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  1. I have the (recently retired or soon to be retired?) cargo train and the retired holiday train. Both are RC with PF. I was wondering if I could use Buwizz in place of the battery pack for those and still use the physical IR remotes to control the trains?
  2. Hi superkoala! Sorry for bumping this really old thread but I haven't been able to find another way to reach you I purchased your MOC plans for the 42011 buwizz model from rebrickable. As I started, I noticed that some of the images in the PDF are pretty low resolution and it's a little bit difficult at times to tell which piece is which. I just didn't know if you might also share the studio file or whatever source you developed instructions from, which presumably are higher resolution. I'm sure I can make do with just the PDF if that's all that's available, but I forgot to order some of the extra pieces I needed for that MOC... So while I'm waiting a few days for them to come in and figure it out also check and see :) Thanks, great model!
  3. what happened to wixy? I couldnt find any more info about the project
  4. Just got a buwizz3 to use with 42099. I had thought that like two, 3.0 had ludicrous mode and fast mode etc. I now see that 3.0 doesn't have those modes and just runs at 12 volt all the time... Which is I understand it should still be better than the normal Lego hub which runs at 9 volt. What I'm wondering is... 42099 doesn't seem noticeably faster with the buwizz.... I have switched the gears around in 42099 so that it is slower but has much more crawling power... Should using buwizz Make it faster but maybe I'm just noticing it since I'm not comparing them side by side? Or if I switch the gears back will I have more crawling power plus the speed from the higher gearing? I guess I'm wondering if my understanding is correct and this pack is running at a higher voltage than the Lego hub... Where should I expect to see that improvement? Speed? Or torque/power?
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