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About Osbourne

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    N/A most recent purchase was a single Kashyyyk Battle Droid figure sans set

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    Photography, model railways, geography, classical studies.


  • Country
    New Zealand

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  1. Well Big Boy 4006 is currently on the Lego Ideas page, and although Lego Ideas is never a given, it does show that there's an interest. https://ideas.lego.com/projects/5825f3eb-124e-40be-8ce4-1a0e6c3c4e10
  2. That is precisely the one we were thinking of. But I have a sneaking suspicion it would fall foul of our notoriously restrictive loading gauge and that unless we could acquire long-term funding from some nice multi-millionaire rather than asking other members to foot the bill we wouldn't be able to bring no.59 to our railway. I guess we'll just have to content ourselves with our Mallet instead.
  3. Ooh I would really love to see a model of the "meyer" ("proposed nicholls articulated") engines used by the NR, mostly because I've been contemplating using one for my own project. But I've yet to find the drawings for it so I've shelved that idea and replaced it with the three truck Shay instead. As for the ACN&R cape gauge Meyers, I would also be extremely interested in seeing what you can do. Between myself and one other member of my local heritage railway we have joked about bringing a 3ft 6in Meyer to our railway haha.
  4. Whoops, that's what I get for not double checking my sources! That's right they were 0-6-6-0s, perhaps I was thinking simultaneously of the 2-4-4-2 Mallet that is my pfp and the ACN&R Co Mallets. Pity to hear that Mallets don't handle your track very well and I understand your feelings on the Garratt. Still though, there are plenty of other conventional engines on both those railways! I'd do it myself but I have my own (non-lego) model project to finish first.
  5. So I stumbled across this post (& subsequently the rest of the forum) and just had to comment. I really love the design! My family are from Chile although much further north (Iquique) and my grandmother grew up in a small railway town in the Atacama Desert ~93 miles from Iquique. However that hasn't stopped her or myself appreciating the other Ferrocarriles Salitereros. Out of curiosity would you ever consider doing either the Nitrate Railways Co. Beyer-Garratt or the Anglo-Chilian Nitrate & Railway Co Baldwin 2-6-6-0 Mallet? Regardless though I cannot overstate how much I love your 1/22.5 version of the Taltal Meyer!
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