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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by sp1984

  1. Regarding spare parts from Blink/PABs I think it really depends. If you buy all spare parts in Bricklink/PABs to build given model then yes its really expensive comparing to buying ready set from shop or second hand (not MISB of course). But if you have some basic/core sets, which are decent parts pack then you can buy only some additional parts which are needed to build given another model (older set which you like) or some MOC. I have following sets a.o.: 42128, 42110, 42144, 42157, 42158, 42124 so its decent base I think. Also bought some additional used parts on BLink on decent prices so think it is good approach. For example I missed set with linear actuators (as my Lego dark age ends in 2021) so I bought some on BLink: 6 pieces for 38$ - is it expensive? Maybe, but I didn't want to buy whole expensive Cat D11 42131 set mainly for linear actuators (of course this set is big parts pack as well, but I just bought different sets mentioned above). I bought also used Boost hub for 20$. It works normally and this part on Lego.com shop is really overpriced and whole Lego Boost sets on second hand market are really overpriced too. Yes I know it is a mediocre hub but wanted it for my 6 yo son to introduce robotics to him. So in that role its a good part I think. Also I bought some cheap city parts as nice addition to play, like boats, fences, train parts or some old town/city era harbour crane parts so now can build cranes with kids and have lots of fun :) Just my thoughts :)
  2. Hello maybe it is a bit weird question here on EB regarding vacuum cleaner model :) So I life in a medium sized flat and have kids so there are quite lot of bricks on a floor around a flat. Some bricks are deliberately put on a floor surface for bigger playing and building area, while some lost accidentally during playing, etc. Now I use old bagless type vacuum cleaner which is good as it has transparent - clear bin where it is easy to see bricks picked-up (sucked) inside, among dust :) However bagless design has its flaws as not so big bin (about 2 liters), and requirement for frequent maintenance or otherwise filters gets congested easily. Therefore I consider buying bag type design vacuum cleaner but concern is that it will be harder to retrieve bricks which was sucked inside while cleaning. So do you have any experience or recommendations? Kind regards :)
  3. Hello Regarding discussed topic but from different point of view. Imagine paid instructions on Rebrickable for MOC. There is an usual page with photos (or renders) of given MOC model, some teasers from instruction, etc. So if I skip buying that paid instruction and just building given model on basis of that photos and instruction teaser- so its kind of reverse engineering which take amount (quite a long sometimes) of time. Is such practice above allowed, without issues with rights and licences? In my opinion yes, just wanted to be sure. Regards
  4. Hey I recently borrowed spike prime hub from my local education centre/library. Unfortunately I got charging issues as I was not able to charge hub - it was blinking orange light all time, wchich means low battery level. For charging I used decent 5V charger and decent USB cable (not chinese cheap ones), not used LEGO USB cable as it was not available at store. Also the guy who had knowledge in that LEGO Spike resigned some time ago and now nobody was able to help me there with hub issues. I returned it back, but didn't play that hub at all as it was low battery all time. So did that hub was damaged, or you really need LEGO original USB cable for charging? I do not think so as decent USB cable should be fine, but not sure... Regards
  5. 42175 Volvo FMX Truck & EC230 Electric Excavator - 2274 pcs - $199.99: as EC230 excavator will it be rather pneumatic set or linear actuator set?
  6. I bought 0.5 mm braided polyester cord to replace thinner LEGO City cords and that from LEGO is softer but its OK. Also as replacement for Technic cord I bought 1 mm waxed cord dedicated for jewellery work. It is more rigid than original LEGO, but it is fine I think.
  7. Hey Thank you for your replies. I need some standard size actuators for MOC's but Lego ones became scarce in my country and are in low quantities or/and rather expensive. So was thinking about that CADA as replacement.
  8. Hello question about linear actuators. Does CADA technic linear actuator is compatible with Lego Technic? Is it well designed and smooth operation? Found one here: https://decadastore.com/products/cada-10-15m-middle-hydraulic-cylinder-jv9033 it is pretty cheap (1 euro per one piece) so I am afraid that quality maybe rather low... Also does that shop seem legit? Regards
  9. What date we can expect those soldiers parts as PAB?
  10. Hello Have question regarding Lego, Lego technic string/cords diameters. I would like to have custom strings with any length for my constructions, so need to know Lego strings diameter to use the same custom string with preferred length. Therefore please give me info about diameter of: 1. Standard lego (city) string - String cord thin, 2. Technic string (grey colour like in 42128 tow truck set) - String cord medium thickness. Kind regards
  11. Is this Mindstorms set worth buying in the end of 2022 year? LEGO com has it discounted by 20%. Prefer use Pybricks on this hub. Tell me please which comparable kits has got ahead of Mindstorms? Why you think Mindstorms couldn't keep pace with the market?
  12. I think that Lego generally not used knob/crank mechanisms for rotating turntable in their excavator models. Only Technic excavators with rotating mechanism were: 8837 - pneumatic excavator, 8043 - motorised excavator, while most models had freely rotating (with hand) turntable, ie.: 42053 - Volvo excavator, 42006, 8851 - vintage predecessor from 1984 . So here for 42144 I guess it would be freely rotating turntable too.
