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  1. Hey @jasoriab, thank you for the kind words, I'm glad you like it! Of course here are some more closeup photos of the stand and cargo door. The stand is built using studs on side construction. The left side holds the folded-out landing gear while the right side latches onto the closed landing-gear panel of the Razorcrest. One thing to note though is that the 1x4 bricks on the small legs and the 1x6 bricks on the long legs of the stand are under very slight stress. I don't mind it as the bricks have enough tolerance to not get hurt too much, but if this is a no-go for you, you'd probably want to exchange them for technic liftarms L3 and L5 and figure out a way of doing it with those instead. https://imgur.com/a/LgwCVk2
  2. Thank you all so much for the positive feedback! Glad you like it too @Jerac and maybe inspires you for an update. I put together some images to illustrate the engine mod below. It is not the sturdiest design during building it but once everything is assembled it holds together reasonably well, especially for a display model. Have fun building! :) I made a small misplacement while rebuilding this (the 1x2 plate and hinge are 1 stud off in the beginning, I marked up the mistake). In the later pictures on the second page it's fixed.
  3. jasoriab started following bobs_cycle_shop
  4. First and foremost the biggest thank you to Jerac and Brickvault for giving us the opportunity to build this intricate, detailed, huge and in most parts accurate and definately beautiful Moc! I loved every second of building it. So many ingenious building techniques, the way you made this large model so sturdy and how you managed to capture the studless metal plating look of the in-universe craft is really showing your skill as a builder/designer and also as a construction manual creator. While I was very happy with most aspects of the model, I wanted to work on some areas, namely the engine intakes, the angle of the lower back, the cargo ramp in the back, the detailing on the side doors , the rear part of the cannons and the actually asymmetrical yellow markings on the side walls. Additionaly I wanted to add some weathering to make the ship look a bit more bumped up and visually interesting as nothing in the old era star wars is really pristine looking. The engine intakes were my main focus as I just didn't like the understud look and the visible tube from the original design. @Lfm55 's version gave me some ideas so i basically took the design with the 1x1 cheeseslopes and the inner intake but came up with my own design for the cone to make it more smooth with less gaps and in my opinion a bit more accurate. I am very happy with how this turned out. The other bigger modification was the lower back. looking at reference pictures, I figured the angle on the original design was a bit too steep. And as i was redesigning that area already, I also reworked the cargo camp to be actually framed by the backwall and I added some fake actuators asweel. I know the ramp is now too small but this was my personal preference. Thanks again to Jerac for this awesome model. I absolutely love to look at it everyday with it standing next to my work-desk.
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