Everything posted by North Lego Star
Future Star Wars Sets
Aayla isn't even member of the Jedi Council, but more importantly, we'll never see just a jedi council set, due to the fact that it's basically all minifigs and a room with some chairs in it. The Ewok Villiage has given me jope though, that someday we could see a Jedi Temple similar to it someday. Were did you obtain this information? And do you know if it a UCS set or a remake of the old one?
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
The Ewok Village I think is the third best lego star wars set to date(1st Death Star and 2nd Probaly the Combination of Jabba's Palace) It has everything that the movie has except the Force Ghost. Oh well, still a wonderful set that if Lego doesn't come out with anything worth buying next year, a set I'll definetly buy.
Future Star Wars Sets
I too would rather have a Cloud City and or a Mos Eisley Cantina, but I grew up with the PT. It's a good thing that now lego releases 2 large sets, every summer wave to balance out PT/CW and the OT. As for a iconic places/ships we should get either as the large summer sets or Lego Excluives, there are awhole bunch... -Jedi Temple(Hopefully a Death Star Size Lego Exclusive) -Cloud City(Would be nice to get it as a Death Star Size Lego Exclusive, but I would also take one broken up like Jabba's Palace) -Mos Eisley Cantina(I think this one should be exactly like Jabba's Palace, nice size building, but a lot of Minifigs) -Geonosian Arena(A 250-300$ lego Exclusive would be nice, similar to the size the Ewok Village will be) -Theed Palace(I would probaly go for a Large Summer Set similar to Jabba's Palace) -Jabba's Sail Barge(Would be a great set as a large Lego Exclusive, it would really give lego the opportunity to get it right) -Banking Clan Frigate(Lego Exclusive, similar to the 2009 Tantive IV set) -AT-AT(Would like to see a UCS model someday, but I don't think an AT-AT as a large summer set would be bad either) -Republic S-PHAT(A Lego Exclusive similar to the AT-OT and Dropship set would be nice) -Kamino(A lego Exclsuive would be nice, but it's an unlikely set at this point in time) -Mustafar(A large summer Set I think would be good, some sort of base, but a lot of minifigs) -The Invisible Hand(Would be a cool Lego Exclsuive Set, but I would also take a Large Summer Set) And there are a lot more, because I didn't get into Cw sets, Thanks For Reading!
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
I don't know about the pieces. They don't seem to be ones you would get for a Ewok Village. Despite this, I still think we'll see it tomarrow, because the only other place I could think it would be shown at is Comic Con, which at this point is usually deicated to Exclusive Minifigs, but more improtantly the first look at a Winter Wave Set(2011=TIE Fighter and 2012=Rancor Pit)
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
That's pretty cool. I know you can't say how many minifigs and pieces there are directly, but can you answer this... Are there between 10 to 16 minifigs in this set? And are there 2000-3000 pieces in this set? I understand if you can't answer them, but I would greatly appreciate it if you did. WHAT? That would be a terrible choice by lego if the put the Star Wars line on halt just for Star Wars Rebels. I really hope that employee is wrong because lego wouyld miss a whole year of sets if they waited until Star Wars Rebels to be released. @The Joker1- Thank you for the information! I have to say, I'm looking foward to seeing this set, more so now knowing the large minifig count.
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Exactly, when it comes to sets like these, it will included different scenes from the movie such as one part will probaly have Han being roasted, but another part will probaly have an Ewok Druming on Imperial Helmets. We're going to get a village that has different areas form differnt parts of the movie. This means that we'll probaly end up seeing a Scout Trooper on a speeder bike while the Force Ghost are on the upper levels. Ultimately it comes done to where getting an Ewok Village from Episode 6.
