[MOC] My very first MOC - The Forgotton Beach Fortress
Of course I have drop me a pn. My notes seem to be deleted by your mate phes now. As if a designer could troll his own work, very grown-up behavior Mr. Phes congratulations for not being able to take any critisicm.
[MOC] My very first MOC - The Forgotton Beach Fortress
It's appr. 1700 pieces now, 150 pages instruction also finished. I will build this version in summer 22.
[MOC] My very first MOC - The Forgotton Beach Fortress
The fortress received an additional tower, which was intentionality created as a modular. I think it should be fixed part of it. Featuring a sleeping interior for the guards and a weapon storage upstairs. Beach and water were extended. I found a pretty simple way to add some waves using transparent Blue round bricks.
Thanks a lot, that's exactly what I like and wanted. Not too artificial and fancy.
Thank you very much. The only thing to me is the size of the ctp. Cabin when considering the side view. It appears a bit small. I had it larger in between the making and then went back to this size, cause it fits to the streamlined elegant shape. Still not 100% convincing.
Hi there, this is my first ship moc design. Avoiding all lego hull pieces as well as fancy colors. I am more into the wooden, dark look with only small accents. As I would see a classic pirates ship. It is 80 cm plus with currently 3150 pieces. I am already working on the instructions, which have exceeded the 200 pages. The rigging and some minor details will be the final steps. PS no minifigures in my digital renderings, as usual. But I will build this one somewhere in 2022 with my actual minifig crew ;)
[MOC] My very first MOC - The Forgotton Beach Fortress
No, that is too much work. DId you ever create mocs in bricklingsk studio? It takes a lot of hours. I have some defined goals, that I will not extend if not necessary. Loosing ones bearing is not a good idea in a lot of things in life. There will probably be some updated on my mocs, but still to an extend where it is possible to buy and buiild it. I am not collecting digital renderings. ;)
[DIGITAL] Pirate tavern and docks modular
I wont, do you know how many hours it takes to write the manual?
[MOC] My very first MOC - The Forgotton Beach Fortress
Since they wont remain as digital designs, the decoration pieces raise the pricing for purchases on brickowl and bricklinks heavily, I have checked it. My aim is to stay around 200 - 250 EURO mocs. The exaggerating moc with 5000+ are wonderful to watch, but I will never pay that much for Lego. Christopher
[MOC] My very first MOC - The Forgotton Beach Fortress
Oh thank you very much, never tried that mode. Looks a lot better! Christopher
[DIGITAL] Pirate tavern and docks modular
Yes but keep in mind that these deco details raise the prize enormously. These little pieces were about 80€. It's easy to click on a mouse but I want to buy and built it.
[DIGITAL] Pirate tavern and docks modular
More decoration will follow, it is a digital render from Rebrickable Studio. Just for the fun I am adding 4 minifigures. In "real Life" I have plenty of them :D
[DIGITAL] Pirate tavern and docks modular
Hello there, my 2nd and 3rd moc are modular. To be built on there own or as modular, fitting very nice togehter. It is 2200 pieces togehter, or seperately 1000 pieces +/- PS the wonderful ship is the "La Grenouille" by Moc your brick. Not my design.
[MOC] My very first MOC - The Forgotton Beach Fortress
Thank you, I am leaving out the decoration, since it raises the moc pricing to heavily.
[MOC] My very first MOC - The Forgotton Beach Fortress
Thank you very much. Apart from some more decoration and alternated water shapes, I will stop here. BTW: does somebody know how to export a high resolution pdf from the manual? The pdf generated there seem to be highly compressed for my eyes. Would love to have a printed issue.
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