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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Thank you all! Let me know if you have any questions.
  2. Hi everyone, I just wanted to share this article I wrote about the price of a LEGO brick overtime. There seems to be a lot of misconceptions about LEGO brick pricing so I decided to write a program to compile data from all the major LEGO sites (brickset, bricklink, peeron) and do an evaluation on it. After going through about 10,000 items in the online catalog between the three sites this is what I came up with. What Happened With LEGO, The Price of a Brick Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions for a followup!
  3. The theme is called Nin-jah-go. Their battle cry is Ninja-Go (as well as the "battle cry" for the spinners).
  4. 2) 3 pts 41) 4 pts
  5. I just noticed that the weight given for a set in the manager does not take into account the quantity of each brick. It only adds up the weights for one of each brick. It would be more useful if it added up the total weight of a model. (Also, it would be awesome if it could pull price data from bricklink and lego.com to make estimates. Perhaps pull down the average price that a brick has sold for recently from bricklink in addition to what it is currently selling for at lego (if it is selling))
  6. Wow. That gives me some ideas. I will have to try that.
  7. In all these methods, it seems the functions that are sent through the turntable are affected by the turntable itself. I.e. When the turntable turns, they will move slightly also. (Unless I am missing something?) Is there anyway to send functions through a turntable (even if it is just one), without it being affected by the turntable turning?
  8. How is maneuverability and speed with the wheels? Do they have good traction or do they tend to spin out with faster speeds (or slippery surfaces)?
  9. Thanks for the reply. I have only ever seriously tried the traditional anchor escapement and although I have gotten it to work to some degree, I have never really been able to get it to run smoothly for more than an hour or two. I have always wanted to try different types of escapements but have never really taken the leap. Your last few videos have given me ideas and I have started to gather the pieces together to give it a try.
  10. Nice review. I picked one of these up at my local store a while back. I did notice that some of the corners on the bricks were a bit worn down though, possibly from being shipped. Did you notice this in yours?
  11. Looks great! I like the simplicity. If I made one I probably would have cluttered it up to much with animals and more people; your simplicity really captures the scene well.
  12. Hey guys, sorry it took so long to reply. My favorite theme is probably Technic and the large models such as the Tower bridge (which I picked up about a month ago). I actually owned the original Mindstorms when it came out although by that time I had other things going on so it didn't get as much use as it deserved. It was just about the beginning of my dark ages. I may consider getting the newest one if I can muster some funds together. Nice to meet you guys.
  13. Great program! Have you considered including some options for high detail rendering? I have seen some examples of realistic renders of LEGO projects but the process seems overly complicated.
  14. Great design. I hope you continue to post these and perhaps more detailed vids like with your last escapement. Which design do you think is more robust? I have tried to make a few different escapement designs but they always end up being very finicky.
  15. Hey guys, figured I should say hi since there is a welcome forum. Played with LEGO all through the late 80s + 90s. Had a few years off and now am taking it up again.
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