[J7-Iridonia-TT] slaughter on Iridonia
*This entry has earned 6 XP*
[S12 - Nar Shaddaa - TT][Factions Ep. 9 Cat A] Safe house on Nar Shaddaa
*This entry has earned 10 XP (including 5xp bonus)* -Lieutenant Wurst! What is the status of the new republic -they are still searching for us commander -send out the death troopers to take care of them -Yes sir
- Djungles of Kowak [Factions Ep. 9 Cat C] [S16-Kowak-TT]
Large size a-376 freighter [U13-Altor 14-TT]
*This entry has earned 2 XP (x2 LTC Bonus Applied)* The empire was transporting weapons to Svivren with stolen civillian freighters.
- Imperial supply base on Altor 14 [U13-Altor 14-TT]
Captain Lonston's office [K12-Kalist VI-TT]
*This entry has earned 3 XP* Captain Lonston was working in his office when Lieutenant Wurst walked right in to tells him he has to report to Admiral Espen about his mission on Svivren
Imperial base camp on Svivren [O19-Svivren-TT]
*This entry has earned 3 XP* Captain Lonston sat down near the fire with a squad of deathtroopers talking about the might of the empire.
AyobyteBricks changed their profile photo
- Faction: The Imperial Triumvirate (TT)
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