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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by metalgeekzy

  1. What Technic set dosent have Technic parts?
  2. Second hand stores. It's hit or miss finding something. But when you do it's usually super cheap.
  3. Personally, just my opinion. I never saw the point of displaying something that others also have when it comes to Lego. To me the point has always been building MOCS. Sometimes I will buy sets based on the pieces it has and I usually already have an idea on how I can incorporate those pieces into my build.
  4. HUGE Technic fan here. And i actually agree. Technic is supposed to be about functionality. And a heck of a lot of sets out there do not function. I ended up having to go to amazon to buy bulk gear sets or whatever to to be able to add gears or other function to my builds. Because Lego Technic sets fail to add functionality to there sets.
  5. The Dollar Store a few blocks from me sells base plates for.....a dollar. They dont have the streets or mountains or anything cool. Mono color base plates. But man oh man its better then dropping 7 bucks on 1 base plate.
  6. Not really talking about different type of building like K'NEX or whatever. But when it comes down to the building bricks. Is it Lego only? There are many many many knock offs out there. Are they good enough? Or nothing beats Lego?
  7. I mean, any downside to filling up the tub with some soapy water then rinsing it off if you are against taking it apart? Spray bottle full of water? Personally i have a air compressor. Just gotta be careful not to blast it apart.
  8. I was thinking about mostly harder to come by bricks or discontinued bricks. I guess you could 3D print like 2x4 bricks or whatever. But would you consider 3D printing needed bricks. Or is it more of, If its not from TLG its not going into a build? A lego purist kinda thing? And im not saying i am going to be doing this. Just random thoughts ive been having. Like ive seen people talk about this part/set being discontinued. Recreating a 1990s set to have as your own. Or if you have some specific MOC in mind but it will take 150 of a specific brick thats kinda hard to come by. Or liking a older discontinued piece that you cant get anymore. Now i feel like im rambling. Basically, what are your thoughts on 3D printing Legos?
  9. Ya i got a set of those in a fire truck i got a while back. I thought they were kinda cheap. Cheasy. But they got me thinking about the old shock part i used to have. I do wish i had my collection from back in the day lol.
  10. Yes, thank you! Unfortanatly it looks like this was discontinued. Sad, i found it to be really useful to adding life to some of my builds back in the day.
  11. Those look technic. Mine, and the color dosent actually matter, were just regular lego. no technic at all. I actually found a Ebay post for one.
  12. Back in the day, like mid 90s, I had some regular lego axles with shocks in them. NON technic. Connecter on top was 2x2 and they were just regular lego axles. I was wondering if maybe there were some modern versions of this in some sets or something. I would rather not go farming for 90s parts. Also, mine were red if that helps at all. But they were simple super compact and if i remember correctly all 1 part axle with shocks.
  13. I think it's more rewarding to build with your own Legos rather then virtual ones. And how do you show off your cool Lego moc creation? "Come check out this cool build, it's on my computer"
  14. Just holding them for a friend, huh? lol.
  15. I was just thinking about this in the shower. Deep thoughts in the shower. If i say i am sorting my Legos. I am not talking about any other building toy or whatever. I am sorting my building bricks, is another thing. If i say Legos, i mean lego. Legos=Lego. I mean, is anyone actually confused when someone says Legos? Additionally, i have seen a few threads on this forum talking about knockoff Chinese motors and what not. So is the goal here to talk about building and mocs and insperation ect ect, or respecting The Lego Group and how they want there plastic bits and pieces be talked about? If you build a MOC with just mega blocks, are you any less of a builder?
  16. I am American and I guess it just kina makes sense to me? Like if I go to the store. I did not buy Lego. I bought Legos. Cause. You know. More then 1 Lego comes in a set. If I dumped out all my bricks in a pile I would not have a pile of Lego. I would have a pile of Legos. Because there would be more then 1. If I started sorting my collection. I would be sorting my Legos. Lego bricks seems redundant to me. So....I have Legos.
