Everything posted by Yperio_Bricks
- [Bounty] [U12 - Teth - MA] Just a hunch...
[Bounty] [M 17 - Ord Ibanna - MA ] Meanwhile, on the Er'Lin straight...
Had to find out what a Erling brick is Nice wall pattern I also like the pattern on the floor, but my favorite is the yellow droid. Is that the Hidden Side torso piece on Aphrodite? Now i wish i would have bought a set
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Same here. I also feared a brickbuild Rancor would consume 150 - 200 tiny pieces and thus there would be 150 - 200 pieces less for the palace/throne room.
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Haha, i see
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Sorry, but i don't understand?!?
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
So Stonewars reports
- [Freebuild] Walt’s Journey
The shift from creativity to consumer fan base?
Well spoken! I agree with everything you said.
"future metropolis"
This is a fantastic moc! All those stickers, prints, styles, colors and techniques make a truly amazing moc.
- [Bounty] #2 [J15 - Ring of Kafrene-MA] The greatest victory is that which requires no battle
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Great to see all these new aliens. The aliens are the most interesting part of Lego Star Wars sets for me and i'm really looking forward for the sets to be released.
- [J7-Iridonia-TIC] A Fallen Land
[L10 - Empress Teta - TIC] Imperial occupation
Great moc! I like all the greebling and details. Nice touch of color with the light violet stalks and the green leaves next to the sewage drain.
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Is it $70 or $100? I remember it being $100 but $70 would be much better of course.
Arabian Street
Awesome mocs and quite a funny scene in the first one And some geat details like the birds comming out of the cage on the right house and the laundry on the line on the left house. What's that guy doing on the roof of the merchant's house...
Unpopular Opinions about LEGO
Here's my unpopular opinion: Lego Sets became so expensive over the years, i feel the Lego Company put itself into a corner and can't get out anymore. TLG either has to keep set prices high and higher or reduce the amount of bricks in sets. It's comical when walls or roofs are missing and everyone knows why.
[Bounty] [R16 - Tatooine - TIC]
That's a cool little build! Small but effective and with a great figure.
[MOC] LEGO STAR WARS The book of Boba Fett Chapter 2 - The arrival of the Hutts
Great depiction of the scene! I was wondering how the poor souls were able to lift the litter/platform at all
FACTIONS: Introduction and Rules
Hello everyone, i have some noob questions, sorry - Does it matter whether a planet is in canon or not? - When planets are not on the map (swgalaxymap) like Qi Lozar or Tyne's Horky, is it possible to build there? - When there is no information about a planet and its surface (for example: settlements, jungle, desert, water, humid/arid climate), how to decide which moc is suitable?
- [MOC] Micro city
- [O17 - Naboo - FF] New Jedi Order | Chapter 0.0 - An Unexpected Jedi
[N7 - Taris - MA] Morut Space Station (part 2)
Yeah, that's an major improvement over the first version of the space station, which was already great itself. Most notably the large antenna mast that was added to the bottom instead of that black laticce tower piece (or whatever it is called) of the first version. Looks much better now. I like
FACTIONS: Introduction and Rules
Great! Then i would like to join STG. Yperio Syn was a freight broker for the Baobab Merchant Fleet and most recently he ran the Con Star Mining Corporation's Office on Tyne's Horkey. Syn got into droid trade lately and this is how he made contact to the STG...
FACTIONS: Introduction and Rules
Is the Socorro Trade Guild a inactive faction? So it is not possible to join that faction as a player?
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
I like your list
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