  13. It seems that model lacks of steering mechanism of front axle. Am I correct? I think that 42053 had steering mechanism of wheels... Edit: zoomed picture from catalogue and saw there is knob visible in the middle of front of a chassis, so it seems to be steering mechanism. So, sorry for wrong assumptions ;)
  14. Hey I tried L motor with technic hub and tacho motor function worked well so it is definitely city hub issue. However I found other bugs in technic hub but it is another story...
  15. Hey I have Crocodile 10277 fitted with PU train hub and L motor. As controller (and programming editor) I use my smartphone. I did simple programs in PU applications: simple program to drive a loco with one slider to set speed in both directions (fwd/rev). Controller part: Program blocks part - motor power block: Its simple infinite loop with motor power block controlled by a slider (green one). Everything works here good. However I prefer to use tacho motor block as it provides much better speed control - i.e. it maintains set speed especially at lower speeds. So I did exactly the same program just swapped motor blocks - tacho motor block program: But this program has issues: while it starts normally it cannot stop and has problems with setting (changing) new speed with a slider. First program with motor power can be terminated with red squared button in upper right corner (in place of green arrow on attached screens), so in that case locomotive stops. But that program with tacho motor is not responding to termination with red square button and after trying to terminate it suddenly loses bluetooth connection with hub in locomotive. Is it some software or hardware issue/error or I just made program in wrong way and should build different program for tacho motor version? Version of Powered Up app: 3.7.0 (Android). Kind regards
  16. Hey Thank you All for your replies. Yes I consider that sets as part packs, so as pure part count tracked 42140 is better choice, but parts for tracked vehicles are rather cheap (sprockets, link threads, etc.) so it is not so straightforward if looking beyond simply part count. Also I do not think I need new parts from 42140. I am also interested in PUp programming and yes also considered buying only PuP hub and L motors. But TBH I have already bought 42124 for about 83 euro, so its good bargain I think. Now just thinking if return it or keep it :) Also was thinking about Zetros, while its twice the budget of 42124, but can be obtained for good price. Zetros itself got average reviews at best but seen good MOC's to improve it so definitely its set with a potential. But topic is about 42124 vs 42140 so Zetros is another story :) Anyway hard choices ;) Greets
  17. I agree with above. I think is always better to focus on positives and in my opinion videos with reviews and guides made both by Sariel and RacingBrick are on very high level and their contribution into LEGO Technic building is priceless. Regarding errors in reviews videos (made by (almost) professionals): I remember Sariel's review of 10277 Crocodile locomotive, and in his review he didn't realise that pantograph can be fully lowered - as he thought it could be lowered only partially. Somebody kindly remarked that in comment and Sariel admitted his omission and everything was just fine. Its power of a community: we learn from each other and all that process makes us better builders. And even expert builders are not gods nor immune to (simple) errors. Kind regards
  18. Hey which set is better for buying first powered up/control+ Technic set: 42124 Off Road Buggy or 42140 App-Controlled Transformation Vehicle? Considering also economical factor in that question. Both sets offer Technic Powered Up hub x1 and 2x L motor. Set 42140 offers far better price per piece ratio, but 42140 is tracked vehicle while 42124 is RWD (rear wheel drive) vehicle which is more appealing for me as I have also older 42095 vehicle (tracked remote controlled racer with Power functions). Or maybe the best solution is to have both 42124 i 42140, but is it reasonable to purchase such sets and have two Technic Powered Up hubs (one hub is not enough?)? RacingBrick had already made such analysis which Control+ set is best for money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bypBVRkBp5I but that video was made in November 2021, so it was before introduction of 42140. Kind regards
  19. Thanks for reply. Regarding 1: yes I guess that rear axle is heavier but why they just don't use hard springs on front axle too? What' is the purpose for mixing soft and hard spring in that case? :)
  20. Hey I assembled my Land Rover too. I runs smoothly without any improvements so far. Only weird error is that gear ratio of reverse gear is close to fourth gear rather than first gear - but I think I saw fixing guide for this here on EB. I am novice for such supercar from LEGO Technic and here are my newbie questions: 1. Suspension Springs: why in front suspension both hard and soft springs are used (2x soft 2x hard)? While in rear suspension 4x hard springs are used? 2. Longitudinal differential: while I get the idea of differential mechanism for purpose of driving a curves which enables both wheels to rotate on different speeds but I don't understand idea of differential which connects front axle (with differential) and rear axle (with differential). Is that a standard feature of 4wd drive? Kind regards
  21. Will that set be offered exclusively at LEGO shop? If yes it seems expensive at full price without a good discount. Scale concern: Looking at size of the real JD 9620 is attached yellow trailer not too small and lightweighted comparing to the tractor?
  22. Thank you so much
  23. Hey I tried to upload photo from Imgur and it does not work. I can only attach link to Imgur in post but picture is not visible in post here. Button "Insert other media" --> Insert image from URL doesn not work - just freezes when I put there url link to my picture posted on Imgur. Any hints? Greets
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