Future Star Wars Sets
Although the temple doesn't get much screen time until Order 66, this doesn't mean it has to be based off of it. I think lego could just do a Jedi Temple from Episode 3 since at that point we could have different areas from different parts of the movie, like such... -(Lego Exclusive)Jedi Temple: Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Mace Windo, Shaak Ti, Coleman Kjac, Cin Drallig, Jocasta Nu, Padwans Leaners(x2), Jedi Knight(x2), Jedi Airspeeder(Similar to the one in Palpatine's Arrest), Jedi Temple(Jedi Council Room, Training Room, Meditation Room, Archieves Room, Empty Room With just Statues, Hologram Prep Room)-299.99$ To be honest though, I really hope we don't get a Jedi Temple based off of Episode 3, but instead a Temple based off the Clone Wars like this... -(Lego Exclusive)Jedi Temple: Anakin, Yoda, Barris Offee, Jocasta Nu, Cin Drallig, Tera Sinube, Saesee Tiin, Ki-Adi Mundi, Temple Guard(x2), Padwan Learner(x2), Yoda's Jedi Star Fighter(small just Astro Droid Head), Jedi Temple(Jedi Council Room, Training Room, Meditation Room, Archieves Room, Empty Room With just Statues, Hologram Prep Room)-299.99$ I'll I ask for is that we eventaully get one Episode 3 or Clone Wars, it's just something that shouldn't go untouched. Thanks For Reading!
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Future Superhero Set Ideas
I completely agree, I think both Ras and Talia deserve to be made into minifigs, and I do believe that they do have a strong chance of appearing in the largest of Batman sets next year, which will probally a 70$ Wayne Manor Set(My other 2014 predictions are on the previous page, but I'll probaly update them soon.) I'v been thinking about Iron Man 3 sets for the last couple of days now and I have to say, I think lego really messed up. The sets are just not accurate, so I heres how I think the sets should have turned out... -Iron Man vs. Aldrich Killian: The Ultimate Showdown: Iron Man(Silver Silver Centurion Suit), Aldrich Killian(Drango Tattos), Explodeing and Destroyed Oli Ridge Scenery-12.99$ -Iron Man: Capture of The Mandarin: Iron Man(Mark 42), Iron Patriot, The Mandarin, Speed Boat with Small Sea Bay(Explodes)-19.99$ -Iron Man: Extremis Battle: Iron Man(Heart Breaker Suit), Pepper Potts, Aldrich Killian(Shirt Burning), Extermis Woman Soilder, Iron Man(Sun Orbital Suit),Oil Ridges(x2 with exploding actions and stuff)-39.99$ -(Lego Exclusive)Iron Man: Malibu Mansion Attack: Iron Man(Mark 42), Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, The Mandarin, Eric Savin, Mark 4 Armor, Mark 2 Armor, Mark 1 Armor, Mansion(Much Bigger with Tony's Lab), Ten Rings Helicopter-159.99$ So maybe it's just the minifigs that are messed up, but still it would have been nice to get some more accurate sets, Thanks For Reading!
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
I'm pretty sure that's what's going to happen with a Thor 2 set at this point since we only have 5 marvel sets now. As for the X-Mansion, I don't think it's impossible, but I find the chances of getting one next year very slim. There seems to be a large concentrations on the MCU at this point and I think leggo may want to keep heading in that direction. There's a lot of large stuff from the MCU films that hasn't been made yet(Stark Tower, Helicarrier, Oli Ridges from Iron Man 3,) not to mention that GOTG and CA:WS are coming out next year too and will also have some big stuff. I don't know though lego did seem to be hinting about more X-Men sets and they would kinda of tie in nicely with the Release of X-Men: days of Future's Past movie. It's just harrd though because it doesn't seem to be the main thing kids, who lego is really in it for, are interested in. Hopefully in time though, we'll see an X-Mansion, but I personally don't think we'll be seeing one next year.
