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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. We've just added examples for the Technic Liebherr Crawler Crane LR 13000 (42146) as well!
  2. > I've downloaded EV3 Home and I'll give that a try. Since you've found the original software now, you could also get one of several books about EV3, which have tons of fun activities and things to learn. I wrote the EV3 Discovery Book, but there are plenty of others too :)
  3. Yep, multiple hubs will work via broadcasting. It's already available. Examples coming soon. Somebody built a scaled up version of the Liebherr crane with at least 7 hubs, which totally works! This week we are working on stabilizing the current release (no more beta!).
  4. Enjoy, everyone! Many of you have asked for this. This has been a huge addition to the code base, and we're thrilled that we got it working on the Technic Hub eventually. And thanks to @kbalage for announcing it to the world! For details on compatible models and connection procedures, please see this documentation page. See also this Wikipedia controller overview.
  5. It receives a tuple of values even if you just send one value. To get the value out of it, just read the first value like so: my_value = received_data[0] @The_Cook, since you choose the color for the remote light yourself, you could set the hub light to the same value.
  6. When you see an issue like this, how about opening an issue at https://github.com/pybricks/support? That puts it on our roadmap for things to fix. :)
  7. That's a great design! As you have perhaps already figured out on the other thread, the `Broadcast` class is still being worked on. It should get stable pretty soon :)
  8. The best chance to get detailed help is to ask here: https://github.com/pybricks/support/issues Thank you! In order to be able to help, can you share a small program that reproduces your issue? When the program stops, what is the error message that you see?
  9. Are you using Pybricks or the official LEGO MINDSTORMS app?
  10. You'll want to delete these lines: # Read the current settings #old_kp, old_ki, old_kd, _, _ = steer.control.pid() # Set new values #steer.control.pid(kp=old_kp*4, kd=old_kd*0.4) This was a bit of a hack that was needed only in very early version I shared with @kbalage, but it is has now spread all over the internet 😁. This is now done internally. So if you do it in your script, that makes the kp gain way too high so the motor is all over the place.
  11. But that's the best part! With Pybricks, your program remains saved without having to think about it :)
  12. Thanks for sharing @Polarlicht, it's awesome! We shared it on Facebook earlier today. It's definitely a use case we hadn't thought of. Now you just need a GPS module ;) @gyenesvi, Thanks for looking through the code. That is always good. Our main focus will probably remain LEGO hubs, but we're always happy to talk to third parties about possible collaborations.
  13. That's always good too! In this case I meant that the beta app now has the support button (the heart icon in the top right).
  14. @gyenesvi, it might be possible. See https://github.com/pybricks/support/issues/262 for a high level plan. We have quite a bit of other work in the pipeline too though. If you want to support our work, that is now possible via https://beta.pybricks.com/
  15. @Celeri: Yes, that “just works” now, so you don’t need to do anything special to save the program anymore. Just run the program, and restart it with the button whenever you like.
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