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Everything posted by aFrInaTi0n

  1. I am having my custom-parts-workaround, so I am happy for now - thanks for taking this to the DEVs! Edit: I did post it directly to the Studio Forums (https://forum.bricklink.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=7602&p=23082&sid=b9cb10b7279213cd79aeab6f4e99376d#p23082)
  2. @SylvainLS One last thing: If you report this to Studio Devs: Seems the regular shocks (731c06) also have the 494 color code and will be rendered with white springs..
  3. https://imgur.com/a/6dPFgt3 Yeah... EB has imgur banned it seems to be included as pictures... Sometimes I wish one would tell the admin we are not living in the 90s anymore and nobody of us has analogue modems with 56k bandwidth anymore... T___T
  4. On the left there is the original spring, on the right the fixed part with chrome silver color for the spring: For me the 108 spring isn't as tall as the spring from the shocks.. @SylvainLS: Oh snap - but yeah with .io being recognized as domain in WYSIWYG Editors, it makes sense to keep the dot out of the name :)
  5. @1963maniac There is only one single spring for me, which is Part 108 and this is not the one of the 9L shock absorbers. :) Edit: I did another test and copied the working (complete) shock absorber .dat file and deleted the lines for the upper and lower arms to just let the reference to the spring in it (with the 383 colour code). Importing that into Stud.io's custom palette now gives me the spring as single part to be combined with the upper and lower arms (if needed / wanted). So kudos to @SylvainLS again for your great help!
  6. @1963maniac The Spring itself is missing or at least not findable with the terms "shock" or "spring" in the Master repository. I tried to export it as single part and that didn't work out as @SylvainLS pointed out. But opening the 74741-f1.dat and adjusting the colour code of the line which includes the spring worked.
  7. It works like a charm! Thank you very much. One last thing: You also have the spring rendered in white with the original file, so may there be an error in that part in the LDraw repository? Again, big thanks for your immediate help! ♥
  8. Unluckily not with the photorealistic renderer (at least not for me) - I added two screenshots of the renders with the regular shocks and the manually put together one with my modified spring-file
  9. Hello, I already looked through the pinned help topics but didn't find any related topic. Here is my problem: I want the springs (u9409-f1.dat) of the 2909c03 shock absorbers to have customizable colour in Stud.io, because they are being rendered white. What I already tried: Editing the .dat file directly and replacing the "16"/"24" color codes by "383" (colour code for "Chromed Silver" which would be my color of choice) and loading the adjusted part into PartDesigner (where the colour of the part in the UI changed) - but after exporting this to Stud.io it stays white and non-adjustable. Documentations I found: LDraw .dat Format: https://www.ldraw.org/article/218.html#colours LDraw Colour Definition: https://www.ldraw.org/article/547.html Any help appreciated, thanks in advance!
  10. I am also looking forward for them releasing the announced Q1 features, plus waiting for Q2 features to be scheduled. Unluckily my requested failsafe feature won't be one of the next ones - making it a gamble to try highspeed runs with BW3 and its limited range.. :(
  11. MK has proportional (more like a stepped) control with their 4.0 and 6.0 systems already. Remotes can be used via app, additionally for both there is a transmitter with the sticks instead of the D-pads available). From the videos of SteinchenWerkstatt it seems that the new white-top CaDA RC Box still sucks when it is compared to the MK 4.0 system. Edit: I hate people with uncut nails doing videos... 🤢
  12. I bought myself an Insta360 Go2 to create onboard footage of my RC MOCs. The results are incredible for 27g weight of the camera itself and its really tiny formfactor. The sensor and the resolution are also very good and it gives the possibility to create 16:9, 9:16 (both 1440p50 at maximum) or 1:1 out of the original footage. Last but not least it has a feature of automatical horizontal stabilization. Example Footage: Same in 9:16 format: More videos can be found in my YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC59UvUX5EhDzD8-JX6CCcuw/
  13. Thanks also from my side! Finally flipflop beams in Stud.io! :D
  14. I am having a RC Superbike with a single swingarm for the rear wheel - regular ABS plastic is meltiung there due to forces being applied (gravity, tension of the chain) - I solved it by a special 5L liftarm with a ballbearing which are sold by a British company. Those work out great and I wish more of the brands would go into that direction..