Future Superhero Set Ideas
Well today I was finally after almost a month since its release was able to see Iron Man 3. Although I was personally not a huge fan of the movie, I got some ideas for sets. Warning the following my contain spoilers... -Extermis Soilder Showdown: Tony Stark, Harley, Eric Savin, Water Tower and Destroyed Town Scenery-19.99$ -(Lego Exclusive)Iron Man vs. Aldrich Killian: Miami Final Battle: Iron Man(Silver Centurion Suit), Pepper Potts, Aldrich Killian(Drangon Tattos), Woman Extermis Soilder, Extermis Soilder, Iron Man(Sun Orbital Suit), Iron Man("Bones" Light Duty Suit), Iron Man(Sneaky Suit), Oil Ridges(x3 with differnt stuff and actions in each)-159.99$ This is all I got to be honest, Thanks For Reading!
Future Star Wars Sets
The Larger of the the two listed waves is the 2014 Year witch I think will really be the last year we get more than 1 to 2 CW sets. As for the Cloud City, I think it would be cool to get one in the regular wave, but there's just so much in Cloud City that I think it's best to see it as an Exclusive set. About the possible B-Wing, I think the main concern at this point is if the B-Wing will be included in the Star Wars Rebels show. If it is lego would probally want to save it until then and have it there. I don't relly know though, these are just some of my predictions based on wishes, but I think it would be great to get them as sets hopefully some day. I also nest year will probally be my last year investing my lego budget in the Star Wars theme, because it going to star turning into a total domination of Star Wars Rebels and Episode 7 sets.
Future Star Wars Sets
Well, with the new information about Star Wars Rebel coming out, here are my predictions on how 2014 is going to turn out now... Winter Wave: -Ewoks vs. Imperial Forces Battle Pack: Ewok(x2), Death Star Trooper, Imperial Commander, Ewok Log Trap/Catapult-12.99$ -Super Battle Droid vs. Kashyyyk Forces Battle Pack: Super Battle Droid(x2), Clone Kashyyyk Trooper, Wookiee Warrior, Wookiee Swamp Skimmer-12.99$ -Naboo Flash Speeder: Naboo Guard, Captain Panaka, Padme-19.99$ -Luke's Landspeeder: Luke Skywalker, Tusken Raider(x2)-24.99$ -Droid Gunship Attack: Clone Kashyyyk Trooper, 41st Clone Trooper, Battle Droid, Battle Droid Commander-49.99$ -Wookiee Catamaran: Tarful, Luminara Unduli, Wookie Warrior, Commander Gree-59.99$ -(TRU Exclusive)Battle of Geonosis: Shaak Ti, Clone Trooper, Clone Sergeant, Geonosian Battle Droidx2, Super Battle Droid, Hailfire Droid, Clone Speeder Bike, Clone Deffense Lines-49.99$ -(Walmart Exclusive)Umbaran Hover Tank: Umbaran Soilder(x2), Dogma, Kix-24.99$ -(Target Exclusive)Bossk's Hound's Tooth: Bossk, Boba Fett, Dengar, Asajj Ventress-49.99$ Summer Wave: -Star Wars Rebels Set: Hero Character, Villian Character, Rebel Trooper(Similar to Anakin's Jedi Star Fighter)-24.99$ -Ahsoka's Jedi Starfighter: Ahsoka, R7-A7, 501st Jetpack Tooper-29.99$ -Duel on Mandalore: Darth Maul, Savage Opress, Pre Vizsal, Bo-Katan, Mandalorian Palace, Mandalorian Speeder Bike-39.99$ -Imperial Shuttle: Emperor Palapatine, Imperial Pilot,Imperial Red Guard(x2)-69.99$ -Jango Fett's Slave 1: Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Lama Su, Taun Wee, Obi-Wan Kenobi-89.99$ -Republic Medical Firgate: Clone Trooper Boil, Commander Cody,212th CLone Trooper, Coleman Kjac,Admiral Yularen-119.99$ -Mos Eisley Cantina: Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Obi-Wan, Greedo, Bith Band Member(x2), Momaw Nadon, Ponda, Dr. Evazsan, Imperial Sand Trooper, Dewback-119.99$ -(TRU Excluisve)Republic UT-AT Walker: Ki Adi Mundi, Commander Bacara, Clone Marines(x2), Clone Gunner(x2), Battle Droid(x2)-89.99$ -(Target Exclusive)Jedi Air Speeder: Anakin, Cin Drallig, Letta Turmond-24.99$ -(Walmart Exclusive)TIE Bomber: TIE Bomber Pilot, Admiral Piett, Imperial Protocal Droid-49.99$ -(Lego Exclusive)Seperatist Banking Clan Frigate: Ahsoka, Anakin, Cad Bane, Battle Droid(x2)-149.99$ -(Lego Exclusive)Cloud City: Luke, Leia, Han, Chewbacca, Lando, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, R2-D2, C-3PO, Stormtrooper(x2), Bespin Guard(x2), Lobot, Ugnaught(x2), Cloud Car-299.99$ I think Leog will go onto make the Winter Wave of 2015 something like this to include some more Star Wars: Rebels sets... -Phase II Clone Trooper vs. Umbaran Soilder Battle Pack: Clone Trooper, 501st Trooper, Umbaran Soilder(x2), Umbaran Attack Speeder-12.99$ -Star Wars Rebels Battle Pack-12.99$ -Adi Gilla's Jedi Starfighter: Adi Gillia, Captin Tarkin, Adi's Astro Droid-24.99$ -Star Wars Rebels Set-24.99$ -Star Wars Rebels Set-49.99$ -Star Wars Rebels Set-59.99$ -(TRU Exclusive)Star Wars Rebels Set-49.99$ -(Target Exclusive)Trade Federation ATT: Captain Tarpals, Jar-Jar Binks,OOM-9 Commander, Battle Droid, Kaadu-49.99$ -(Walmart Exclusive)Obi-Wan's Jedi Interceptor: Obi-Wan, R4-G9, General Grevious-24.99$ Thanks For Reading!
Best Super-Hero Set
I think mine would have to be... 1. Black Zero Escape(Cheap and Comes with main Characters) 2. Hulk's Helicarrier Escape(Comes with the Hulk and is a nice little part of the Helicarrier) 3. Loki's Cosmic Cub Escape(Cheap also comes with main characters) @RaincloudDustbin-I know BZE may be a strange choice, but I really do like it since it's a great way to get the main character minifigs and also comes with a well designed Escape Pod and an alright Control area. I'm not a major Lego Super Hero Collector though since I ussually go for the cheap sets and I put a large majority of my lego money into Star Wars, btu since that theme is changing so much and moving away from the stuff I like, I'll probally buy more Super Hero Sets.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
As do I. It to bad that the Green Lantern movie was a flop and that the Flash movie has been at a stand still for sometime now, but I thnk next year we'll get a small set for each of them. Hopefully we'll see them in the Justice League movie in 2015 though so we can get them in their movie versions as well. The two sets I would like to see for the Green Lantern and The Flash are... -The Green Lantern and Green Arrow vs. Sinestro: Coast City Attack: Green Lantern, Sinestro, Green Arrow, Yellow Crops Star Ship-19.99$ -The Flash and Cyborg vs. Gorilla Grodd: Showdown in Centeral City: Gorilla Grodd's Lab and Destroyed Scenery-19.99$(Changed to Gorilla Grodd because I think more know him)
Top Ten Super-Heroes Minifigures!
Nice topic idea... Best: 1. Iron Pariot 2. Super Man(MofS) 3. Iron Man "Heartbreaker" 4. Hulk 5. Bizzaro 6. Doctor Doom 7. General Zod(Armor) 8. Faora(Armor) 9. Wonder Woman 10. War Machine Worst: 1. Nick Fury(Don't like the torso, but eye patch doesn't go al the way around) 2. Spider Man(More Detail needed) 3. Iron Man Mark 42(Needs to match the actual color of suit better) 4. Lois Lane(Doesn't look like Amy Adams at all and I hate the cheack bones) 5. Black Widow(Shorter Hair and no Cheak Bones) 6. Hawkeye(Hair doesn't match and he should have gotten an actual arrow holder) 7. The Mandarin(Needs a much better face and now beard piece) 8. The Dark Knight Batman( Should have black Armor instead of Grey) 9. Bane(Mask should be printed all the way around his hear) 10. Captain America(He's pretty good, but I feel like he should have gotten a helmet so you could have a Steve Rogers Head) Thanks for Reading!
