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Everything posted by aFrInaTi0n

  1. aFrInaTi0n replied to Seaber's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    @kosnevmisha so for a distinct dark theme as Jesse mentioned and no javascript madness, right?
  2. aFrInaTi0n replied to Seaber's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    https://preview.invisionalpha5.com/ i can just offer you their example side - at least they have a theme switcher down there - but may also be relying on cookies. The beta is not our current scope as they already wanted to release in 2024 - or at least made it sounded like that to me. For regular cookie deletions, it would be one click after + it is in the top nav bar menu. But I get it, that the choice of a distinct dark theme would be a one timer, even outliving cookie deletions - but mine may not be able to offer that unfortunately. But it is very good to hear that it is not fitting somebody else, as it expands my view on the topic - wasn't thinking of that scenario before as I am lazy with my cookies.. :D
  3. aFrInaTi0n replied to Seaber's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    @JesseNight How often are you clearing your cookies if I may ask? Never came to my mind, that would not fit for somebody, as I am keeping my cookies on my devices, so my thought was "allows for persistence of the decision on device level". The only other solution then would be copying of themes and doing fixed dark themes. As editied in the the other post I see it more of a possible fast workaround to offer at least something until the forum software vendor offers their new major release somewhere this year, which has a dark mode implemented by them.
  4. aFrInaTi0n replied to Seaber's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    I was working in this request in the past, I would like to get some feedback! Idea was to create a Javascript functionality which does the overwrites to be applied without reloading the site. This shall only be some way of delivering a option for users who like to have a dark mode enabled, without enforcing it for others. Also we hope that he vendor of the forum software will release their major next release in 2025, where they finally include a dark mode in their forums. Pro: Switching the state without reloads Persisting the user-decision in his own cookies on his device and respects them at future visits For the Future: Any (correctly prepared) theme could make use of the switch Con: As it is just working with setting overwrites on the original colors, that can happen just when the content is loaded, so there might be a short flashing on F5 / loading new pages How helpful would this implementation with a Dark/Light Mode Switch Button in the top user navigationBar be considered? *For the used colors in the video: it is just some dark values quickly put together for testing.. Best regards!
  5. aFrInaTi0n replied to Duq's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    @Thierry-GearsManiac I am happy for liberating us in regard of (SSL/TLS; CA-browseraccepted) certificates from Let'sEncrypt. This allowed for plenty of easily-to-be-secured things to come and just consumed.. or at least making security more easy (and available without costs) for everybody. So I hope there will (hopefully) always be some people fighting for liberating things. :)
  6. aFrInaTi0n replied to Duq's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    I also thought a little further about the topic and how I would differntiate my level of fear and I think I found the reason for videos being more risky than images: Images are still and could easily identified as not fitting content - with videos the contents can be hidden behind a false thumbnail or just put somewhere in the content. This would create the need for watching a video at least completely to be sure from the moderation perspective it may be considered clean. Here the central algorithm from YT kicks in, which is doing this automatically - so the worst contents can be considered being blocked away by that already.
  7. aFrInaTi0n replied to Duq's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    For your concern of changing the peertube provider: I reckon manual editing would be needed to keep your contents updated. If for e.g. there would be a good implementation which would allow the user the option to set his space in his profile as base domain for the integration in any postings then automatically rendering them correctly (under the assumption that the ids to query the right video would stay the same between all providers - that may be not the case - btw, feature request for them creating a global blockchain, allowing for all video ids being shared between communities, making such movements (and possibly long running implementations) easy peasy :D) So in the end I think it may cost plenty of efforts to a) find and b) edit all posts with linked videos. For the comparisson with allowing pictures to be linked they are right - may just be personal fears of spam armies posting inapprobiate contents, but could also happen with pictures.
  8. aFrInaTi0n replied to Duq's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    I personally totally understand your position. But for Forums-provider it may create more risks to open up towards decentralized services. With Youtube for e.g. it can be assured any linked Video is appropiate for common sense. With creating linkability to _ANY_ URL to include videos, I can forsee already a bot army creating non-appropiate videos within the forum platform which could possibly lead to penalties & more administrative efforts being needed to keep everything clear. But this is just my personal opinion.
  9. It was just a FYI as this shall just be true for users with ad blockers enabled, mine is running on the whole network and not as an browser extension. Frontpaged picture still not working for me but I know it is my setup - so all fine from my side.
  10. aFrInaTi0n replied to Duq's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    Hey, BBcode is considered deprecated by the latest forum software versions already, so this won't work out in the future unfortunately (at least not via BBcode). Edit: PeerTube platform seems to have not a single domain but it allows for everybody to host their own PeerTube - that may be the reason for having different URLs found @JesseNight. Also ouch for their teamsize working on the project.. From my perspective the risks are high to have ghost links as the private PeerTubes may not be available forever (in difference to a big platform like Youtube or Vimeo..). Question for @Thierry-GearsManiac Why not just using for e.g. Youtube or another well-known centralized service provider? I know they want our data, but with an account one can upload videos without any costs.
