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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Yperio_Bricks

  1. Star Wars: Droids yay Your speeders looks great! My favorite is the White Witch. Both speeders look maybe a little bit too bulky and short. But i really like both of them. Thanks for sharing
  2. Yperio_Bricks replied to dimka_ya's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    The rooftop tennis court looks great! The whole building looks a little bit like a 70s Las Vegas Hotel. Or Miami? Have you ever seen the BMW headquarters? Check it out for some inspiration
  3. Yperio Syn was a freight broker for the Baobab Merchant Fleet and most recently he ran the Con Star Mining Corporation's Office on Tyne's Horkey where i made contact with local crimelords... After a short stint for the Soccory Trade Guild he had to go underground after a mission to Orvax IV failed badly. Syn had to flee and joined some smugglers on Fwillsving. Syn now asks to join the mercenaries faction.
  4. Yperio_Bricks replied to Roses's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Great moc all around! My favorites are the nose section and also the greebling on the main body. I love it I only feel like the astromech would match better with the ship if the droid had an other color.
  5. Wow, that mosaic looks spectacular Great moc! I like the combination of studs and tiles and also the 3d effect.
  6. You can find a lot of pictures (or artist impressions) of nebulas, planets, planet clusters, comets, etc. at good old wikipedia and every picture mentions its licence. You will also find public domain NASA pictures at wikipedia. For some random space pictures just search wikipedia for stuff like Orion's Belt or Horsehead Nebula.
  7. Great moc! Beautiful landscape and colors.
  8. Yep, after i saw the palace in her stream i like the set even more. Will definitely pick up two.
  9. Actually Promobricks write that they are not sure if set 75336 will be a AT-TE, but they think it will be one. They also write that they know that LEGO is working on a AT-TE at the moment, which looks very similar in design and size like the 2013 one.
  10. The Dark Trooper set looks great! And much bigger than expected with only 166 pieces. The price though... Still need to get one of these, but i will wait half a year or so...
  11. Another cool mech! I like it even more than the Boba one. Funny detail with the IG head
  12. Great moc all around! So many great minifig kitbashes, details, techniques and parts usage. Actually, my favorite part is the sewage running underneath the grid, the rust and the musician.
  13. Great job with the space station! The disc looks fantastic. My favorite part are the 2 docking bays that are comming out of the disc, they look so nice and clean.
  14. Thanks you guys! I will surely try to add more details next time. I still need to learn a lot and those fiddly small things are harder to build for me
  15. Wow! Just found this thread today. So many cool pictures Thanks for sharing!
  16. Yeah, my bad. I already saw a review of issue 80 on youtube and that's why i wrote 'next'. I am not exited either since i don't need clone troopers. EDIT: Still, i was surprised to see that minifig will come with the magazine.
  17. Wow! great build all around. The cloning chamber (or bacta tank?) looks very good. I also like the floor and walls and greebling. But my favorite has to be the creepy spider droid. Gives me chills. I am curious how the story will develop. Will the cloning process will be successful?.....
  18. Thank you! Haha you are right, i had no idea how long it would take to dismantle it. Weeks maybe? But i started yesterday and now there is only a small portion of one of the roofs left, so i was able to tear it appart super fast actually. I had no chance anyway since i need the pieces for the next moc
  19. Nice build with the jungle fauna and platform. I like the Wyyyschokk creature build and how the dark blue fabric background works together with the brown and green colors. I only wish we would see more of the hatch or entrance to the underground facility. Now the hatch is almost hidden in the back.
  20. Apperantly there will be a 501 Trooper in the next Lego Star Wars Magazine which will be published on 26th February in Germany.
  21. Wonderful landscape with all the plants and flowers and leafs, with the rocks and mud. Fantastic! My favorites are the burried tank and the muddy pit with the tentacles (first picture).
  22. Thank you! Although the buildings are build like modulars, they have no interiors. There is just chaos inside I thought it would be easier to build houses in modular style but there are also disadvantages. Thanks a lot! You are right, there could have been more life in the streets and i hope to do better next time, but i ran out of pieces and just wanted to finish the houses and move on. For example, i had no tan plates or tiles left and, no dark red tiles and plates... Only piece i have plenty of is 2x2 dark tan tiles. I have 2 big PAB Wall cups full of these
  23. *Your entry has scored 19XP* A small team of the Socorro Trade Guild got hired to transport escapees and a priest of the Cult of the Power Droids from slave world Orvax IV to nearby planets from which they then would take different routes out of the sector. Yperio Syn and Kalyn Kels were scouting the urban area from the roof of a STG save house near the slave markets and underground dungeons. Liquor shop owner and local contact Mxaafwuuttorl Jachathwoxx provided them with the latest news and - Jachathwoxx wouldn't be Jachathwoxx - with the latest gossip too.
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