hit jackpot at my local supermarket in my city. 2 fresh boxes of D&D figs just sitting on the shelf. I snagged 6 paladins! My city and area is mostly elderly, so not much competition for CMFs.
  13. It's still a major FOMO gamble for whether they bring em back at all. Like even now a whole bunch of pirate torsos are going away soon. Which will be coming back in new sets? No one will know and for how long, and their retirements are all quite sudden even if we can predict it coinciding with retiring sets. PAB orders aren't as simple to make as a mere bricklink order either. They split stiff up to bestsellers and muck with product availability which also affects the shipping thresholds. If a piece happens to sell out in your cart they just remove it entirely. So you gotta watch it like a hawk and keep track of what is still in stock while trying to make the most out of a gwp or double vip deal. And then sudden retirements add more chaos. I'd been looking for sheep for almost a year since they retired last nov. It was just pure luck on my part that i was able to find all I wanted on bricklink for reasonable prices and luckily, free shipping.
  14. Red fits better on D&D anyways since red dragons are typically the viIlainous poster boys of the franchise, being the meanest types of chromatic dragons in the lore. They've graced the covers of their sourcebooks and even appear in the classic logo. Red Dragons are the typical fire breathing variety we associate classic dragons to. Green dragons in D&D don't even breath fire.
  15. I just got me some sheep off Brickkink since I missed em on PAB... I hate how they retired them just to bring it back. Just keep the animals around!
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