  11. If the pictures are not being shown, it may be due to the reason the picutes are hosted on VK.com (http://*.userapi.com), this can create issues on some adblockers as it may recognized as unallowed domains to load content from. (Which seems to be the case for me ).
  12. Shit, this is sitting in my shelf untested for yearly one year soon.. my thought was "make all 4 wheels' rpm the same always, so it can loose its grip at all four wheels at the same moment.. but as said, untested & I really need to get back into doing more brick stuff again. All the best with yours, following to see how it is progressing :D
  13. Nice footage Video! What I am not getting yet: Why you want to have differentials when it shall get a drifter? Isn't no / locked diffs the way to got to allow for the wheels losing grip more easily (and making it more stable as the rpms are not altered between the wheels in dependence of the weight/force working on creating grip?
  14. @natesroom Haha, happy I freed you from the colorful header :D @JesseNight To add to the dark mode: As Jim already told we are looking into upgrading the whole platform & find a solution there aswell - I already created a working proof of concept JS/CSS switch for testing purposes - but it may interfere with some special board like the Pirates Board with the highly customized theme.
  15. @natesroom go to the very bottom of the page on the main forum level, there you should have the option to choose a theme to another one: You should have still selected the Spring_2018 which has the fancy header... the Shadowlands 2021 is the one with the regular and more calm header image.
  16. I for myself need to be more easy with the world not always being in the state I would wish for.. As we are not having millions of different people posting here (I guess it may be millions of recurring customers of LEGO), we are just a fraction of their customers. Nobody is forced to buy their sets, nor shall anybody feel bad for doing so - for whatever reason the person may have.. I am just happy about me being able to freely pick "the right things for myself out of multiple (vendors') worlds" - this may not be the same preference for other people and I can respect that. Our different opinions allows the market to get interesting for the manufacturers and competition is always a good thing for developing ideas.. If it works out for LEGO in their current way it may be fine for them and also us.. On top the choice to be a purist LEGO person has two sides of a coin, I think one needs to accept both when one chooses for being a purist. Likewise for the other fraction of people: "Why not being happy for having all the choices between vendors and not yelling at the purists if they don't like?!"
  17. I think you read Toasties post too hostile - he did not state nobody should not do more experimental stuff. Maybe you have the point here: They do not have exact data of what succeeds and therefore have to experiment in the market with a wider variety. I think you and me can be happy about them doing so, while Toastie still will be happy for us being happy with them. Cheers :)
  18. The micromotor Idea seems to be just copied from the one whose name shall not be spoken + CaDAs micro motors.. and yes, seems like a 3d print prototype to me - not like a finished product. @Ro0llo Where is Elon if one needs him for taking our "little overhead"?! :D
  19. I know, I know - I think I found the minimum order quantity was around 1k units for the offer I found... but we can easily share our efforts, I take 2-4 units, you the remaining "little leftover quantity"?! That would be really appreciated :D
  20. I may want to add my concern for their version looking a little underwhelming - knowing what would be possibly in the smaller scale already + putting a buwizz 3, two buggy motors and a servo in and let it run as RC... (please dont quote my pics in the thread here directly; hope the spoiler helps to not get that much off-track to the set-discussion, otherwise @mods please delete what is needed please)
  21. I have to say some chinese companies are at least doing alternative rim designs - I may better not post a picture but one thing I can tell: a 5-star rim looks soooo much better than the regular motorcycle rim from LEGO.. So yes I would wish for more variety there aswell.
  22. I am not harsh as they are speaking about kicking their app development up since two years but basically NOTHING happened since then. Still waiting for some elemantal functions like a failsafe shutdown for lost connections (its no fun when the connection is lost and your rc model is just further accelerating with 28++ kph into a curb / obstacle). I am just fed up with their behavior & statements like "but now we are really doing X or Y" just to disappoint people with not delivering anything. Happy you still have hopes left there :D
  23. @Sven J Also having lately issues with my profiles which were created some month ago - for me all the controls are still visible in the configuration of the profile, but as soon as I start the profile, non are shown... I haven't tried any further but I guess it could be a try worth to completely delete the app data+cache from the android app center and then retry with reimporting / recreating them fresh. I would also recommend to write them an email with an complaint, otherwise they may still think they should focus on advertising their faulty software stack on exhibitions..
  24. From my experiences with locktights their dryed-out remainings may be carved out when the screw is being loosened and tightened again..
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