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Kage Goomba

Eurobricks Knights
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  1. Beautifully done!
  2. As a fellow TIE Defender MOC'er - I salute you - and its cute (and badass) Very well designed and detailed for its size. Feel free to check mine out - always appreciate TIE Defender Enthusiasts. Check my signature or go here ---> https://www.kagegoomba.com/lego_moc.php
  3. And yet there's a Venator MOC already out there that is fewer pieces and priced better than the one Lego has. That excuse while valid - only gets you so far.
  4. Not fading - half-baked - imho. For Example The New Venator is poorly done - mismatched decal/color just to name one of a few pet peeves. If Lego would bother to study MOC's - they may actually save money and look better - starting to think greed is getting to them. Is Star Wars fading? No - getting cheap for higher prices? Yes.
  5. I tortured myself for 2 days or so before I had the nerve to say something - we MOC'ers are utter masochists I swear lol. Persistence and stubbornness are our stock in trade - I'm sure you'll find a solution soon enough. Considering my two major MOC projects - I know all too well lol. Regardless - you have a great moc here!
  6. Great build -great detail. Only one nagging thought - maybe I'm seeing things - seems the neck between the cockpit section and the turrets/pod section seems squished - neck should be a tad longer shoudln't it? Other than that - this is very nicely detailed.
  7. @JaCor653 He always builds to scale of the UCS ISD - not sure if that was called out. :)
  8. Would be interested to see your work on Discord when you have a chance - maybe I'm not visualizing it right.
  9. Kdapt is working on one as well - still designing but def interesting. (jump to last 2 pages or so)
  10. It's a UCS Model - they where never meant to be play models. It's meant to look pretty and sit on your shelf. Also - UCS ISD had two Minifigures as well - not exactly a big argument here. As for the rest - yep - pretty much spot on - too many good mocs in all honesty - only thing its got going for it is its cheaper than a MOC obviously. Just tossing my 2 cents in.
  11. Could try a sliding door/hatch type - would be a trick and a half.
  12. Lego has jack all nothing on you. This isn't a matter of size or piece count - its intention. Their Venator is just a simple mock up - yours is going to be refined and focused on quality. Doesn't need to be bigger to accomplish it. :) Frankly I don't hold much faith in their structure as it looks suspiciously like the USC ISD with obvious changes - which frankly is a PITA. Id sooner grab yours anyway.
  13. Frankly - your Venator is vastly better than what Lego came up with - lately it feels like they are half assing things.
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