So my lady bought me the game awhile ago, and I played the hell out of it. And then it got me thinking, why the hell don't we get a set for this? Or line. 4 sets, maybe a medium one for the cyclops with a bit of lava landscaping a small set for the sea jet, throw in some land scape and a monster. Another medium ish set for the kraken guessed it some land scaping. And finally a big one with a base, or parts for a base, and the little sub. Throw in a hub, and a moon well and go from there.
I only ask this because lego is anti war, and that game is more "Running for your life", ha, swimming rather, and save for a knife and some creative use with a time stoppy gun, and torpedoes, there isn't really any war like elements in this. Save for the giant mass cannon that shot down a ship. I dunno, I think it'd be neat. I mean we got a Minecraft line, why not this?