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Sadly no, it's just to the fact that Marvel has much more important stuff going on at the moment that I think they would want lego to make sets about. I have to agree with many by the way, about the lack of large sets in the superhero theme. This I believe is mainly due to the imbalance of DC and Marvel at the moment as DC has very little coming out, while Marvel has 2 MCU movies coming out every year as well as some other material. Hopefully in time we'll get to see some larger sets. Next year I believe we'll get a 70$ DC and Marvel set, but a large 160$ Marvel Exclusive set. Although 2014 will probally not bring us the massive sets weere looking for, just wait until 2015 when we have the all the Superhero moveis being released, I think at that point the Superhero's theme will start to evolve into what the Star Wars Theme is now.
Customized (painted/modified) Iron Man Armors - Hall of Armor + HulkBu
This is such a great MOC becauseBatman! All of your hard work has really paid off. I personally think your new design model will be even better than this one. Great Job
- Iron Men: Every current film armor in minifig form
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Accuracy comes at a price I guess, but I feel like lego could have made the ship some what more compacted since I looks really blocky and the cockpit is way to big. I like the minifigs though, to bad lego didn't have helmets for Obi-Wan or the Nikto Guard, but there still nice. A pass for me since there's not much it offers other than the minifigs.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
That's really upsetting to me that the Iron Patriot will be a Pre-Order Exclusive Minifig. I was really hopeful lego would take the opportunity to save the Iron Patriot for a large Lego Exclusive based off the final battle in Iron Man 3 that came with some more Iron Man Suits, some Extermis Soilders and the Iron Patriot. Sadly lego just doesn't seem to excatly care or think about these options so now half off the people hoping to get an Iron Patriot won't are will have to pay an absurd price for it. I'm pretty excited about the Jor-El minifig being real though s it's something new that is a really good exclusive minifig choice for lego. Even though I doubt I'll be getting it, it's still a good minifig that is original.
- Iron Men: Every current film armor in minifig form
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
I really don't know what to think of this minifig, because part of me thinks it's real since you wouldn't usually find such a minifig in a bag like that on ebay. The other part of my mind tells me that it's a fake since, after looking at images of Jor-El from Man of Steel, he looks nothing like that and doesn't even bare the "S" symbol on his shirt. I think it's real though and maybe it's going to be June promotion minifig like the Iron Man minifig will be in May. Only time will tell though. That's pretty interesting as I takle it as a little sign form lego that we'll be getting one more Iron Man 3 set at some point since I assume the lab will be able to display all the Iron Man suits. Hopefully we get a large Lego Exclusive Iron Man 3 Final Battle Set with the main characters and some more Iron Man suits.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
I couldn't agree more, but I still think we'll get a Thor 2 set later this year. Hopefully though, we'll see some 3 Captain America Sets, 2 Guardians of the Galaxy sets and 1 Large Iron Man 3 Lego Exclusive set with the Iron Patriot for Marvel and 4 Batman sets, 1 Flash set and 1 Green Lantern set for DC. Regardless of how good 2014 will be, I think we can expect the best year of Super Hero sets to come in 2015 since we got Avengers 2, Ant Man and Justice League coming out.
Future Star Wars Sets
I don't know if anyonehas noticed, but there is a new lego short movie on their website now that shows holographic images of a TIE Interceptor so hopefully this is a little hint form lego that we'll be getting one next year. If so, hear are my predictions on how it turn out... -Imperial TIE Interceptor: TIE Pilot, Admirial Piett, Imperial Protocal Droid, TIE Display Stand-39.99$ Thanks for Reading!
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