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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by _R_R_

  1. So we can start posting our entries now?
  2. I have built the same set about 3 times or so and luckily none of the bricks snapped, I keep my sets in cabinets away from the sun as I'm sure direct sunlight degrades bricks faster.
  3. Well I've been working on something ever since, it's not quite good looking but I'm sure the other mateys on this forum can help with it!
  4. I'm interested too.
  5. Will it be possible to post a MOC for the Return of the Classic Pirates contest and participate in this one as well? Or can you only do one?
  6. I had an idea for a remake of Castway's Raft but my ability to accurately replicate what I imagine is very poor lol I still might give it a go just for fun. Definitely curious to hear about these other ways too!
  7. I've never been a good builder and never won any contest my whole life so good luck to those who participate, looking forward to seeing some smaller builds as well I wish TLG would bring them back for us Pirate fans!
  8. I received this today as well as the summer VIP bag and I'm thinking I'll keep it closed and sell it later on, the only things that interest me are some pieces, speaking of which the VIP summer bag has some goodies that are perfect for Pirates MOCs.
  9. While I do like the set I think TLG should've strayed just a little bit further from the original. As it's been mentioned already a more even distribution of pirates and blue coats would've done wonders for people who don't really collect this theme, I know the reasoning for the lack of pirates this is that a lot of people already have PoBB but if you take into account Lego gets tons of newcomers every year then they would've probably been more inclined if this set had more pirate action going on. As far as the build itself I don't have a lot of complaints aside from the black docks, adding some brown plates on it would've made the set pop a little bit more but it looks impressive when it's assembled horizontally and while there's not merchant on it I love the addition of the smaller ship from the TP set, it could've been a bit bigger sure but I think the price point is good enough for what we're getting, I would feel less inclined to drop 400 euros on a bigger version of fortress just because it would be, well, bigger. I'm one of the few people that appreciates smaller builds and the genius and more simple designs that add to the charm of Lego. But of course everything I mentioned can be easily fixed, it's Lego after all you all have all the power as long as you have the parts.
  10. I can look at the beach and the ocean outside my window from where I live, and there's a huge palm tree planted in the park outside right near my house, I still don't really have a big issue with the palm trees in the set haha And there lies the problem for me, blue coats, red coats and soliders in general are just redshirts for me and victims for pirates to plunder, sure there is no problem with just switching out the heads but I would swap out those female soldiers for proper female pirates with new hat/hair combos and badass outfits in a heartbeat unfortunately I don't think we'll ever see anything like that any time soon if ever, the only hope we'd have would be for the long rumored female led PoTC spin-off to get made but the whole franchise is still messy.
  11. I just think female soldiers make for boring minifigures, I don't care if it's progressive or not I want GOOD female minifigures, not soldiers with female heads or another girl with lipstick and a corsette, this is what I want.
  12. As far as the set itself I'm surprised to see so many people turning on it, I think it looks great, sure some things could be better like the simple black docks, the gates and docks, and the palm trees could be better but overall I think it still looks like a great build and I love the modular aspect and the having the ability to assemble in different combinations. I'm also glad with how they designed the ramp, it looks like stone and there's studs to put the minifigures on, they could've easily replaced it with stairs or something else like a lot of MOCs do but I think they made the right choice. The crane is the only thing I really don't like, it's kind of too big and a waste of pieces plus it's all black which just looks dull if you imagine the docks and the cranes with some brown pieces it really improves the look of the set so I definitely plan on changing those up.
  13. My complaint about the minifigures remains the same, they should've strayed further away from the classic set and give us 4 pirates and 4 blue coats, keep the all the soldiers as men, give them tricorns with the white borders, have Broadside and Brickbeard both present and then make the rest of the pirates all new badass ladies instead of just female heads on soldier bodies, that's my issue with the female representation in the set it feels tacked on and not something like TLG actually put effort in. And before anybody calls me out on being a misogynist, the lack of good female pirates has always been an issue I've had with TLG for a long time, yes we've had several pirate ladies over the years but almost none of them look like actual pirates, there's some like the Pirate Girl from the Minifigure Series and Argenta but even the latter and the rest of female pirate minifigures are just variations of the same character, a brunette in a corset. The harsh truth is TLG is still leaning more towards sexualized version of female pirates than actual female pirates, to this day I'm still hoping to see more female hair/hat combos and females in proper pirate attires, look up Black Sails Anne Bonny, Elizabeth Swann in DMC, Anamaria from PoTC, they would be an excellent source of inspiration for proper female pirate minifigures but instead we get just female heads on male torsos and another girl in a corset... So I don't understand why some people are applauding TLG for doing the bare minimum when it comes to representation in this set and female minifigures in Pirate themes, the day we finally get actual lady pirate minifigures in coats and long hair and hat combos then I will applaud them.
