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Everything posted by _R_R_

  1. I think it will be similar to some of the popular Pearl MOCs, so somewhere around 2000-3000 pieces and it will come with all the minifigures we would expect to see on the Pearl. I don't believe they will make it as big as the Titanic.
  2. I am not sure why anyone even believed such a false rumor to begin with but I'm glad @a_clay_brick has confirmed it was false. Pirates of the Caribbean is a theme many people have wanted to see revived and The Black Pearl, in spite of all it's inaccuracies, is still one of a lot of people's most wanted sets. The main reason being it is the flagship of the franchise, and it also came with Davy Jones and some of his crew. Many are confused they are doing the Pearl again instead of the Flying Dutchman though. TLG is aware of this, so I truly believe the Pearl will come with all the hero minifigures and then they will announce the Dutchman a year or so later, which will come with Jones, some his crew and I'm guessing a Pirate 'King' Elizabeth, Will and Jack of course. Once the two ships are released we will be able to recreate the maelstrom fight in all it's glory with a beautiful updated Pearl, the Dutchman and the new minifigure designs, or at least that's what I believe! Hopefully they don't stop with just these two ships and keep the theme alive with smaller sets like Tortuga, a Kraken or more ships, HMS Endeavor anyone?
  3. I am not sure where these 'rumors' have originated from but if it's 'endurance scale' I will eat my hat, I firmly believe it will be minifigure play scale and come with multiple minifigures. I also believe they will do a Flying Dutchman with a new Davy Jones minifigure and his crew. This can't come soon enough so we stop worrying about the scale! When should we expect to see some unofficial pictures?
  4. A new Pearl! This is the best news I've heard in a while and a nice Christmas surprise! Why is everyone worried that it will be mid sized though? It will likely be similar to some of the MOCs we've seen where the scale isn't really true to real life but will most likely be able to fit minifigures and have a lower deck and captain's cabin. I predict it will be based on the second or third film, and will feature minifigures of Jack, Barbossa, Will, Elizabeth, Gibbs, Pintel & Ragetti, perhaps Tia Dalma and any other fig would be a bonus. I'm confident that after they release the new Black Pearl, a Flying Dutchman will follow and if they have any plans aside from those two ships, I'd love an Icons Kraken and Tortuga too! Thinking about selling the original Black Pearl now but keep the minifigures, I'm expecting to see a lot of people to the same.
  5. This is really cool matey, I'm glad I inspired you! Sadly my hard drive died on me without warning a few months ago and I lost everything I had on it, including all my MoCs and latest versions of my Black Pearl project. To make matters worse I recently cleaned up my Imgur page thinking it wouldn't affect the pictures I had posted here but every picture I ever posted here is gone now! It saddens me because some of those pictures were the only thing I had left of some MoCs. However I still wanted to work on my Pearl so I rolled up my sleeves and basically restarted from scratch. This is the new design I have so far, I wish I could compare it to the first version but basically I've changed a lot of details and the positioning of the canon ports. I also redesigned the stern. Still very much a WIP.
  6. I'm necroing this thread to quickly show a little project I've been working on from time to time. So long story short I've reworked the Black Seas Barracuda from POBB into a Black Pearl. The reason for this is simple, I love the Barracuda's modular design which gives the option to detail the lower deck and I didn't want to go for a massive ship. To me the charm of Lego is when things are compact but you can still tell what it's meant to be. Because of the recent Fortnite PoTC skins I'm more hopeful that we may yet see a new Black Pearl some day so I'll likely never get around to building this in real life, which is why I wanted to post it for posterity I suppose. The hardest part was rebuilding the quarter deck and captain's cabin, I was inspired the video game design in this case. I also changed the position of some canon ports and added a few more for better accuracy. The masts and deck were also slightly altered. Below are some pictures comparing my Pearl to the original set. The last picture is a quick montage of what I had in mind for the MOC, my goal was to create a diorama piece with the Pearl on the water being attacked by the Kraken. I used Dr Brick's Kraken design for the tentacles. I hope my fellow PoTC/Black Pearl fans enjoy, it's not the best or most accurate Pearl MOC and it will likely never be finished but I like it's simplicity.
