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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by TotoMagnus

  1. If all the rumours are true, this might be really the worst LSW year for me, since my return from the dark ages. With each quasi-revelation, the Enterprise D rumour is getting more and more attractive…
  2. That‘s a good point. When I think of ROTS, I think Battle of the Heroes. The drama between the main characters. I don’t think of the (granted: Good looking) tools that help evil win.
  3. 2021 was basically the same: UCS Gunship & AT-AT and a UCS Remake, marked as Buildable Figures (R2-D2 in 21). AT-ST sounds much better than my prediction. When we got the Ahsoka Fan Legion Battle Pack I was hoping for a Bly instead. Now it feels boring and lame. I‘m cloned out for now.
  4. I wouldn‘t mind a UT-AT, but I’d expect some outcry from certain corners, no matter the result. Personally, I would like to see some TFA playset(s) in 2025, apart from the rumoured Helmet and Midi Shuttle.
  5. Just a couple of thoughts / guesses after the 1k shock: Buildable Figures are getting out of hand. I mean, I like them and I own most of them, but 2 per year are fine with me. That said: My guess for the 200$ (assumed) buildable character: Either Jabba or the Rancor. A leaker described it as being a „big“ buildable figure, so I‘m looking for a big fig getting the treatment. The 50$ set: Maybe a T47 Snowspeeder in scale for the hordes of UCS AT-ATs on our shelves?
  6. More and more it feels like my collecting days are coming to an end. 1.000 Bucks…that’s a threshold I don’t want to cross. A bit bummed out at the moment.
  7. I‘m subscribing to your hope. These characters are too big for him to handle imho. Regarding the Z95: Design-wise it‘s totally OT for me, therefore, it never did fit in the Clone Wars era, it was just too simple in comparison. Maybe it would have worked as a ship for Pirates, but not as a fighter for the GAR. (Wasn‘t it even a ship for Pirates in the TIE Fighter and X-Wing Lucasarts games?)
  8. I would have preferred a movie Acclamator, but the stripes and Open Circle symbols are stickers, I think. So maybe I will swap out the parts of the middle stripe to get myself an AOTC Acclamator. Will see how much the price drops. Or will it be sold exclusively at Lego?
  9. On a whole, I would have preferred the Liberty, but the Home One looks fine to me. I like the Easter Eggs, but maybe I will switch out Hera and R2(?) for Han and Lando as stand ins for their conversation before they depart. I will buy the set when 50€ come into range. Since I don‘t care for Ahsoka her Interceptor does not concern me, but Haiyaaa the pricing!
  10. A pity, since Lego has all the licenses for the cars. The Ford might be more iconic, but the Jeep would give Lego the opportunity to create a 3 in 1 set (with rollbar / with hardtop or just with the windshield). The logo has potential but wouldn‘t it be too similar to the Rex skull?
  11. Are there any rumours of either a Ford Explorer or a Jeep Wrangler getting the „Icons movie cars“ treatment? That has been my wish for the last couple of years but Lego never grants it 😢
  12. Exabricks teases set reveals (not Star Wars specific) for early December, so yeah, hopefully any day now a leak / happy accident might occur 🤞. Personally, I will set my timer for the last week of November though.
  13. It think the good ending was branded „C-Canon“. Below G-Canon (Movies) and T-Canon (TCW), but still official canon. The bad ending and the expansion would have been Non-Canon. So, iIrc, the Midi Ship lineup for next year is: 1. Mon Calamari Cruiser 2. Acclamator 3. Kylo Ren Shuttle 1&2 releasing in January, 3 in May, right?
  14. Shmi Skywalker is still waiting for her first ever release, right?
  15. This speeder would be one of my first picks for the UCS seal, when its time the Sequels get this honor. In the meantime, I will wait for next years offerings. The Helmet line up sounds good. If true, I think the Mando and Dark Trooper ones are good to go from my shelve.
  16. I did read the novel between the movies 😁 I still remember the headline on a german fansite from 2002 that the Clone Wars are happening NOW, in the 3 years between the movies. Also the Jabiim arc from the comics I do remember, with a first appearance of an early AT-AT. And while I don‘t like TCW, I will always say that they got the relationship between Anakin and Kenobi right. But that‘s my major gripe maybe: The movies didn‘t.
