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  1. Let me know if you hit any issues. I am working on getting some more data added to it to get more recent figures. Hope someone gets some value out of it haha.
  2. I was thinking the same thing re:brickset haha, I wonder how the subscription method is working for rebrickable. They have ads…but less. I would prefer to not need ads but I see now that it may be inevitable. Anyways…it’s free now until I run out of my aws credits and would love feedback haha. Then I’ll figure out what it would take to keep it alive :)
  3. Just a heads up, I am re-thinking the pricing, as this was not about making money, more just to sustain itself. I have some free credits from AWS for a few more months, so if anyone wants/needs more credits reach out to me and I will hook you up. Sorry if it felt I was trying to sell here, as that was not my intention. I am goign to look at advertising to try and make it sustain itself, just always had a disdain for advertising :). Thanks again for those of you who tried/tested it, and thank you for the comments.
  4. Totally. Worst case, I learned a bunch of things. Hopefully it helps someone out, I may just try and cap it on the backend in terms of monthly cost, and offer it up for free until my credits run out on the hosting. As you said, it likely won’t pay for itself, but I hope it helps someone. I’ll think through what I can do there. Thank you again for the comments they really do mean a lot.
  5. I totally understand. Sorry about posting in multiple forums. New to this community. Not really looking to make anything from it as it is more of a passion project. And definitely did not join to sell something. I promise there will be mocs coming from me haha. Re: pricing totally understand the community helping each other. Thought it would be an interesting bridge of tech and lego, but…may be just that, and personal project.
  6. Thank you for that feed back! I totally agree with you. I am competing with free haha. What would be a reasonable amount? If I could run it for free I would, unfortunately the hosting costs are coming out of pocket. If you have any thoughts I would love to hear them!
  7. Let’s test it out! I have a ton I have tested with and would love more test data that I can throw thru it to improve the quality. The idea is that if we and “classify” the part, i can then use those classifications to improve the performance by feeding it back in. If anyone hits any issue. Please let me know so I can work on it and improve it.
  8. Hello all, First time poster, long time reader. I have been working on a project the last several months to classify minifigures using images instead of doing it manually. I created this after purchasing a number of bulk buy lego, and encountering a large number of minfigure “abominations” lol. Looking them up by hand was not going to be fun, so I threw them into a box. Earlier this year I wanted to learn some machine learning and thought this would be an “easy” project. Unfortunately…I was severely mistaken. Anyhow, I hope it is useful to someone and would love some feedback. http://Minifigfinder.com
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