- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Lego City 2024
Depending on how the rest of the sub theme turns out, I may very well get the whole thing. I like that they are going far more sci-fi after last years sets were made directly in correlation with NASA. I am worried about the sheer amount of space it looks like the space station will take up though. I wish they had used the ring's budget to instead create a few different transition modules to really optimise the modularity of the set. Hopefully other sets in the wave will use the same system.
Super Mario 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
A cheap set with Bowser in it? I don't have any of the other Mario Sets, but sign me up for one of those!
Marvel Superheroes 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Exactly, the problem is is that the minifigures are the things we have the most concrete images of, so naturally that's what people will focus on. The rest of the images are still fuzzy enough that a lot can be left to the imagination.
Marvel Superheroes 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
That’s weird. One thing I’ll say is that it’s weird that on both this and the bugle, the characters who are most associated with the buildings aren’t on the front of the box in minfig form. That feels like a major flaw in the packaging.
Marvel Superheroes 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
The reason for that is that they were displaying the figures for each film represented in the set. This box contains both Chitari and Ultron, meaning it isn’t bothering with that, so what we see is probably what we get. (I don’t think the bugle had any missing figures, did it?)
Marvel Superheroes 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
If they did this, I would want to see something where the explosion includes all of the parts necessary to build it intact, like with the Bugle.
Marvel Superheroes 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Really interesting how every Marvel set this wave is a semi display piece. All of them look really good. the endgame and NWH final battles are both going to have to be must buys, and the groot gimmick is super clever, although I'm still not sure on it's target audience. I also note they are getting their milage out of that portal build.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Sets are leaking right now. Yavin 4: Pretty sure it's 4+ or 6+ so because it looks very simple and is on the same page as the 4+ sets. Yoda's Starfighter: Very Squat, as it should be. Vaughn and 332nd Swamp Speeder: looks good but that price... for that? It's from either an instruction manual or a catalogue. Whelp... Just the September sets to go.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Honestly this was received far better than I expected. I'll probably pick up 2 of the stormtrooper ones on sale, cause I kind of like the idea of have giant generic stormtroopers. Boba looks great, but Vader feels more like an afterthought than anything. He desperately needs some sort of cape to fill him out.
Jurassic Park/World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
She's spring green, so take that as you will.
Marvel Superheroes 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
19th of may for US, I think. 2 weeks.
LEGO Monkie Kid 2023
Want to point out that the guards for the palace have lobster and crab heads. That is all.
Lego Dreamzzz 2023
Is it just me, or do these sets really feel like Lego Movie sets, with the way they fuse things together to create absurd things. I mean, the theme even has a 2 in 1 feature similar to the original movie's transformations of ordinary settings into battle machines. I'm starting to think that themes like this might be an outlet for the designers to really get creative in comparison to the usual vehicles, animals and locations that come up over and over again. I'll definitely get Z-Blob, but I need to see the Ninjago sets before I make any other decisions.
Marvel Superheroes 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I didn't miss it, it's just that it's really no longer an issue for them. we live in a world were Iron man, captain America, Thor and even Star-lord get new faces every second year. I will admit though, after looking at the alternate expression it does fit far better than I thought.
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