  14. Sure but Miranda is a sort of Elizabeth Swan character, being the Admiral's daughter and everything and I don't really consider those games as canon to the lore also taking into account we consider the Pirates the heroes of the theme I think it would be smarter to keep females in the pirates team and keep the soldiers mainly men/red shirts for our mates to shoot and plunder, I think lady pirate lords have way more potential as minifigures than just soldiers but with a girl head, imagine a minifigure inspired by Anne Bonny with a new hair/hat piece or even reusing the PoTC Angelica hat/hair combo that's extremely rare, captaining her own ship with her own crew, it would be amazing, the issue is I don't think TLG has any plans for the theme aside from these remakes so they have to diversify what's already there and it doesn't really work that well, it just feels tacked on. I was more bold in my prediction saying we might see the Caribbean Clipper and I still wish we did but the TP ship is also a nice addition I think it really adds to the set instead of just having two row boats.
  15. Agreed on the minifigures, I understand TLG aims to be more inclusive these days but female blue coats don't really fit the lore or the time period and as I mentioned previously female pirates would've been much better. If they really want to go the extra mile there's badass pirate ladies from real life like Anne Bonny and Ching Shih they could take inspiration from, especially the latter which could come on a very exotic pirate ship and bring a new faction to the theme. As far as Governor Broadside I agree the face print seems a bit lazy but it doesn't really bother me at the same time, what I'm currently planning on is replacing the female heads with male ones, using a different head for Broadside and piece together a merchant for the small ship, that is if I don't completely revamp the minifigs with fleshy parts so they can fit my PoTC display. As far as the built itself I don't have big issues aside from the all black docks, to fix that I will add brown plates on top to give the impression of wooden boards but I will leave the black beams, I feel that will create a nice contrast.
  16. As of late it seems TLG is using the best pictures on the back of their boxes instead of the front.
  17. The picture in the slider comparison seems to have been accidentally widened/distorted, it doesn't accurately represent the new set. Normal set picture. Slider comparison picture.
  18. https://www.lego.com/product/eldorado-fortress-10320 Can't believe how right on the money I was, an almost 1:1 remake with a smaller ship, I was hoping for something closer to the Clipper instead of the ship from the Trading Post but I can't complain too much given the piece count, it's also really nice how it's a modular build which you can separate or assemble into a seemingly larger display piece to resemble the Trading Post set and you can't go wrong with the added detail and wildlife with the monkey, parrot and crab, my main complaints have to do with some of color decisions and the minifigures. While it's very endearing and nostalgic to see the set resembling the original so closely I would've preferred brown pieces and a more "wooden" build for the dock, the solid black plates take away from the more modern and realistic approach of the set. The minifigures are probably the only real disappointment I have with the set, while I get that the original wasn't much different in this regard I was hoping for a more diverse roster of blue coats and pirates, having Brickbeard here would have at least added two leaders instead of just one but unfortunately he has been replaced with a less interesting female minifig. Unfortunately all of the tricorns and hats are missing printing having the white borders on the tricorns and stamp on hats would've gone a long way. I also noticed that there's two other female blue coats that seem to come with new colors for the hair/tricorn head piece which are really nice but as usual it seems like they were just put there for the sake of representation instead of historical accuracy, those two female soldiers could've been female pirates to balance out the set, that way you would've had Captain Brickbeard, one male pirate, 2 female pirates, Governor Broadside and 3 male blue coats, I feel that would've please the majority while also providing more play-ability and representation while keeping things historically accurate. We pirate fans have been starved for so long that for 2509 pieces at 214€ I think this is a no brainer, with some changes and fixes this can make for an excellent display piece especially if you pair it with POBB or have the Barracuda ship launching an assault on the fortress, I myself am very tempted to swap out the minifigure parts for felshy ones and have the Black Pearl launching the assault instead, perhaps even adding civilians and redoing the docks in brown pieces and have ol' captain Jack arriving on a sinking dingy! Either way it's a good day to be a pirate fan here's to more Pirates sets in the future!
