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Vinyl Scratch

Eurobricks Knights
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About Vinyl Scratch

  • Birthday 04/16/1990

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  1. ... Having felt this once six years ago, I can't help but feel... Disappointment. Not for the fact that it was discontinued again, but for the fact that I keep expecting this BIG hype final year with a bang yet they end it like a mediocre "bleh." I didn't want it to carry on forever, no, but... I just wanted a bit more.
  2. Well, G1 BIONICLE had Kalmah. Not exactly a Lovecraftian guy but he was an octopus so...
  3. I noticed why Umarak's voice sounds off to me. It sounds too... Forced? I guess. Maybe it's just I imagined him the quiet-stalking hunter type and I'm just disappointed, but whatever, maybe it'll grow on me. I can't tell if they have voice modulation or it's the video quality. Lewa's voice sounds younger, kind of rookie-ish to me. But Ekimu sounds sweet.
  4. There's a trailer for Episode 1 on the official Facebook page. Umarak's voice, eh, I had something... Deeper in mind.
  5. I know it's a bit early, but thinking about it I'm sad that LEGO hasn't made a centaur set with the CCBS. I'm hoping there's one next year, but considering what's going on it'll most likely be Makuta and five other creatures from Okoto, calling it now.
  6. I thought Umarak removed his mask when putting on the MoCo? At least that's what the game showed. Actually, just remembered that Umarak has a Hunter Mask but nothing ever came up about it. Wonder if it does something or it's just for the sake of having a mask.
  7. All this talk about the Mask of Control and Makuta enslaving Okoto made me realize something. And I'm going to go off the rails and speculate. What if Makuta is not exactly Makuta? Umarak's bio mentions that he was born from the shadows. When he used the Mask of Ultimate Power, Makuta seemed possessed by something. Makuta was gone when he put on the mask, something took over him. So there's absolutely something else out there. Something far more terrible than Makuta lies there. Now, anyone else would say "Well, the Mask of Ultimate Power is alive and is controlling everything behind the scenes." But the Mask isn't alive. There's a difference between the Mask being alive and someone being trapped inside the mask. There's a reason that a Mask can't ever EVER have more than one elemental power. A sacred law. What if the reason for that is that there's something stuck inside the MoUP and Makuta freed that being when he made the Mask? Makuta is still unconscious. The TRUE Makuta. Ekimu's brother. What's left behind is a body possessed by whatever was stuck inside the mask, the "shadows." Controlling the Skull Creatures, giving Umarak orders, and he's in possession of the Mask of Ultimate Power. TL;DR The Shadow was stuck inside the Mask of Ultimate Power, and Makuta inadvertently released it. The Shadow is the true antagonist of G2, Makuta is just a pawn, same as the Skull Creatures, the Beasts and Umarak. Now to wait for someone to shoot this theory down easily by something I missed.
  8. Hoho Umarak what happened to you. He has... Gears on his hands? Huh. He really reminds me of Ganondorf. The Hunter is better for me though, but so far liking Destroyer. Ekimu looks sweet. A trans Mask of Creation yes please. But it's a but too much transparent colours. The Beasts, Storm looks sweet. Quake too. Lava Beast, god, looks bad. Looks sweet overall sans Lava Beast. But what happened storyline wise for this to happen? If I had to take a guess, Umarak manages to captures the elemental creatures, drains their power and he turns into this... Hulk beast thing. Still can't imagine what the Beasts are though.
  9. Love how the bow appears out of thin air. That CGI of Tahu and Ikir uniting was really damn amazing too. Epic.
  10. Question. Is Uxar the best creature to go along with Umarak? Found the sets way earlier than I expected them being released down here and I'm getting Umarak for sure, but the creatures are a bit cheaper than I thought (in my currency at least) and I might pick one up to go with him.
  11. I feel this guarantees that there'll be two more years at least. One for the Mask of Ultimate Power and another for the other half of the Mask of Time. Or maybe I'm wildmassguessing this too much.
  12. Oh right, Pohatu mentioned that he hated scorpions (well, scorpios but whatever) in the summer animations. And the Elemental Creatures seem to have some intelligence by the looks of it, nice.
  13. I feel like LEGO were testing the waters with Skull Grinder and LoSS. Maybe now Umarak will have a bigger role, just hoping he doesn't die at the end, maybe just escapes, would like to see him in more media after this year.
  14. Here hoping Umarak doesn't disappoint.
  15. Do we even know if Umarak's mask is a mask? What if it's his face like Hydraxon?
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