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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Thank you! I greatly appreciate you sharing this! I was able to adjust my order and get standard parts that were on my wanted list (instead of waiting in the hopes that they would eventually be moved to bestseller)! Worked for me as well! Hope this isn't just a one time occurrence
  2. If anyone does find the green cape with holes (nine head demon minifigure) from Nine headed Beast set and Nezha's Ring of Fire Mech set please share info. After watching a speed build of the Nezha's Ring of Fire Mech set it appears that 3 minifigures are in bag 4. Inside the paper bag no 4 it appears is two smaller paper bags and one cardboard container (typically used for capes and fabric). All three of the minifigures in bag 4 have fabric items. They are Nezha, Monkey King, & The Nine-Headed Demon
  3. Orange space torso back in stock! Wolfpack torso was in stock earlier today but sold out quickly
  4. Wolfpack torso is back in stock again. Standard order part today
  5. Thank you! FYI there is a crab body for $0.37 in US. It's bright orange. Looks like the crab with shipwreck survivor from series 21 BUT without the eye print According to Bricklink only appearing in Milky Way Galaxy 31212 CRAB, NO. 1 ELEMENT ID 6481505 DESIGN ID 69945
  6. Patiencely waiting for Wolfpack torso to restock. Anyone in US seeing them restocked? Curious if I'm just missing them
  7. Anyone know if this set will be available to purchase from Target in the US? I'm not sure how to determine if it is exclusive to certain stores. Aware that it has already been released and available at LEGO. Thanks!
  8. Noticed these three items today (searching under animal category). I'm probably missing something but possibly these are new? Pics weren't available. COW, NO. 4        Element ID: 6396813     Design ID: 1568 SKU: 6396813      brick yellow      $0.94 SHEEP, NO. 6      Element ID: 6396811     Design ID: 1569 SKU: 6396811      white       $0.53 PIG, NO. 10       Element ID: 6387145     Design ID: 1410 SKU: 6387145      light purple      $0.56
  9. Was hoping to order a few more GREEN forestmen hats but they've been unavailable for at least a few weeks in the US. It now appears in only BLUE if one searches by set number 10305 (Lion Knight Castle). I think it used to appear in GREEN there. I referenced the instructions manual to find the part # 6395137 but it yields the following "We couldn't find any results for "6395137" The BLUE hat appears while searching by set 10305 as 6370037/88489 and is available currently as bestseller. If one sorts by newest items the green hat is listed as 6414961/3091 and out of stock. The blue hat appears as 6414960/3091 and out of stock Possibly the part or id was updated and we'll see 3091 become available in the near future? Thanks!
  10. In US restock on some parts just happened Dk Blue Lighthouse baseplate back in stock Lion Knight torso and legs Dark Viking hat from Sanctum set and ID: 6408195/18959 (new white hat in 10305 Castle) First time I caught this one in stock Good luck and thanks for sharing everyone
  11. Thanks for sharing! I missed the torso and grey crash helmets but got some things I needed. There was a limit of 35 on Lion Knight legs.
  12. Yes! I noticed the same. It appears you know already but just in case or if anyone else is wondering the four new items I noticed in the US are... roof tile 2x3/25 INV Wall Cone 5x10x6 Hinge Plate 1x2, No. 2 Turkey Drumstick (dark orange) Someone earlier mentioned that it seems that restocks of items are sporadic and different items at different times rather than larger restocks of all or most items at same time. I've noticed the same. Its very odd. A random FEW that I've noticed going in and out of stock while scrolling through and searching are.. Galaxy Explorer printed tiles Plant w/plate 1x1 no. 1 (earth green) although I refer to it as dark green Dark Blue baseplate (I think from the Lighthouse) mini head, no. 3809 Flat tile 2x4 no. 281 (classic space logo) So obviously restocks of some new items are occurring but others like the barding from castle remain "out of stock" and I've been refreshing and checking LOTS throughout the day. I did see them in stock last week when the parts were first added. Possibly some items haven't been restocked at all? OR they are so desirable that they are selling out almost instantly and we are just missing the restocks? I'm not sure. Good luck everyone and thanks for the responses Other minifigure parts from many past Lunar New Year sets were made available in the past. SO... they SHOULD but only time will tell. I definitely hope so.
  13. Anyone in the US manage to get Lion Knight torso or legs AT ALL? Curious if I'm just missing them Or "Steel hat" 30273 (I refer to them as kettle hats... wide brimmed medieval helm) from castle 10305? Noticed that the visors (from 10305 castle) popped back into stock incredibly late at night on a Saturday but other items from castle seemed to stay out of stock unless they just sold out again incredibly fast and I missed it. Seemed like an odd time for those to pop back into stock Also just today notice that the lions no longer show up at all (from retiring or retired WIldlife Rescue sets). Which is understandable. Hope everyone got what they needed from those.
  14. I was surprised to see that its not a light brick. Instead its items below (and probably other items needed as well) 22168c01 Electric Light Unit Powered up Attachment (also in Express Passenger Train) 21335stk02 reflective sticker I did order one Fresnel Lens to experiment with
  15. Available in US for $0.87 DESIGN ELEMENT 2X4X2, NO. 1Color Family: WhiteExact Color: TransparentCategory: MiscellaneousSub-category: Decoration ElementsElement ID: 6400144Design ID: 1942 Appears to be an interesting part (Frensel lens) to concentrate the light for the Lighthouse. I have not built the Ideas Lighthouse and therefore cannot advise others as to what other parts are needed to accompany the part
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