  19. If they make more NWH sets it will probably be the condo fight which would give them a chance to finally give us Lizard or the bridge fight with Doc Ock but I just don't see it happening, Tobey and Andrew only fight in the final battle anyway so there's not a lot of opportunities for them to include their minifigures in more sets unless they tackle the Raimi and TASM licenses in the future, this is probably the only NWH set we are going to get for a while at least with all 3 Spider-Men, I might be wrong but I wouldn't be too surprised if it ends up being the case given TLG's long history of questionable decisions and omissions with various themes.
  20. That's cool I had no idea he was getting compensated by Bluebrixx since it seemed like Mould King just stole the design, let us know what you think of the build!
  21. Even tho most of us have varying degrees of disappointment with the NWH final battle set I still think it's worth a purchase for the investment alone. I'm not convinced TLG will make more NWH sets given the time it took them to get this one out but if they do I doubt the Tobey and Andrew Spidey minifigures will be featured in any of them they're probably staying exclusive to this set for a while and you get 3 main villains with new printing along with a nice display build, this feels like one of those sets that will end up skyrocketing in value and lots of people will regret not getting it when it came out when they find themselves on Bricklink paying double or triple for it, I talk from experiencie!
  22. It looks cool but the design is stolen from MocYourBricks which sucks but I understand a lot of us don't care and given the price and size of the official Pearl those bootlegs look a lot more enticing, I actually ended up getting lucky and got a nice deal on an official Pearl which now sits proudly alongside the rest of the PoTC collection, it is really tiny tho! I know that is way I said "in the hopes" but it does seem like it's probably real.
  23. I visit this thread everyday in the hopes this got leaked or revealed but we are getting closer and closer to the reported reveal date, I plan on making this the centerpiece of the pirate collection by making it a port for ships and have pirates attacking on the barracuda, a part of me is also tempted to make it POTC themed and have the Black Pearl attacking it but we'll see.
  24. I'm more of a casual collector these days and my main focus is Pirates but I wanted to chime in and give my thoughts on the No Way Home set as well. First of all I actually like the smaller Liberty statue head build with the scaffolding around it, I'm conservative with the space I have and I like to keep my display tidy so this will do perfectly, I also think the price isn't that bad for 900 pieces and 9 minifigures given the recent price inflation of Lego in general, for reference my most sought after set which I was finally able to find for a good price this year was the Black Pearl, a set from 2011 which was originally sold for $100 and only had around 800 pieces and 3 unique minifigures while this set has 5 unique minifigures and finally gives collectors a chance to get Tobey and Andrew's Spideys but unfortunately the minifigures is also where my complaints begin. As far as the villains go, Goblin is a massive disappointment, the fact he has no hood, satchel or leg printing is a huge miss, Doc Ock has wrong colors and a bad hairpiece which is baffling since Harry Potter's hairpiece was right there, the exclusion of Lizard and Sandman are also a bummer I don't consider a brickbuilt hand sufficient enough for me to call it sandman. Electro is actually great and probably the best of the sinister bunch. Tobey and Andrew could use some leg and arm printing but I'm honestly just happy to be able to get them, especially Tobey which just fills me with nostalgia thinking back to the days I had the Raimi sets. The rest I honestly don't care about, Strange is meh I wish he was replaced with Lizard instead since he only shows up after they cure most of the villains and Ned and MJ had to be in there I suppose but MJ is the laziest of them all the least they could've done was give her a scared face print to replicate the falling scene. So yeah while I have a lot of complaints regarding the minifigs like most people I'm still getting the set because NWH was one of my favorite experiencies in the cinema and for me the most enjoyable Marvel movie in the past few years, I will definitely get some parts and a sandman minifigures to improve the set tho, hopefully TLG can give us a lizard at some point so I can add him to this and make it the centerpiece of the Marvel corner.
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