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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Legosim replied to Feuer Zug's post in a topic in The Military Section
    Oh wow, that shaping is sharp indeed!
  2. Legosim replied to M_longer's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    This is awesome! Really elevates the truck.
  3. Thank you all for the comments! A little bit, not as flexible as most of my other vehicle models though because of how tight everything is... I'm glad it gives that vibe! That was generally the idea. It rolls decently well, the tires stay on fine but getting all the tired to roll together requires a bit of pressure. Glad the desert vibe came through well too Thanks, bit tough to get it to actually stay put lol
  4. Hey Eurobricks! Don't often post MOCs here, but this kind of Lego City / town build is outside my usual theme, and I really enjoyed building it. More pictures are posted on both my Flickr and Instagram. I tried to stick to 1:40 scale, although it's not supposed to closely replicate a real-life vehicle. The model has all the usual play features for my vehicle MOCs, like: steering and suspension on the front wheels, suspension on the truck''s back wheels and trailer cabin that fits two minifigs inside various opening doors and hatches The main inspiration for this build was various tankers and lorries I saw traveling around the Middle East and Africa. Since infrastructure can be sparse in some places, a lot of communities are totally dependent on tanker trucks like this bringing water and fuel up and down some pretty sketchy rural roads. Thanks for looking!
  5. Wow, missed this -- absolutely great model!
  6. Looks really excellent, glad to see you building again!
  7. Oh wow, this is really excellent! So much cool stuff going on.
  8. Easily one of the best Spitfire models in Lego...your models are always amazing!
  9. Your models are always so excellent! Packed with so many details, really enjoy looking at them.
  10. Legosim replied to Feuer Zug's post in a topic in The Military Section
    Looks very cool! The stand and presentation is great too.
  11. thanks! Thank you Jordan! I've enjoyed seeing your stuff over the past few years as well. It is a shame that lego military Flickr is so much less active than it used to be.
  12. This is really, really awesome. I can't believe this is your first time building a train, as well! Looks like you've already got in on lock.
  13. Thank you! Unfortunately I doubt it, since Lego doesn't make real-life military kits. Responded.
  14. Unfortunately, the Forum won't let me send a DM for some reason, but if you hit me up on Flickr or Instagram, and I can send you a link.
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