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Everything posted by aFrInaTi0n

  1. Update for my tool: It is considered DEPRECATED as the ldraw site has implemented a functionality to download complete .zip files with all needed subparts / assemblies.
  2. @SylvainLS You may update your guide as LDraw now offers the complete .zip files to have all subparts included.
  3. @Arioh your pictures are not accessible anymore. (I recommend to use bricksafe.com :D)
  4. To be sharp, it is one from the manufacturer GoBricks (where MK buys parts from to create their sets from). This only allows for +90°/0°/-90°
  5. If the imported model doesn't show up in blender, you probably didn't set up the Ldraw Lib in the plugins options(default location is C:\Ldraw\, but can be configured, official site is ldraw.org). Edit: you also may approach me with the .io - I can dedicate my rig for some renders...
  6. Second user & time it happens... @Jim I suspect something not working out in the background...
  7. Nice add, but I guess he just wants to have the clear distinction between both sites. So I think he was not pointing out he will drop the other site, it was just in the discussion of the MOC-Page on RB itself, if I got it right.. "The reasons for this change is to decouple the sites a bit"
  8. Seems I am the 1st who received his units?! Thanks @NoEXIST - mine arrived today! 😍 Those are really looking great. Now I need to get me some lipos + a charger to start in some weeks with testing them out! Some pictures for the interested ones:
  9. Welcome! One thing to mention though for possible future readers:The aspect ratio of the original picture needs to be met for the resize taking place - just going with "/1024x1024.png" will result in a cropping of the original Image from center and no resize. So for having the resize applied, workflow is: Get the original aspect ratio of your picture Get the right value for the vertical fitting value from the right aspect ratio to fit the 1024px limit in horizontal from e.g. the following table from Wikipedia (Linkie) Apply them with /1024x____.png ("____" standing for the value taken from the table)
  10. I can recommend https://bricksafe.com/ - it is from the creator of rebrickable and offers 10gb free space for lego related pictures for registered users. Also they have a nice function to resize images via link, so by appending a certain string, you may bring the images in to the right allowed max pixel sizes of the EB rules (1024px max!). Just giving an example of how their resizing works: Normal link to the original picture: https://bricksafe.com/files/aFrInaTi0n/temp/Mirror-Render-Stage_16.png Link with a resize applied: https://bricksafe.com/files/aFrInaTi0n/temp/Mirror-Render-Stage_16.png/1024x568.png
  11. I may re-start my ranting series againt the vendor... They really seem to suck and are doing this shitty non-informing behavior AGAIN with their customers!!! Not complying to their given word to the community already once is considered bad pratice - but seems they did not learn a thing.. Right now I would really recommend new customers to NOT BUY products from Fortronik, as the company is a pita when it comes to supporting their product with software updates... waiting the second year for no (relevant) new features like a mandatory needed failover mode for losing the connection.
  12. Nice!!! So I quickly need to get the right other rc like lipos, charger, remote etc I reckon.. :D Btw the remote needs to be some special one? Sorry to just ask, as I lately not having much time to follow threads.. :(
  13. but its only same width for all 4 of a set, isn't it - so all are the same and go on the regular rims then?
  14. @R0Sch They could have been more soft - but as we both know this would lead to stronger wear.. And for the material hardening out it is the same for all rubbers.. so for me not worth to discuss. I think most of the people may just want to buy them for the looks - the rc field (with strong requirements) is considered a niche - unfortunately.. 😄
  15. I think for RC needs it may heavily rely on the temperatures, weight of the model and power to spin the wheels (and finally no moving parts melting or cracking... :D)
  16. @Lego Tom: I may just torture them on tarmac / concrete
  17. Just some pictures of the new CaDA tires. It is the 1/10 ones, have the 1/8 also here but no nice rims for doing shootings. Both sizes are exact clones of each other. Both are manufactured very well, profile and round shape given, for the softness aspect: on a plain desk surface they seem to slip more than they may grip. Full Resolution Image Full Resolution Image Full Resolution Image
  18. ah sorry, then I got it wrong from the gif / not looking closely enough :D
  19. @piterx put down the Manual for the MOC, as it is not really working "so well" from his perspective.
  20. Answered in a pm, as policies would't allow the linking.
  21. As all LEGO PF motors are brushed: The brushes may just be EOL... from the internet "The most obvious symptoms of bad motor brushes are poor performance, loss of power, sparking, and a burning smell.". (also a reason why I can't ever understand why anybody would buy a used LEGO motor produced from 20years ago with no possibilities to change the brushes ever..)
  22. Asking myself... didn't Fortronik gave us their vows for performing better in regard of software development and communications?! Just asking as several month went by with the regular expected old behavior of them of just doing nothing? This company is even worse than LEGO lol...
  23. Oh boy, it was my adguard, I accidentally switched on the blocking of flickr - so I have to say sorry.. 8[ stupid me
  24. @ExtranceIT Welcome to the forums. Unfortunately picture hosting isn't a thing at EuroBricks and you need to host them externally, bricksafe.com I can recommend, and link them from there (keep in mind the 1024px restriction of pictures posted here).
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