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Everything posted by Kubaccino

  1. This is an alternate build for the 10258 Creator Expert London Bus - you don’t need any additional parts apart from this set. The red bus is a London classic. But there are also other iconic landmarks that every tourist is taking pictures of when visiting London - for example the red telephone boxes. When building the bus and holding all those windows, a family member had the idea to recreate the famous London phone booth out of the bus. Some time later the project started and after a Lego intense Easter weekend the MOC was done. Nice side effect - the phone box needs less space on the shelf than the bus and makes room for new sets. ;-) As the alternate has some parts to spare, you can additionally build a park bench with a magazine holder and a garbage can. The building instruction is available on rebrickable. For more details please watch the video. Have fun building! I'm curious for your feedback.
  2. This is an alternate build for the 40371 Easter Egg.It is no classical BrickHead or BrickPet. It fits the general style but not the proportions. The DOTs pattern on his belly is one idea but the parts allow many other variations as well. You can find a small speed build on my Youtube channel and the free PDF building instructions on rebrickable.com/users/Kubaccino/mocs/ I hope you like this little bird and build colourful friends for him.
  3. Thank you Lfm 55 for the support ;-) I will try again with the next model. @Omand Thanks and cheers
  4. I originally wanted to post this on May the 4th but was not admitted to this forum yet - so I'm a bit delayed but I hope you like it anyway. First of all I want to give credits and thanks to JK Brickworks for his great design of the Pursuit of Flight and his free instructions for it. It’s really fun how smoothly the mechanism works. He inspired me to build my own version with the Battle of Hoth. In my youth I loved to play the scene where Luke fights the AT-AT with his snow speeder on PC. Now this little kinetic sculpture stands on my desk and I play this battle a little bit again ;-) [url=https://flic.kr/p/2kWxxii][img=https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51156715679_c1a078bfbf.jpg][/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/2kWxxii]Lego Star Wars Moc Battle of Hoth - Flight Pursuit_4x3[/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/192787001@N05/]Kubaccino[/url], auf Flickr On Youtube you can also see a small video for the MOC, I have to work on the subtitles a bit but you can see the movement even if you do not understand the German text. I'm looking forward for your feedback P.S. I'm working on how to add a picture from flickr here... but until now did not manage
  5. Hi, we are a German couple who both played with Lego as a child. It was never completely out of our lifes as we always liked it as little gifts e.g. for Nikolaus. But then came one family weekend and my mother wanted to sort out our childhood lego. She had sorted all parts into caskets and laid all building instructions on the table. Everything was built to take a look if it is complete and everyone could take his sets to his new home. Since that weekend the complete family including grandparents, sisters in law, ... are in AFOL status. Some of them have built Lego the first time that weekend. Since then we have a lot of fun in building regular sets but also designing MOCs on our own, mostly alternate builds. We have by now a small portfolio of very different sets on rebrickable and a small Youtube channel. We try to make something new and funny for each MOC. I'm looking forward to sharing some of our designs with you and discuss them and I'm also very curious on your ideas and thoughts. Yours Kubaccino (and Kubaccina ;-) )
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