  15. Ah yeah sorry, I forgot to mention this... MK stopped them because they had some issues with them. I am ignorant and ordered some from Ali... At least they work for me - until now :D
  16. @whitepen I am currently using MouldKing servo motors. In the white version of the Superbike I put one of their proportional / stepped servos in. It has 3-4 Positions to one side (don't exactly remember the count of steps)
  17. Little update from my side: Currently building the v0.2 with some little improvements over the initial v0.1. This one will be modeled after the (even tuned) Kawasaki Ninja H2R from TrickStar - with the two Buwizz buggy motors this shall be the one setting or breaking speed records (36.5 km/h *cough cough*).
  18. Haha, nice one - did not expect it to get that much velocity in the end. So next up is an Brickbuild Hovercraft? :D
  19. @imurvai Can I somehow sponsor you with MouldKing RC components to have a try to implement connectivity into BC2? If I remember correctly you were lacking the hardware - which I am having enough spare to send you for the greater good. I think there are plenty of ppl who would benefit from this.
  20. aFrInaTi0n replied to BlueStar1's post in a topic in Community
    One of my observations: MK has a greater range with the hardware transmitter than the MK App / the Buwizz 3.0. Reason here will be the limitation at the side of smartphone antenna-design (tested with two Samsung Smartphones, S7 and S20 FE) or I would even point towards radio radiation regulations, only allowing smartphones to give a certian maximum output to not give harm to humans. As in the video shown, the "mainboard" (receiver + drivers for the channels) will support up to roughly 11 Volts, but you need to take into consideration to also have a fitting BMS (battery management system) which knows about 3 cells to charge them seperately. Next question which would come to my mind: Would it be possible - or how long would it take - to have the regular voltage of the 5V / 500mAh charging those 3 cells up? One thing I could think of in regard of doing battery replacement is: Opening the MK4 box, leaving only the top for having lego studs there as supports for the connectors and maybe glueing both parts together. Cutting off the connector from the BMS (or searching replacements of fitting connector in the internet or finding one from old IT hardware like fans) and soldering it to a regular rc-hobbies-compatible connector to plug it in a regular 3c battery.
  21. Hey @dickylaban, first of all I am not AMorti. Second I think you got us totally wrong. I can only speak for myself and I was interested in the design which is very nice. I just was curious about "working bike" cuz it has RC components. So for me it is just natural to ask whats possible with it. If the outcome is "nope, not freely runnning good (yet)" thats totally fine. I am just asking because I know what kind of hassle it is to bring an idea on two wheels "on the street" working properly. So please don't take my askings hostile in any way. And also no, your half told story about your manual isn't correct - you were offering sharing without any word about pricing. I asfterwards asked what you charged and then I decided for me it isn't worth yet - I never asked you to give it out for free. So please stay with the truth here, thanks
  22. @dickylaban First of all you are wrong regarding the Fast Street Bike - it has much flexibility when it comes to batteryboxes. Buwizz 2 (I think even 3) and all chinese brands 8x4 boxes can be used. Regarding your design: I think if one claims something to be working that person has to do the proof of it. Sorry but here is my personal opinion: "Oh I disassembled it already" seems like an easy excuse - at least I would be triggered to deliver proof I one challanged me with this - or clearly statethat my claims were wrong. Also charging 25 USD for a manual of a not-really-driving-(or-not-having-a-proof)-motorcycle feels very overpriced to me.
  23. Sorry but this won't be true - your direct steering approach will never work "as in real life" After watching this viedeo you know what I am talking about...
  24. Luckily 1:5 scale bikes ARE a common format... maybe the only real one out there.. @Milan Problem with pure black color is it eats visibility of most contours..
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