  17. So. I might get a little bashed for this. But this is just MY opinion. I was really big into legos during the 90s and very early 2000s. And the colors were a lot more basic. Like, i look at the Classic sets you can get at walmart. And im like, where did this rainbow of colors come from? It would be nice to buy something like that with just basic basic colors. Back in my day (ya i know, kids get off my lawn) you could get bucket with just basic bricks with basic colors. Now its like, im swimming in a sea of purple and 4 shades of yellow and how many blues do we need? Dont get me wrong. Its nice having some of these to kinda flush out some builds. But finding any set with a decent collection of white basic bricks is unicorn rare these days.
  18. Comparing this to one of my other big interests. Magic The Gathering. Specifically paper magic. Not online. The real game. Over the last 2 ish years because of corona crap finding a friday night gathering has been pretty much impossible. I had 2 people i was joining up for some games but they were flaking out. I havent been able to play any paper magic in a few months now and not nearly as much as i want to in the last 2 years overall. Legos. Are always there. You dont need batteries or internet or you dont have to rely on others. They are just...there. Waiting on you.
  19. All lego sets are very over priced. Very very over priced.
  20. I mean, i have been kinda thinking about a different but similar thought. Are most kids even into legos? With the age of electronic devices and most kids just wanting to play on devices all the time, can you even get them interested in putting down there phone and getting them to play with Legos?
  21. Ya i ended up going to my local dollar store. They have containers with lids that are held by the handles. Not the best, but very cheap to get into. They are clear and im making brackets for them out of wood. Add in a label maker and i have sorting! lol.
  22. Looking at this strictly from a AFOL consumer of Lego sets. First, minifigs. I do have a few female features painted minifigs. Currently i am building a space themed MOC. Because of the space themed city sets i have bought i have 9 minifigs that i have selected from those sets that are the same uniforms and what not. Some are female featured painted. Are they going to be excluded? No. Am i going to swap out the faces? No. I really dont care one way or another But. but but but. The minifigs that comes in these friends sets are not standard traditional minifigs. Basically no matter the setting or theme of any MOC i would build would these have a place. I feel much the same way about the minifigs that come in the minecraft sets. I dont really care one way or another what gender is on a minifig. But lets maybe make the minifigs look like....minifigs? Second. The parts. Sometimes when im at walmart i will look over the sets and see if the parts in them would fit into MOCs. I mean, one time i bought set 60283, a camper van. It came with mostly white parts that are great for building out my main space base. It also came with a lot of kitchen/food related parts that i will be using to decorate my kitchen. I liked the set so much i went back and got a second one. But. but but but. I am not going to buy a set that comes with a lot of pink/purple pieces. I am not going to build a pink spaceship. I am not saying you cant build a pink spaceship, it can be any color you want. So when i comes down to the individual pieces, limited usability from the friends sets. Again, i feel much the same way about the Minecraft sets. So, as a consumer. I have little reason to buy these sets over other sets. If the goal here was to have people buy sets, in my opinion, these sets have failed. But i also think, in my personal opinion, the Minecraft sets have failed for much of the same reasons. Some people have brought up racecars. What, females cannot be into racecars? Sure they can. Why not? Females can be into anything a male is. And it goes the other way. If TLG was aiming for inclusion, i think they have missed there mark.
  23. With a little bit of paint it can be any color you want! But seriously tho, i found it on Brickowl.
  24. metalgeekzy replied to robin_1456's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    Ya replacing a remote control with a app was the wrong choice, i think. I hear that there are replacements in like kickstarter or whatever, but not a product of Lego.
  25. I havent read every comment here but i wanted to say a few things. First, AFOL TV it seems has a focus on MOC and many of the vids there has given me some great ideas about MOC. Second, why the HECK are there SOOOOOOOO many freaking videos talking about building mistakes and things you should not do and how to build wrong and so on? There is a WRONG way to build with freaking legos???? This is seriously pissing me off. Rule 1 with Legos. There is NO wrong way to play with Legos. End of rule 1. It also seems that a lot of the MOC or build tip channels showing tips and tricks are more geared for people with massive collections. Sure, i would LOVE to use 1x4 flats staggered to make a hard wood looking floor. If i had 500 1x4s of the same color. Sheesh. How about some youtube vids that are more noob friendly with smaller collections? Making the most out of a few thousand pieces and what not. Sorry, didint mean to hijack this thread. But some of the youtube vids out there area really starting to piss me off.
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