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About Lothos

  • Birthday 12/31/1982

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    Lego, of course. Weiner dogs, I own 2 of them. Reading science fiction, watching movies with my wife, playing rpgs ((Pen and paper and video games as well))


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  1. Wouldn't mind some 'Real Ghostbuster' sets myself, based on the old cartoon and such.
  2. Lothos


    That's not a bad point. I liked both of those themes a great deal, wouldn't mind a new one of the same idea.
  3. Lothos


    Didn't think about the kids. Parents clearly need to buy this game for them.
  4. Reminds me of one of the police trucks lego has released in the past, but in space. Great job.
  5. Hot damn, that's a fantastic recreation!
  6. So my lady bought me the game awhile ago, and I played the hell out of it. And then it got me thinking, why the hell don't we get a set for this? Or line. 4 sets, maybe a medium one for the cyclops with a bit of lava landscaping a small set for the sea jet, throw in some land scape and a monster. Another medium ish set for the kraken and..you guessed it some land scaping. And finally a big one with a base, or parts for a base, and the little sub. Throw in a hub, and a moon well and go from there. I only ask this because lego is anti war, and that game is more "Running for your life", ha, swimming rather, and save for a knife and some creative use with a time stoppy gun, and torpedoes, there isn't really any war like elements in this. Save for the giant mass cannon that shot down a ship. I dunno, I think it'd be neat. I mean we got a Minecraft line, why not this?
  7. I really doubt we'll get one. The last time they released a pirate set, everyone had a big WOO HOO this is the best moment. But then it slowly went away. Thanks to the pirates of the money making Disney, we probably won't see a pirate anything for at least 2 years. I kinda hope I'm wrong. Next to space, this was my favorite theme.
  8. Best. Review. Ever. Looking back on this set, and remembering this set are two different things clearly. It was a lot of fun then, and it is now.
  9. This is coming along really nicely, I look forward to seeing more of it. You just need to recreate the feature they made with Kirk Cameron, where he pulled up in the DeLorean and answered fan mail. *nod*
  10. I'd take a hard pass personally. It was a fun show when I was 8, but it didn't really hold a special place for me. But if people get it and they love it, fantastic.
  11. It's nice seeing a rally car get some love. Any news on Audi getting into the mix with their rally cars?
  12. Heh, I like the sirens on top. Very accurate to the films, way to go!
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