I have a question about buwizz
After about 5 minutes of play, my model stops and does not go forward or backward. left-right control still works. Engines and buwizzs are not warm. Buwizzs does not display any signals from PU ports. The wheels move only after lifting the model from the ground or after a short time. The model weighs 1.4 kg, is usually powered by 2x 88012 lego hubs and NiZn batteries. The drive is 4xPU/XL motor and 1xPU/L on the stering. There are no problems with this configuration (it is slower than with buwizzs)
Why does the model stop after 5 minutes when is powered by 2x buwizz 3.0? Is the high gear ratio the problem? Is there something wrong with my buwizzs?
Drive photo
Me too. after many attempts, I gave up. Even after successful calibration, the motor rotates multiple times in random directions. the calibration is too strong and it breaks the model. In this form, back to center steering is useless. Buwizz team fix it ASAP
Hello everyone.
Yesterday I updated buwizz apps. Now I can connect to buwizz 3.0 what I am waiting for. But now the app doesn't connect to 88012 technic hub. Anyone have a similar problem?