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Everything posted by TotoMagnus

  1. Finished the Barge build last night and I‘m really surprised of how much I like (dare I say love?) the result! Granted, to get the full picture you have to invest a lot (Desert Skiff, couple of extra figs, extra bricks and pieces), but damn! it hits me right in the feels, being born in 83 and therefore having some kind of relationship to ROTJ. To me, LSW 24 ends on a high note. Best UCS experience since the AT-AT.
  2. Good catches! A designer confirmed that the Fedora belongs to Beast. 2 Danger Room sticker reference different Earths: E(arth) 13122 - Lego Marvel Universe E(arth) 92131 - XMen and Spiderman Animated
  3. Oh, the top of the mansion „explodes“. Neat!
  4. Well, for me the Frog is a reference to Toad 😁
  5. Oh, looked like a white suit to me, but Dazzler sounds right! Also, nice of Lego to include Toad 😁
  6. I really love the Easter Eggs / References we can already see. I guess UX 266 stands for Uncanny X-Men 266 (first In-story appearance of Gambit)? Wanted poster of DOFP, Nightcrawler… Is the man in the white suit Dr. Nemesis? Also: Did they confuse Rogue with Jean in the pic where Wolverine looks into the window, while Cylclops and Rogue are sitting in the classroom? 😁
  7. For the new Star Wars - The Deckbuilding Game - Clone Wars Edition Fantasy Flight Games uses „Fett‘s Firespray“ as the name for the ship. So maybe that’s the name Companys shall use now?
  8. That’s my expectation as well. The Cockpit, maybe fitted for Jango and Boba to sit next to each other and maybe some kind of a bomb chute for 1-2 seismic charges.
  9. I‘m on the fence with a JF Slave 1 UCS. On the one hand, it could be an easy skip, since I own the Boba Fett one. On the other hand: The 75060 was my starting point for collecting Lego. So this new set would be a nice „romantic“ point to end my collection. Not on day 1, but maybe just before getting the EOL treatment. Will think about it and my collection: What I have, what I still want and what I keep.
  10. True. Bib is also holding Leia in place when Jabba tells her that she will worship him soon
  11. Sigh…https://www.jeditemplearchives.com/2023-07-22-hasbro-makes-an-official-statement-about-slave-leia/ There was/is no ban on Slave Leia figures. Truth is: The Black Series one sold like 2 month overdue milk. I saved mine from being crushed by all the dust she has had been collecting. Paid 5€ at my local Toys r us. And I remember the #nooolanomoola. But the whole campaign was lazy with some cardboard stretchgoals, iirc.
  12. I think it is even slightly bigger than minifig scale. According to an older Brickset article, the length for minifig scale is roughly 72cm. This set is 77cm long , according to leaks
  13. Roddy, you are not alone! The moment I saw the Haslab Prototype in 2018, I hoped for a UCS/MBS implementation. I really like/love what I‘m seeing. Still, I have some gripes, mainly in the fig department, with Bib being a red card worthy foul. Price is also to mention. I was also hoping for some details in the main room with Jabba: A rancor statue or the wall mural. Hopefully these will show up today. But I‘m with you: Will show up on day 1 👍 PS: Not buying the MBS Cloud City was my worst decision. Every May 4th event I hope Lego spills out a few if these, like they did with the UCS Snowspeeder 😂
  14. I asked this itavix_bricks guy on IG. According to him, Jabba has his Tattoo (It‘s on his right arm, not on his left).
  15. Actually, I don‘t have that many bricks laying around. Barely any, apart from spares. Basically I would have to get all the bricks, which would be more expensive. I keep all my sets on Display, not disassembled. I also love this so called „customers‘ journey“ on special occasions, like a UCS release: Being at a store, talking to people who share the same interest and so on. I even adore a good packaging, like with the UCS AT-AT. It brings me back to my childhood, you might say. Reasonable? Most likely not, but still: These feelings I won‘t get by buying just the bricks. I tried, with the Nebulon-B, since it was nearly impossible to get here. It felt…bland. Shallow. The building experience was there and it was good, but still. Something was missing… But when I buy a set, the build to me is more important than minifigs, to come back to the original question.
  16. Bib is a bummer for me. Nothing too critical that will stop my purchase, since the build has priority and the figures I won‘t see afterwards. But I will voice my opinion towards Lego.
  17. Would have loved to get Yakface over Kithaba, but i‘m fine with this list. LFG
  18. The Venator leaked on September 9th. Pretty decent, since it was on display at a Lego Store at one airport in Singapore (?).
  19. The Dark Falcon does not catch me. Thank God it is not called Black Falcon though or we would have gotten a continuation of the Key & Peele Sketch 😂 I will try to get the Dark Rey and maybe the 3P0. The White Vader I don‘t need. This itch got filled by the Black Series. Overall I‘m more happy about the Sail Barge leak, albeit just a photo of an inner box.
  20. I really do like the result. Sure, his arms are still a bit too beefy, but overall he looks nice in both modes. I do like the little touches, like the Goldbug reference, the Bee and the fact that you can see his small Autobot symbol on the hood, but not on his foot!
  21. Ah, thx for the info. I might watch a review from back then :) For the combiners: I‘m not sure for myself if I would mind Lego going a cheaper round by releasing Devastator as a (firm) statue, without transformation option 🤔 For Bee: He definitely skipped some leg days, but I still like the presence. More clearer pictures, please!
  22. Oh, Voltron does? I was always under the impression that it is „only“ a statue. Thanks for the knowledge 😁 From time to time (Lego Star Wars) releases seem to overlap with Hasbro, not only due to the fact that they are treating the same movie or series. The christmas Ewok comes to mind. Of course, I don’t imagine Lego and Hasbro making the decision for this figure release over a shared coffee break, but it being steered a bit by Disney. I can imagine Hasbro telling Lego some of their planned releases though. I don‘t see Hasbro and Lego releases as competitive, more as complementary.
  23. For Devastator I could imagine something like the Voltron Set from Lego. Nothing to transform, but a solid unit. Seems like we will get the SS86 treatment for the Constructicons soon (next year?), so Lego and Hasbro could go hand in hand, like Bumblebee this year?
  24. Yeah, 86 Grimlock I was talking about. His Comic Version looks good as well, but that’s not „my“ Grimlock. I‘m also hoping for Lego Cons, but these would get difficult, due to having mostly military Altmodes. Soundwave and the Constructicons would a) work and b) have the needed popularity (assuming Lego would stick to G1 as reference). Happy to see so much Transformers love here!
  25. I‘m also hoping on a reveal very soon and how they will handle the transformation. SS-86 brought me back into collecting Transformers as well. At least for the Dinobots. I hope the rumours are true, that we will get a Grimlock rerelease next year.
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