  7. There's still only whispers, and none particularly reliable. It seems like the reboot is still going forward without Johnny, despite rumors they were trying to get him back for it. Word on the town is it will follow a young group of pirates led by Anne Bonny, Ayo Edebiri is being eyed for the role. Make of that what you will.
  8. They are the official renders from Fortnite yes. I think they all look massively improved but I agree with you on Jack's face, it seems like the outfit printing is based on the first 3 movies while the face printing is based off the last movie. I really dig the new skin tone though! Indeed, now imagine if it was officially produced!
  9. I know how you feel matey, I've been hopeful for a PoTC theme revival for a long time, the new Fortnite skins at least give me hope TLG is aware of the demand. A Black Pearl and Flying Dutchman would be the equivalent of Rivendell and Barad-dûr for me. The possible minifigure selection of the two ships could give use lots of new pieces as well and if they made the Dutchman in a grey color scheme we could finally get grey hull pieces, not to mention we could possibly get new brown canon holder pieces that aren't plagued with the brittle brown curse!
  10. Not sure if anyone here has seen the new Pirates of the Caribbean skins from Fortnite, but they look amazing! It makes me hopeful the theme could be revived just like the Lord of the Rings theme. The Black Pearl and Flying Dutchman could be two Icons sets, with a huge piece count and new minifigures with new useful parts. Elizabeth's and Barbossa's hat/hair combo pieces look amazing and need to be produced in real plastic!
  11. That's really interesting, I had never heard of the cannons just popping off the brown holders before, usually it just snaps. I am worried about reddish brown parts now, maybe their shelf life is coming to an end and they'll begin to snap no matter how good you took care of them. That's disappointing, if I had to guess we won't be seeing the holders in brown ever again as it seems pretty intentional on TLG's part to avoid having those snap. What I'm thinking about is getting some off-brand brown canon holders since those brands are the only ones that still seem interested in giving us pirate ships. It's not just PoTC, there's soooo many themes that utilized brown parts even on minifigures, Pirates from 2009/2015 uses a lot of reddish brow, looking at my shelf I also see some other sets with tons of reddish brow like the LoTR Shelob and perhaps most infamously, the Star Wars Sand Crawler. Now I heard TLG had a program for users where they could get replacement brown parts for their sets but I'm not sure if it's true and even if it is I doubt they still produce a lot of those pieces in brown, as is the case with the brown cannon holders.
  12. Sorry to necro post but the dreaded brittle brown brick curse finally found me today. I was cleaning the Black Pearl since it can get quite dusty and noticed the two grey canons were loose from the brown holder parts, I don't recall separating these parts and they were fine when I assembled them. I took one cannon and attempted to connect it to the brown holder and the hinges immediately snapped. I didn't even bother touching the other canon once that happened. Now I'm afraid of touching other brown pieces on the ship and my other PoTC sets. It did get me wondering, are there are any recent brown canon holder parts available? If I recall the 2015 Pirates line only had red canon holders and I'm pretty sure the same applies to PoBB so I don't know if there's been any brown canon holders produced since the Pearl which means even if I were to get replacement parts they would likely just snap too.
  13. Sorry about the false statement, I didn't keep track of what was happening 24/7 and was under the impression nothing had happened but glad to be proven otherwise and that my suggestions help you in some way. As far as the whole digital vs physical builds debate I think we should keep both, just make sure digital builds don't have any "illegal" building techniques or pieces in colors that don't exist. Setting a number of pieces and rules in place for each contest should help with this. If that still doesn't help then it could always be split in two I suppose. This contest had one build contestant and one critic contestant both get the El Dorado set and the other 2 winners got to personally chose a medium and small set of their choice correct? I think we could narrow down the winners to 3 spots for 3 categories, Physical build, Digital build and Creative critic, all 3 winners get the same prize, could drive the competition further and engage more people while taking care of the whple physical and digital debate.
