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The Brickvenger

Banned Outlaws
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  1. Hi I'm new to Eurobricks. I've heard mixed things about the service. I've heard lots of my AFOL friends say that they really like Eurobricks and I was told by a couple that they had problems with it. I wanted to try it out for myself and finally take a food hold on the Lego community. (Most of what I heard has been positive and that they've had good discussions)
  2. Ya I thought Grant was supposed to be in one of these sets. I didn't know there was a $140 set left to be revealed. What do you mean? I'll take Grant and a goat 🐐
  3. I thought we saw all of the new Jurassic World sets, unless I'm wrong. I'm excited that Alan Grant, Ian Malcolm, and Ellie Sattler are returning in Jurassic World Dominion. This movie looks great 👍
  4. That Bricks and Pieces haul is impressive and I love all the figures and accessories. I use the service all the time to get cheap pieces, I've also tried using pick a brick as well and it's pretty good
  5. Thanks for letting me know 😊 I'm new to Eurobricks "Hello There"- Obiwan Kenobi
  6. You can't really do a Shreaking Shack without the werewolf Lupin, so that makes me really happy. I read the description, but it sounded strange. Fenrir has never really been seen inside The Ministry before, so that makes sense that it could be a mistake on PromoBricks part. They sounded uncertain about that. The rumor list also says that there's Dementors in The Ministry set along side Umbrige, that really reminds me of DH part 1. Maybe Harry, Ron, and Hermione are new poly juice potion variants like the bathroom last year, that would be cool When are we going to get the official summer set pictures? Late April? Personally the carriage set reminds me too much of Grindelwald's Escape, so I might skip that one. Shrieking Shack and The Ministry are both must haves in my opinion and are sets that I've dreamed of having in my collection. The Dark Tower sounds decent, but I'll have to wait and see if that one is worth that $50 price tag. Why is Ginny in that set? Not complaining about having that extra figure, but she wasn't in that scene. Dumbledore's office sounds great. What do they mean by the build being built at a 90 degree angle at the center? I hope it includes a long spiral staircase and a griffin statue to lead up to his office. The buildable Horntail is okay, kinda wish it was Buckbeak and a Niffler, but the dragon is still cool I guess. I wonder what the $470 set is, could it be Gringotts or Grimmauld Place? Also what is the $120 set, is that going to release later as a retailer exclusive, is that why we don't know anything about it? Hopefully it's a Durmstrang Ship with The Black Lake
  7. Sorry if this question and topic has already been discussed, but do you know if Lego is planning on releasing any Obiwan Kenobi sets based off the Disney Plus show releasing in the spring? I really like that Duel on Mustafar set from 2020. Also I'm trying to decide if I should get the new Boba Fett palace, because I've always wanted Jabba's palace and I've heard lots of people have found the set early at Costco for $80 instead of $100.
  8. The Brickvenger started following lego_guyon02
  9. I've seen the leak of Thor today based off of the new Thor L&T on Instagram. I think that it was Jane Foster Mighty Thor that leaked earlier and Valkyrie's hair piece. I hope we get L&T pictures soon, because they release in April I believe. From what I heard from T and N Bricks, the Infinity Saga Minifigure Pack releases on April 1st 2022. I think we should be seeing that accessory set soon. I hope Lego Gorr The God Butcher looks just has amazing as these leaked Thor figures. That makes sense, I wasn't sure if the Sanctum was supposed to be released before or after Multiverse of Madness. Is the new Sanctum based on Doctor Strange 2, or is it based on multiple sanctum appearances in past films. I know there's supposed to be at least 3 Strange minifigures in the Lego exclusive Sanctum
  10. These Harry Potter Summer 2022 rumors are exciting! I'm really excited for The Shrieking Shack and The Ministry of Magic out of all the sets. Dumbledore's office also sounds promising. A larger Dumbledore's office is much needed and that original set from the early 2000's was always a classic. Also some people are saying that the Ministry might be Deathly Hallows based, is that true? I thought it was based off of the climax of The Order of The Phoenix, because Lego doesn't like film 7&8. Do you think The Shrieking Shack will have werewolf Lupin or the grim for Sirius? It's been so long since we've seen that set and I've always wanted to have it in my collection
  11. I don't have any inside information, but I would assume that the rumor list should be posted sometime in the next couple of weeks. I'm pretty sure we got some of the Lego Star Wars rumors from PromoBricks also. The Harry Potter rumors today were pretty satisfying, I'm really excited to see more Marvel information though. When do you think we'll get pictures of the new Sanctum, Infinity Saga Minifigure set, and Thor Love and Thunder sets? The summer sets will also be interesting, I'm not sure if we know which are Marvel or DC yet
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