  17. Well, of course dialogue does not define a whole genre. But when you say that one side is a space opera and the other is a shakespearean tragedy I expect more „gravitas“ from the latter. A deeper layered story, more edged out characters and also better dialogue. I see the attempts of the PT to be that what you describe, but in my eyes it fails to deliver, sadly. To me the tragedy of the fall of Anakin isn‘t depicted very well since I don‘t see him acting much like a hero in 2&3. To me he acts more like a creep towards Padme, overly arrogant towards his Teacher and other Jedi. Even „good friend“ I don‘t see in him. When in 3 Obi-Wan and Anakin say goodbye to each other they speak very highly of them and their friendship but this I didn’t get from watching the movies. The old rule of Show don‘t tell in full effect. Regarding Episode 9: „it’s pretty bad…but even casuals hated it“. I‘m sorry, but that is a non argument. Do you remember the time Prequel time? How the terrible phrase of George Lucas doing bad things to childhoods was coined? I do remember it, since back then, I defended the Prequels. I remember the big points people brought up, like Jar Jar, the acting of nearly everybody, overuse of CGI, contradictions to the established lore, soulless movies, wooden dialogue, demystification of Boba Fett, boring politics… but also the minor nitpicks that blew out of proportions, like the double bladed Maul lightsaber, Flubber-Yoda, Clones being described as „rainbow troopers“, R2 having Rockets, Chewbacca meeting Yoda. I even remember buzz droids being some kind of laughing stock and thats coming of the top of my head. The force.net was full of that crap 😂 Again, I do like the Prequels but please remember that an argument like „even casuals hated it“ could be brought up against them as well. Oh yeah JJ sure loves em mystery boxes. He is a genius in getting a story started. He just need to learn to end them properly ☺️
  18. I wouldn‘t say that it’s awful. Least favorite of the ST, yeah maybe but there are still things I do like and scenes that pull my strings in a good way. The last shot for example. The whole bit on Tatooine gives me a warm farewell and god speed feeling. But I do think that it never had a (fair) chance to succeed all the way, being a child of exaggerated hate (fanbase side) and cowardice (Disney) and of course the tragedy of Carrie Fisher‘s death (since it was meant to be „her“ Episode. 7 being a Han vehicle and 8 a Luke one).
  19. See, for me the PT is the one trilogy that tries to be something, in this case a shakespearean tragedy. To me a tragedy needs for example better dialogue, something better than „I wish I could wish away my feelings“. Don‘t get me wrong, there are strong scenes I really dig which are tragic in the right way, like the immolation scene or Padme‘s rumination in 3 but it‘s spread to thinly. Also, Star Wars works best to me when it‘s more vague in certain aspects, like the Force or in its characters (Boba Fett). Sometimes I don‘t want explanations for certain things, I want to use my own imagination to fill in gaps. For example the Holdo maneuver: I imagined her punching in some Admiral-level password to override the security system to allow her to either jump through the Supremacy or micro jump straight into the ship. Didn’t Han warn Luke about flying right through a star? So to me, a jump right through a ship seems possible as well. And since OT and ST are more in a Fantasy vein, I feel more of a dissonance between the PT and the rest of the family. Phew. All this talking reminds me to start my annual rewatch of the 11 movies 😁
  20. Since small derailing got greenlit a bit, I would like to chime in ☺️ I think you are right with your bit about media discussion nowadays. I do remember seeing tons of videos discussing the „flawed“ Throne Room fight in TLJ by going through it in half /quarter speed. Then, a couple of weeks ago, the Khetanna release got me hyped up and I stumbled upon one(!) video goung through the Battle of Carkoon in 0.25 speed (I think the whole channel is this kind of content). I knew of the (infamous) Force Kick and Boba shooting more at the suns of Tatooine instead of Luke but damn! So many inconsistencies within these 7 Minutes Ranking the Saga movies is hard for me. I love them all, some more than others but I can only tell my most favorite and least favorite for sure: Most favorite is Empire. Star Wars on a whole, I see more as a fairy tale, especially the OT. And Empire feels the most fairytalish, the most mythical to me. The is also a darkness in it but the last scene oozes hope and this gets me everytime. Least favorite would be Clones. While I do like the Obi arc, most of the rest falls flat on its face to me. This Episode is also the worst to me when it comes to the „art of filmmaking“, mostly in the cutting department (since you, Alexandrina mentioned technical aspects before) IIRC, Ben Burtt was the editor of the PT. I love his sound design but editing he should have given to someone else entirely. Also the wooden acting shines through the most in this movie. Plus it has some of the worst looking VFX and bluescreen scenes of the entire saga. Some extra words to the Sequels: I see flaws in them, sure. The humour in 8 I can‘t stand for example. Also that there are barely any ship silhouettes you can point at and say: That‘s from the ST! (I think EC Henry has a good video on this on YT). When I first heard the title „Rise of Skywalker“ I thought we would get a successor to the Jedi order, some form of grey Jedi calling themselves Skywalker so I‘m disappointed with the movie outcome. But still…the ST gives me more of a fairy tale feeling than the PT or Rogue One (still a movie I really really like).
  21. I really do enjoy your movie discussion! I see a lot of manners on display! Something I don‘t see often these days, when people talk about the saga. Some views I share, some I don‘t, but every view got its room. While I don‘t want to derail this thread any further, I do want to say Thank you, while I wait for the next Lego reveals.
  22. In my books, she has overstayed her welcome and has become the most overrated character in Star Wars. Partly a generation thing, of course. I didn‘t grow up with her. But, as I‘ve read this morning: This cover is the result of an online voting (other choices were Luke in his X-Wing gear and 3PO), so I‘ll have to quote Lando: I don‘t like it, I don‘t agree with it, but I accept it.
  23. Maybe Bricklink will be an option. I don‘t wanna buy a book with Tano on it 🤪
  24. TROS Palpatine will be next years‘ book figure, it seems
  25. Yeah, by a teenie-weenie 100 bucks, I would say (or the inclusion of the Desert Skiff set) 🤪
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