  14. I agree with some points here, there were too many variables for the contest which kind of confused people, so here's my two cents. Contests should set one clear goal, this one had a lot of branches (remake a classic set, create a classic set, create an original set, improve a set) which confused some and resulted in a lot of entries where I feel the original goal of the contest was lost, some entries that missed the entire point of the contest, beautiful yes but basically highly elaborate MOCs that would never be made into a set. For future contests I would keep it fairly simple and straight to the point, set one goal, max number of pieces and also one entry per person which brings me to my next point. Some contestants created a lot of entries which was hard to keep track of and quite the task for everyone following the contest. There was also users like MyFirstMOC who took advantage of this and clogged the forum with tons of their entries, so one entry per contestant should be the way to go. Speaking of MFC I would also like to bring your attention to rules. As you may know there was quite a lot of talk surrounding MyFirstMOC's entries and their dubious votes, a good argument was made that it was likely that fans of MFC saw their entries and decided to create an account solely to vote for them but it was also brought up that one of those accounts shared an IP address with MFC and I don't think MFC or any of their voters ever offered any explanation as to why this was despite logging in to the forums while this was happening. With all that said no action or rules were enforced and the whole thing was kind of swept under the rug which makes the rules seem null and void. If rules are meant to be taken seriously they must be enforced appropriately. When it comes to voters I definitely agree that anyone voting should have at least 10 posts on their accounts or better yet participate in the contest by offering their feedback or simply leaving a comment on their favorite entries. Creating an account just to make a post to vote for someone is a digital waste of space and not at all what the contest wants which is to create more engagement with new forum members. I like the creative critic contest and would keep it, it gives folks who aren't that good at MOCs an opportunity to participate and win. That's basically it, make contests more simple and easy to follow, enforce rules on contestants and voters.
  15. Belated congratulations to the winners, I knew @Danny_Boy4 would win with his fantastic build!
  16. We'll have to keep dreaming... To boost sales of their other stuff, I bought a Jurassic Park set I was on the fence about just because the playground Pirate set was a GWP lol and as it's been mentioned classic fans won't be able to resist picking up anything classic related.
  17. I actually edited my post to include you because I wasn't sure if you weren't in the contest or not haha but thanks for letting me know!
  18. It was also Curse of the Black Pearl's 20th anniversary earlier this month which would've been the perfect opportunity for a new PoTC set but have this ugly set instead will you wait for another expensive remake set, you're welcome.
  19. @iragm @Mazin @MstrOfPppts @thewatchman @Horationall stood out to me as great and helpful critics!
  20. A Halloween themed Pirates set turned out exactly like how I imagined it would, not good.
  21. Well done Matey!
  22. So it seems like the "leaked" Tremortusk picture was using this build from SerialBuilder, it was fully revealed today. Tremortusk - MocBay The wait is over. Join the tribe and start the cybernetic pachiderm building journey. 🤖🦣 Part list is available now… | Instagram
  23. 100% agree! I would actually prefer another 90€ curveball Playstation set based off Uncharted or another IP like The Last Of Us (which is highly unlikely) than a 300€ Horizon set but unfortunately I think the latter is more likely to happen. It's a shame because Tallneck was such a breath of fresh air, an amazing build for such a great price it seemed like TLG was finally learning that Adult ≠ Expensive but oh well.
  24. As others have mentioned the fact some of the accounts were made on the same day and from Hungary no less makes it highly suspicious and by now I'm sure MyFirstMOC has seen people pointing out these fishy votes yet has not said a word. Also the new accounts that voted for their entries have not acknowledged any of this this or posted since then which says everything you need to know. As far as banning someone that shouldn't be for users to decide, mods should decide what punishment is more adequate but I do believe MFM should be disqualified from the contest. Many people voted for at least one of their entries and those votes could've gone for other contestants who didn't resort to cheating.
  25. I think it's more likely we'll see a new set whenever a new PoTC hits cinemas, I would love an ICONS Pearl but I don't see it happening any time soon. I do have the original 4184 Pearl and I will be looking for an acrylic box so I can display it without worrying about the dust, for such a small ship it really has an imposing presence with the black color scheme but damn wouldn't a more accurate ICONS set be a dream come true.
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